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How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Posted January 20, 2008 at 3:33pm by iClarified
Currently the iPhone SMS Alert vibrates for about .4 of a second. Barely long enough to feel it. You can make it vibrate longer by following these easy steps.

You can find a Mac version of this tutorial here:
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer

Step One
Click to launch WinSCP from your list of Programs.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Two
Enter your iPhone's IP Address in the Host Name: field. Enter root into the User name field. Enter alpine or dottie in the Password field. Now click the Login button.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

If you do not know you iPhone's IP Address you can find it here:
How to Find the IP Address of Your iPhone

Step Three
If asked to add the host key to cache click the Yes button.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Four
Once WinSCP logs into your iPhone click Open Directory/Bookmark from the Remote:Go To Menu.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Five
Enter /System/Library/Frameworks/Celestial.framework/ into the Open directory field. Then click the Ok button.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Six
WinSCP will go to the Celestial.framework directory. Drag SystemSoundVibrationPatterns.plist from the right pane to the left pane.

If a message box pops up click the Copy button to begin copying the file.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Seven
Open your web browser and navigate to:
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

NOTE***: This link converts the plist from binary to text. Thanks to Snowbird for providing this link. If you have already done this once before then there is no need to do it again.

Step Eight
Click the Browse button and select the file you just downloaded from the iPhone (SystemSoundVibrationPatterns.plist). Then click the Open button.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Nine
Back on the webpage click the Convert button.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Ten
If prompted whether to open or save click the Save button.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Eleven
Navigate to the location we open the file from originally then click the Save button.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Twelve
You will be notified that the file already exists. Click the Yes button to overwrite the binary version with the newly converted text version.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Thirteen
Back in WinSCP right click the SystemSoundVibrationPatterns.plist file in the left pane and select Open With from the popup menu.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Fourteen
From the popup window that appears select the Wordpad program and click the Ok button.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Fifteen
Wordpad will open SystemSoundVibrationPatterns.plist. Notice that under the Default key you see OffDuration, OnDuration, and TotalDuration.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Sixteen
Change OnDuration to a longer value. I set it to 1.4 instead of .4, increasing it by 1.0. Then add the same amount you added to OnDuration to the TotalDuration number. I set it to 1.5 increasing it by 1.0.

A setting of 1.4 will make your phone vibrate for around 1.4 seconds.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Ten
Select Save from the File Menu.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Eleven
Now back in WinSCP drag SystemSoundVibrationPatterns.plist from the left pane to the right pane.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

It will ask you to confirm the copy. Click the Copy button.
How to Make iPhone SMS Alert Vibrate Longer Using Windows

Step Twelve
Reboot your iPhone to see the changes take effect !

A big thanks goes out to one4house, fabiopigi, and Snowbird for figuring this stuff out!
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Comments (18)
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Knightblader - June 29, 2010 at 4:01pm
Will this work with iOS4?
Conspiracy - August 7, 2010 at 6:45pm
This works on iOS4. BUT it will make the mail alert also vibrate longer!
Rollo Martins
Rollo Martins - August 8, 2010 at 3:39am
Use the asVibra or asVibra2 app (Google helps to install/add the source to Cydia, asVibra2 gives you three short vibras instead of a long one). It does exactly the same thing, just automatically. There is an OS4 version available, too.
dvwrvc - May 6, 2010 at 7:57pm
Gabe - July 31, 2009 at 10:41pm
My file wasn't located in the directory stated in the tutorial. But I was able to find it using a search function in a different FTP program. For those of you having problems finding the file, try looking here: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Celestial.framework Also, I wasn't able to get any web based .plist converters to work. But this downloadable (free) program worked like a charm: http://www.ipodrobot.com/download.htm Choose "plist Editor for Windows (Freeware)". Just open the .plist file, make your changes, and save. Hope this is helpful.
Brad - June 21, 2009 at 10:46pm
What is the password for the iphone 3Gs with the new 3.0 OS?
James - June 5, 2009 at 7:34pm
Im getting this error please help!!!!!!! Cannot get real path for '/System/Library/Frameworks/Celestial.framework'. No such file or directory. Error code: 2 Error message from server: No such file Request code: 16
Kevin Jones
Kevin Jones - February 8, 2009 at 11:01am
The location in the hack says that it is under System\Library\Frameworks\Celestial.... That doesn't exist on my iPhone. I found the file but it was under a different folder.
Bill - August 30, 2012 at 7:59pm
i didn't find the file in this folder either, so i searched using winSCP and i found it under /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaToolbox.frameworks I'm using an iphone 3gs on 5.1.1 (jailbroken)
Bacon - October 16, 2008 at 9:09am
Snowbird's convert script has been down for some time. Here is a new interface to the utility... It's not my tool, I'm just linking on to save people time searching! http://lesterchan.net/plutil/index.php
Rollo Martins
Rollo Martins - July 31, 2008 at 6:24am
See http://www.sendowski.de/2008/07/24/iphone-notesde-goes-cydia/ for a software solution for this problem which works also on 2.0.
Eugene Lim
Eugene Lim - March 11, 2008 at 12:08am
Hi I like to say thanks for the tip and now the vibration is so much better. I would also like to know if someone can e-mail me or verify the information below, taken from the same 'converted' file is correct as I accidentally changed the wrong values. Thanks once again. RingerSwitchIndication Intensity 1 OffDuration 0.10000000000000001 OnDuration 0.40000000000000002 TotalDuration 0.5
Tino - January 28, 2008 at 9:54pm
Leslie, Did you have Openssh installed? It must be installed for WinSCp to work and connect to iphone.
Tino - January 28, 2008 at 9:52pm
I'm on jb1.1.2 and it works fine for me using the procedure with WinSCP4.06 with OpenSSH install, of cause.
Leslie - January 27, 2008 at 3:39pm
When I try to connect to my phone using WinSCP, I get an error that the connection timed out. This happens every time I try.
iClarified Support
iClarified Support - January 22, 2008 at 2:07pm
Open the file and make sure its not a text file already!
rdawodu - January 21, 2008 at 9:32pm
it doesnt convert the file for me, i keep trying but it doesnt work.
ekan - January 21, 2008 at 12:53pm
thx :D
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