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iPhone Dev-Team Releases RedSn0w 0.9 Final [Update x2]

iPhone Dev-Team Releases RedSn0w 0.9 Final [Update x2]

Posted January 31, 2010 at 9:33pm by iClarified
The iPhone Dev-Team has released RedSn0w 0.9, a cross-platform jailbreaking, unlocking, and customizing tool for iPhones and iPod touches. This version adds support for the iPod touch 3G as well as IPCC tethering.

How is it different from blackra1n?
- It offers custom logos and verbose boot
- It installs Cydia, afc2, and the IPCC tethering hack without needing separate downloads. Because they're all installed in one go, redsn0w doesn't need the multiple levels of installs that blackra1n requires.
- It uses their original Pwnage bootrom exploit for iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, and iPod 1G. (Because it's a bootrom exploit, it can't be fixed by Apple without a new hardware release.) Note that redsn0w 0.9 does use the USB exploit for iPhone 3GS and iPod 2G+3G running 3.1.2, but that exploit will be fixed in Apple's next FW release.

What is the IPCC tethering hack?
It allows you to install cellphone Carrier Bundles that aren't officially signed by Apple. This lets you, for instance, install a Carrier Bundle that allows you to use your iPhone as a way to connect your PC to the internet (through your 3G cell connection).

Remember if you have a late-model iPhone 3GS, or if you have an iPod touch 2G whose serial number begins with “MC”, or any iPod touch 3G, you can use redsn0w to jailbreak but you are currently restricted to “tethered” rebooting. That means you need to connect your device to a computer to complete the boot after a reset.

Now that RedSn0w is out of beta we will be posting tutorials shortly.

RedSn0w 0.9.1 has been released. It temporarily removes the IPCC hack which was causing problems with the 0.9 release.

[UPDATE x2]:
RedSn0w 0.9.2 has been released to fix an issue with Cydia not opening properly.

You can download the latest versions here:
- Windows
- Mac

Our Mac Tutorials can be found here:
- iPhone 3GS
- iPhone 3G
- iPhone 2G

Our Windows Tutorials can be found here:
- iPhone 3GS
- iPhone 3G
- iPhone 2G

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iPhone Dev-Team Releases RedSn0w 0.9 Final [Update x2]
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Comments (26)
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Myke - February 1, 2010 at 8:59am
thanks i already try the ff: DFU, hard reset, soft reset, recovery etc. the phone is unresponsive plain black screen of death. i know how the methods work for jailbreaking and unlocking this is the 4th iphone that i tried to jb and unlock but this time something went wrong and i dunno what and why? i also gave the right answer coz iknow my model or serial number for bootroom, baseband etc. i just dont understand why it went dead.
Myke - February 1, 2010 at 5:20am
hello i really need some serious help here, last night i jailbroked my iphone 3gs using redsn0w 0.9 and now it wont even turn on, blackscreen and very dead. i already try a hard reset, DFU, recovery and nothing happens.. it just trun into plain black dead screen. please help
kevin - February 1, 2010 at 7:35am
Connect your iphone to your computer.....pressed and hold home botton for 1 minute or so....the ihpnoe will turn on in to recovery mode.Good luck
PowerCrack - February 1, 2010 at 8:43am
you need to do following steps 1. put your iphone into DFU, if you dont know how, check it on youtube 2. restore your iphone into original status 3. download redsn0w 0.9.2 (the latest version) and jailbreak it again. 4. backup your iphone 5. done
royec - February 14, 2010 at 11:36am
I have the same problem, please tell me if you got a solution
woshi - February 1, 2010 at 1:59am
Meh.. aren't they said it has been tested before it got released.. joking!!!!!
jedi - January 31, 2010 at 10:10pm
mehhhhh,after two restores later!!!
Tony - January 31, 2010 at 5:49pm
now it wont even leave that screen so cant even restore.
11d8dd8 - January 31, 2010 at 6:24pm
I have same issue... I going back to blackrain... freaking took my 2 hours still not working... I have to do DFU mode several times.. to go back to dfu (restore mode). So far I think blackrain is an easiest hacking soft...
Tony - January 31, 2010 at 6:47pm
well i will wait till the tutorials come out till i try again... I'm no geek. and Myspace requires 3.1.2
Tony - January 31, 2010 at 7:31pm
just did black rain. worked in no time...
Al - February 1, 2010 at 5:07am
same here now its just stuck on the reboot screen used the 3.0 ispw too =/
PowerCrack - February 1, 2010 at 8:47am
read the instruction carefully, before you action on your iphone. I believe you gave a wrong answer, thats why you keep your iphone fail. remember that, newer model iPhone answer yes, nor no.
Tony - January 31, 2010 at 3:55pm
Every time i do this my phone hangs up on reboot at the little white apple. and hangs forever..
darksss - January 31, 2010 at 2:30pm
Anyone been able to run it on windows 7 or vista? I have tired changing the compatibility mode and run as administrator, none seem to work.
eFish - January 31, 2010 at 2:07pm
No quite ready for Window7 as it stops running. Maybe the documemtation will say something different.
Raul - January 31, 2010 at 1:13pm
I have an jailbreaken Iphone 3g with 3.0 and Modem Firmware 04-26-08 if i use Itunes to upgrade to 3.1.2 will it also upgrade the Modem Firmware? if it does is there a way to unlock it?
PowerCrack - January 31, 2010 at 3:25pm
yes when you use iTunes to upgrade your iPhone to official firmware, baseband will be upgrade also, but if your baseband will be locked, that depends on your iPhone, some manufactory unlocked iPhone will NOT be locked, after upgrade. to unlock your iPhone in the latest firmware, you need to jailbreak your iPhone with redsn0w and install blacksn0w from cydia to unlock your baseband.
Phil - February 1, 2010 at 6:45am
I have the same Q. The tuorial here on iC states that I need to upgrade first the FW to 3.1.2 but then I assum it also upgrades my modem FW which is currenty at v4.46. Once upgraded I learn now that I can use redsn0w but would assume that with the new modem FW I can only have the thethered jailbreak/unlock? Right now I am unlocked with ultrasn0w but would like to go to 3.1.2... BTW, I have an 'older' iPhone 3GS from week 26 or so
Phil - February 1, 2010 at 9:19am
Thanks, PowerCrack? But where come the tethered part come into the game? Or the 'old'/'new' 3GS version? As I said my 3GS is defintely 'old', week 24. When I follow your description, do I still have to jailbreak each time my battery dies or I (need to) restart the phone?
Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson - January 31, 2010 at 1:09pm
useless mind since geohot deserted us iPhone users for ps3 or holidaying we with the new iPhone boot rom are left with no jailbreak thanks
Tom - January 31, 2010 at 2:33pm
I'd ask for my money back.......Oh wait.....
JT Sullivan
JT Sullivan - January 31, 2010 at 11:00pm
Tom, that hurt harsh my funny bone! Ouch!
Ramses - January 31, 2010 at 11:33am
i'd like real unlock w/o jailbreak. One that some carriers offer like Optus in Australia for example. So after 3 years it is not and possible on ihpne 3g/3gs ? B/c all that sn0w is just a hack/crack and causes very few legit apps not to work as should
fenrry - January 31, 2010 at 11:02am
So if I have to install a package from Cydia and the phone needs to reboot I'll have to keep the phone connected to the pc and itunes? >> Newer iphone with the MC serial.
d rock
d rock - January 31, 2010 at 10:54am
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