l iPhone Dev-Team ha sacado a la luz RedSn0w 0.9, una multiplataforma para jailbreakear, liberar, y una herramienta de personalización para iPhones y iPod touches. Esta versión añade un soporte para el iPod touch 3G como también una IPCC tethering.
En que se diferencia de blackra1n? -Redsn0w ofrece personalización de logos en el inicio (boot) - Este instala Cydia, afc2,y el IPCC que es como una atadura,sin tener que hacerlo por descargas separasdas. Porque se instalan todos a la vez , redsn0w no necesita de multiples liveles de instaklación que el blackra1n requiere.
- Este usa el original exploit de Pwanage (bootrom) para el iPhone 2g, iPhone 3g y el ipod 1g. (Como es un exploit bootrom eeste no puede ser arreglado por Apple sin que este realize una nueva versión de su hardware.) Notese que redsn0w 0.9 requiere del USB exploit para iPhone 3GS y iPod 2G+3G para poder correrlo en el 3.1.2, pero este exploit sera arreglado por Apple en el proximo FW .
Que es el IPCC tethering hack? Este te permite a ti instalar carriers de compañias de celular que no estan oficialmente firmados por apple. Esto te da la oportunidade de instalar un pack de carriers que te permitaran usar tu iPhone, digamos como un modo para conectar tu PC al internet(Através de tu conexión 3G).
Recuerda que si tienes un modelo antiguo del iPhone 3GS, o si tienes un iPod touch 2G cuyo numero de serial empieze con MC, o cualquier modelo de iPod touch 3G, puedes usar redsn0w para el jailbreak pero por ahora esta restringido el "tethered"no lo podras reiniciar . Esto significa que necesitas conectar tu dispositivo a la computadora y completar el inico despues de un reset.
Ahora que RedSn0w ya no esta en Beta trataremos de de postear un tutorial. Mientras tanto puedes descargar Redsn0w 0.9 desde aqui: - Windows - Mac
thanks i already try the ff: DFU, hard reset, soft reset, recovery etc. the phone is unresponsive plain black screen of death. i know how the methods work for jailbreaking and unlocking this is the 4th iphone that i tried to jb and unlock but this time something went wrong and i dunno what and why?
i also gave the right answer coz iknow my model or serial number for bootroom, baseband etc. i just dont understand why it went dead.
hello i really need some serious help here, last night i jailbroked my iphone 3gs using redsn0w 0.9 and now it wont even turn on, blackscreen and very dead. i already try a hard reset, DFU, recovery and nothing happens.. it just trun into plain black dead screen.
please help
you need to do following steps
1. put your iphone into DFU, if you dont know how, check it on youtube
2. restore your iphone into original status
3. download redsn0w 0.9.2 (the latest version) and jailbreak it again.
4. backup your iphone
5. done
I have same issue... I going back to blackrain... freaking took my 2 hours still not working...
I have to do DFU mode several times.. to go back to dfu (restore mode).
So far I think blackrain is an easiest hacking soft...
read the instruction carefully, before you action on your iphone.
I believe you gave a wrong answer, thats why you keep your iphone fail.
remember that, newer model iPhone answer yes, nor no.
I have an jailbreaken Iphone 3g with 3.0 and Modem Firmware 04-26-08 if i use Itunes to upgrade to 3.1.2 will it also upgrade the Modem Firmware? if it does is there a way to unlock it?
yes when you use iTunes to upgrade your iPhone to official firmware, baseband will be upgrade also, but if your baseband will be locked, that depends on your iPhone, some manufactory unlocked iPhone will NOT be locked, after upgrade.
to unlock your iPhone in the latest firmware, you need to jailbreak your iPhone with redsn0w and install blacksn0w from cydia to unlock your baseband.
I have the same Q. The tuorial here on iC states that I need to upgrade first the FW to 3.1.2 but then I assum it also upgrades my modem FW which is currenty at v4.46. Once upgraded I learn now that I can use redsn0w but would assume that with the new modem FW I can only have the thethered jailbreak/unlock? Right now I am unlocked with ultrasn0w but would like to go to 3.1.2... BTW, I have an 'older' iPhone 3GS from week 26 or so
Thanks, PowerCrack? But where come the tethered part come into the game? Or the 'old'/'new' 3GS version? As I said my 3GS is defintely 'old', week 24. When I follow your description, do I still have to jailbreak each time my battery dies or I (need to) restart the phone?
i'd like real unlock w/o jailbreak.
One that some carriers offer like Optus in Australia for example.
So after 3 years it is not and possible on ihpne 3g/3gs ?
B/c all that sn0w is just a hack/crack and causes very few legit apps not to work as should
So if I have to install a package from Cydia and the phone needs to reboot I'll have to keep the phone connected to the pc and itunes? >> Newer iphone with the MC serial.