Fugu15 Max Jailbreak Beta Released for A12 - A15 Devices Running iOS 15 - 15.4.1
Posted March 30, 2023 at 4:32pm by iClarified
A new Fugu15 Max jailbreak for A12 - A15 devices running iOS 15.0 through iOS 15.4.1 has been released in beta. Developer @opa334dev announced the release earlier today.
Unfortunately, a leaked IPA forced the team to go live with the beta earlier than expected. When official, the jailbreak will have a different name.
Was supposed to be finished first but a leaked IPA was spreading like wildfire so we really did not have any choice. Thanks for reminding me that having upstream source of an unfinished jailbreak publicly available was not a good idea. Please don't grow too attached to the name "Fugu15 Max", the final jailbreak will have a different name. Use on your own risk, read release notes.
As this is an early beta, we recommend that only experienced users and developers attempt to install for now. The jailbreak is available via GitHub. It supports iPhone models from the iPhone XS to the iPhone 13.
Here are some important notes: ● Final jailbreak will have a different name ● Update debianutils before updating dash ● Use Ellekit deb here for now for tweak injection (repo soon) ● Userspace reboots are not supported ● You need to manually restart processes that you want stuff to inject to after jailbreaking ● Some stuff might not work correctly, don't expect stability, we can't currently estimate this until userspace rebooting is implemented and the whole system is hooked ● On 15.0 - 15.3.1, you need to disable wifi while jailbreaking ● Default password for root: alpine (you need to install openssh from package manager)
Rootless Notes: ● No existing non rootless package will work ● Repos and package maintainers have to add support for rootless https://theapplewiki.com/wiki/Rootless ● Barely any packages currently available
Credits: @evelyneee: Ellekit @Cryptiiiic: Various contributions @TheRealClarity: Various contributions @dhinakg: Various contributions @LinusHenze: Original Fugu15 project, various contributions @ProcursusTeam: Bootstrap @kirb: Zebra @elihwyma: Sileo