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How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Posted April 16, 2008 at 2:28pm by iClarified
Portuguese (Brazil)
These are instructions on how to filter your incoming calls and SMS messages using iBlackList for iPhone.

iBlackList allows your to create a blacklist or whitelist for filtering purposes. iBlacklist also features a scheduler which allows you to set the time of day iBlackList is active. The unregistered version of iBlackList allows you to filter 2 numbers. For unlimited numbers your must register. Please see the link at the end of this tutorial.

Step One
Please make sure you have iClarified added to your list of installer sources. To do this click here.

Step Two
Press to launch Installer from your SpringBoard.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Three
Press to select the Install tab at the bottom of the screen.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Four
Press to select iClarified from the list of Categories
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Five
Press to select iBlackList from the list of Packages
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Six
Press the Install button at the top right of the screen.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Seven
Press the large red Install button that appears.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Eight
You will be notified that you must restart iBlackList once install has been completed. Press the large OK button.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Nine
You will be returned to the Categories menu when installation is complete. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for 3 seconds until the Power slider appears. Move the slider to the right to power off your iPhone. Then press the Sleep/Wake button again to turn your iPhone back on.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Ten
From the SpringBoard press to launch your new iBlackList icon.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Eleven
You will be asked to enter a password. Input the number 1 and press the Confirm Access button.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Twelve
You will now be taken to the iBlackList home screen. Lets first move the Enabled switch to ON to enable iBlackList.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Thirteen
Now to add a number to our BlackList press the BlackList button.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Fourteen
Press the Add button at the top right to Add a number.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Fifteen
Here we can enter a contacts information in manually or press the Contacts button at the top right to input information from your phonebook.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Sixteen
Select a contact from your phone book and then select the phone number you would like to blacklist.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

The Display and Phone number fields will then be populated automatically. Press the Add to list button.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Seventeen
Notice the number is now added to your BlackList. Press the Back button at the top left to return to the iBlackList menu.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Eighteen
Scroll down and ensure Active Mode is set to BlackList. Note: if you want to setup a whitelist of course you would set active mode to WhiteList.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Nineteen
Press Settings Calls to modify the settings for call filtering. Here you can set the action to take when a filter call comes in. You can also enable or disable the call filter and set the preferences to save history, delete recent calls, filter restrict number, filter unknown number, show a status bar icon, and vibrate. Press the Save button at the top left hand corner when finished modifying the settings.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Twenty
We can also press Settings SMS to modify the filter options for SMS messages. Here you can enable or disable SMS filtering and set the preferences to save history, delete SMS upon receipt, filter unknown number, show a status bar icon, and vibrate. Press the Save button at the top left hand corner when finished modifying the settings.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Twenty One
You can press Scheduler from the main menu to set the iBlackList's operation schedule.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Press to select a day of the week and you can modify the hours iBlackList is enabled for that day.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Press the Save button at the top left to return to back to the iBlackList menu.

Step Twenty Two
Finally you can also change your password by pressing the Password button on the main menu. Enter a new password and then press the large red Save password button.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Twenty Three
You can now press the Home button to exit iBlackList. When ever you receive a filtered text or call you will notice an icon in your Status bar. Press to launch iBlackList from the SpringBoard.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Twenty Four
Press View History from the iBlackList menu.
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Step Twenty Five
You will now be able to view your filtered call or message and respond accordingly!
How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

How to Filter iPhone Calls and SMS Using iBlackList

Thanks goes to the iDevBrTeam (Daniel Antonio, Alexandre Kremer). You can visit their site to register iBlackList for a small fee. http://www.iBlackList.com.br
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Comments (172)
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Ruby - May 2, 2014 at 4:37am
What does it look like to the person who texts someone who has been blocked by iblacklist? Will it say "message not delivered" right away or will that person think that the text went through?
David Silver
David Silver - March 22, 2013 at 11:42am
can u add a filter in the sms text to block messages with pqrticular words. multiple messages wth different numbers. like we buy used cars. or message includes links to a viagra drug site
7695 - November 15, 2012 at 5:10pm
I forgot my iblacklist password, please help :(
Alex - November 29, 2012 at 9:16pm
The same with me, ant clue?,
sukhveer - October 16, 2012 at 1:53pm
i want to mail it to my friend so do you have its setup ....... mail me ssukhveer70@yahoo.com
jessica - September 28, 2012 at 7:24pm
hi ..i forgot my iblacklist password and i cant log into it .
Leena Raj
Leena Raj - September 19, 2012 at 3:39am
How can I stop getting email from iClarified.com
Ahmed Azim
Ahmed Azim - March 5, 2012 at 9:38pm
I have not receive my activation key for iblacklist which i have paid threw PayPal. please send me the key.
Spektro - December 23, 2011 at 10:19am
Spektro, AKA Alexandre, is not flavio almeida... And, if you didn´t get your refund, is because you activated the device... Impressive how some people like to receive things and then ask for refund. This application has a 10 days trial, so try it...
Duplaine - December 22, 2011 at 8:22pm
Please How can register iblacklist
alecs - September 15, 2011 at 10:01am
to 0009 i open the iblacklist.sqlitedb and find %%_tablefakeBehaviour bla bla , but above no password in number, just &,& . Any other solution for my lost password?
james - June 24, 2010 at 11:58pm
i just bought iblacklist but the problem , i cant change the restricted number option to disconnect the caller is all the just only 1 ring and busy tone already,i want to used no action set up ,but it wont work
Jan Drent
Jan Drent - May 4, 2010 at 2:57am
Have not recieved my activation key yet for iblacklist. Yesterday I paid with PayPal. Please send me the key. Thanks.
ian - February 2, 2010 at 2:51am
send email
Michael kidd
Michael kidd - December 15, 2009 at 7:47pm
I forgot my pass word, and I can't get into iblacklist
0009 - May 29, 2011 at 5:16pm
If forgot password for iblacklist Try this it will work Download ifile cracked from CYDIA. After installation go to /VAR/Mobile/Library/iblacklist there you will see iblacklist.sqliteb tap that file and u wil see option OPEN WITH select text viewer and then file wil be opened Got to bottom of the opened file Now look for '%%_tablefakeBehaviour bla bla Just above that you have your password in numbers ........... BINGO
alecs - September 15, 2011 at 10:12am
i open the iblacklist.sqlitedb and find %%_tablefakeBehaviour bla bla , but above no password in number, just &,& . Any other solution for my lost password?
Justin - December 3, 2009 at 12:02pm
Have not recieved my activation key yet iblacklist
Aleks - September 6, 2009 at 7:04am
can you tell me the activation key for version 3.0 2 ??? Please help, I really need this app... Thanks!
Spektro - July 14, 2009 at 7:38am
Mates, this thread here is really old. It´s from the 1.X firmware days. The iBlacklist software for 1.X firmware is no longer supported, since we are about to have the firmware 3.1 in a few days. PLEASE, for license problems, just contact support@iblacklist.com.br and/or sales@iblacklist.com.br I no longer will visit here, and if you need support, please do this: * Contact the e mail above * Or visit www.modmyi.com forums * Or post your request on the package comments tab present on Cydia PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM MAILBOX OR JUNKMAIL BOX SINCE OUR E MAILS TO YOU MAY HAVE BEEN CLASSIFIED AS SPAM !!! WE DO DELIVER WHAT YOU PAID FOR. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS, CONTACT US IN THE E MAIL ADDRES ABOVE
Shikema Siiolkjier
Shikema Siiolkjier - July 13, 2009 at 5:59am
I have purchased iBlacklist, however, no activation key! Please help!
Spektro - July 14, 2009 at 7:35am
Mates, this thread here is really old. It´s from the 1.X firmware days. The iBlacklist software for 1.X firmware is no longer supported, since we are about to have the firmware 3.1 in a few days. PLEASE, for license problems, just contact support@iblacklist.com.br and/or sales@iblacklist.com.br I no longer will visit here, and if you need support, please do this: * Contact the e mail above * Or visit www.modmyi.com forums * Or post your request on the package comments tab present on Cydia
Mohammad - January 30, 2009 at 11:08pm
activation code please for ver 1.9.4
Jeeves - March 2, 2009 at 1:43pm
I've tried to email this company with no results - I see that many are not receiving their ACTIVATION codes. App looks awesom, but no/little support?
MONICA - December 2, 2008 at 11:56am
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