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iPhone 4 ما ذالت لا تنصح بشراء الـ  Consumer Reports

iPhone 4 ما ذالت لا تنصح بشراء الـ Consumer Reports

Posted July 16, 2010 at 7:31pm by iClarified

بالرغم من المؤتمر الصحفي الذي اقامته شركت ابل conference وجلسة الاسئلة والاجوبة الطويلة المدة حول مسألة استقبال الـ "اي فون 4" ,شركة الـكونسومر ريبورت ما ذالت لا تنصح بشراء الـجهاز

شركة الكونسومر ريبورت تعتقد بأن العرض الذي قدمته أبل free بتقديم غطاء هو خطوة اولى جيدة. على اي حال, أبل اشارة بان هذا ليس بحل لأمد بعيد, فقد ضمنت استمرار العرض حتى الثلاثون من شهر ايلول "سيبتمبر" فقط, ولم تشمل به الزبائن الذين ابتاعوا الاغطية من الباعة في السوق. نأمل بان تؤمّن أبل حل طويل الامد. فكما هو الحال عليه الان, الـ أي فون 4 لا يذال غير موصى به من قبلنا ولا ننصح بشرائه.

Read More [via MacRumors]

iPhone 4 ما ذالت لا تنصح بشراء الـ  Consumer Reports

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Comments (9)
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AJ - July 17, 2010 at 12:46pm
Once upon a time, CR meant something! Today, their reports, are interesting but their recommendations mean NOTHING! How about checking what they say about Toyota!!!! I bet you find they are HIGHLY recommended. Whoops!
H. Rivera
H. Rivera - July 19, 2010 at 12:21pm
I totally agree with AJ, CR have no credibility for their comment about the iPhone 4. I have mine and don't have any problem at all!! They at Consumer (Communism) Reports think that they have the last word... but not for me!!! And by the way, I don't buy Toyotas even though they recommend that crap!
speedfreak - July 16, 2010 at 11:01pm
i havent had not one single problem w my iphone 4. neither had my brother, wife or dad. so idk wtf everyone is bitching about
byronchurch - July 17, 2010 at 3:41am
So he can move on and create more magic goo goo for all of his lovely children . What he does best !
rpn - July 16, 2010 at 9:55pm
i bet consumer reports own and use the iphone 4 daily. small problems and they turn it into something huge and say not recommended. they are just trying to make themselve look good, that's all CR is doing now. iphone 4 is the best phone out there. there are problems with other smartphones too, and why recommend those?
Sandy Hoo
Sandy Hoo - July 16, 2010 at 9:13pm
As one of the Apple fans I will still buy iPhone 4, as the antenna issues is relatively fixed by iOS 4.0.1. iPhone 4 is the best for the next 12 to 24 months among smartphones in the market; none has come close. I have a 3G and 3Gs, and will buy iPhone 4 when it is available.
Lomisz - July 17, 2010 at 5:15pm
Yeah right, it's already way behind HTC Evo! In 12 month time you will be using it as a door stopper.
Marc M.
Marc M. - July 16, 2010 at 8:29pm
Verizon blows. It'll have to get fixed because apple would never want type of repuation. They make their products all 100% best they can. Im not stressing this because mostly everyone use a case on there iPhone.
mateen - July 16, 2010 at 9:46pm
Verizon is just as bad
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