February 11, 2025
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

Posted February 26, 2009 at 10:56pm by iClarified
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فيما يلي الإرشادات لإضافة صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون لتحسين الطباعة

الخطوة الأولى
قم بتشغيل سيديا من السبرينغ بورد.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة الثانية
إضغط على التبويب Sections في أسفل الشاشة.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة الثالثة
إضغط على Keyboards من القائمة.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة الرابعة
إضغط على 5-row QWERTY من القائمة.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة الخامسة
إضغط على زر Install في أعلى يمين الشاشة.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة السادسة
إضغط على زر Confirm في أعلى يمين الشاشة.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة السابعة
عند إنتهاء تركيب البرنامج بنجاح أضغط على زر Restart Springboard الكبير.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة الثامنة
بعد أن يتم إعادة تشغيل السبرينغ بورد إضغط على Notes لتشغيل برنامج notepad.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة التاسعة
قم بفتح ملاحظة لتفعيل لوحة المفاتيح. لا حظ أنه يوجد فقط أربعة صفوف في لوحة المفاتيح.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

إضغط على مفتاح Globe على يسار مفتاح المسافة. ستلاحظ وجود صف خامس من المفاتيح فوق الصفوف الأربعة الافتراضية.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

تخصيص الصف الخامس
يجب أن تقوم بتركيب برنامج 5-row QWERTY version 0.1-7 حتى تتمكن من تخصيص الصف الخامس للوحة المفاتيح. إن هذه النسخة غير متوفرة على سيديا أثناء كتابة هذا المقال; لكنها ستكون متوفرة خلال بضع ساعات :)

الخطوة الأولى
إنتقل إلى Settings من السبرينغ بورد.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة الثانية
إختر iKeyEx من قائمة الإعدادات
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة الثالثة
إختر 5-Row QWERTY من قائمة iKeyEx.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة الرابعة
إختر Layout من قائمة 5-Row QWERTY.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة الخامسة
يمكنك اختيار أحد الأنماط المختلفة للوحة مفاتيح الأيفون من هذه القائمة. إضغط على زر 5-Row QWERTY في أعلى يسار الشاشة للعودة إلى القائمة.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة السادسة
إضغط على Special Characters من قائمة5-Row QWERTY.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة السابعة
لاحظ وجود صف مفاتيح في أعلى النافذة. هذا هو الصف الخامس الحالي. إضغط على المفتاح الذي ترغب بتغييره.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة الثامنة
سيطلب منك تحديد الزر الذي تريد استبداله به. اختر المفتاح البديل.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

أخيراً إضغط على زر OK لإنهاء التعديل.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الخطوة التاسعة
لاحظ أنه تم استبدال المفتاح.
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

إذا قمت الآن بفتح لوحة المفاتيح في أي برنامج فإن الصف الخامس سيظهر!
كيف تضيف صف خامس من المفاتيح إلى لوحة مفاتيح الأيفون

الشكر***: نتوجه بالشكر الكبير إلى kennytm لبرمجة هذا البرنامج الرائع.

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Comments (33)
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asaadsaleh - November 12, 2009 at 2:53am
Hi brikz, you didn't tell us the name of the application and the source, i'm not able to add it to cydia. i have a 3G iphone on the 3.1.2 so I need the 5 keyboard to work thanks.
BRIKZ - November 13, 2009 at 10:51am
Hi Asaad, You can go to the website beyouriphone.com and look for ikeyex and/or 5row qwerty, you will need a webpage translator---google translate does fine---as it is in Italian...or you can add repo.beyouriphone.com in cydia and then look it for it that way the programs are under ikeyex 3 and 5 row qwerty keyboard Hope this helps and enjoy....
JaTT - November 9, 2009 at 6:40pm
Doesn't work with 3G 3.1.2...Make it work.someone.....
BRIKZ - July 29, 2009 at 11:26am
Saravana Ruby
Saravana Ruby - July 29, 2009 at 12:23am
I guess this doesn't work with OS 3.0
vimm - July 27, 2009 at 3:14pm
does 5th row qwerty keyboard worke with 3.0 ?
Saravana Ruby
Saravana Ruby - July 29, 2009 at 12:22am
I guess - this doesn't with with OS 3.0
Zuriat - March 11, 2012 at 3:55am
i concur ratteby seems to drain just by looking at it. but i keep in mind there [u]five[/u], count em, [u][i]five[/i][/u] chipsets with antennaes that keep this thing humming all day long — 3G, Edge (dual mode when it can't find 3G), GPS, 802.11g Wifi, and Bluetooth. i'm surprised i'm not seeing eggs fry on the smooth-backed body surface.i've seen the keyboard lag a bit, but mostly i'm noticing if you fill the thing up with the new 3rd party apps (and i'm just guessing this is the cause), and leave not much space on it, it becomes ag-go-niz-ing-ly sloooooow in doing anything. plus, prone to a full system crash and getting to see the black screen with the silver apple again and again. is anyone qa'ing these apps, or is software qa of any sort a thing of the past with most companies now?worse was the cluster-*F!* that was friday's 2.0 update that bricked my old iPhone for half a day while apple's iTunes servers went down for the count. sheez. they're releasing a new iPhone, they have a 4 6 million iPhone user base for the first gen. iPhones already, ya think apple & akamai (who servers up all of apple's downloads) might have done some IT work and gotten beefier servers, more fibre connections and done some load balancing before july 11th?? ya think?!?!and don't get me started on mobileme. wotta nightmare. first, their servers are up and down and none of the real new push services are to be seen for 3 or 4 days from release. as of monday, my iPhone, even when connected and syncing with my macbook iTunes, [u]still[/u] wasn't getting any of the contacts put in its address book. do you get that? i had an iPhone with [i][u]no[/u][/i] contacts in it, rendering it useless for anything but receiving calls. finally, somehow, the contacts got pushed to it. but since then, if i create calendar items on the iPhone, they don't get pushed/sync'd up to the cloud on the mobileme web site or back down to my iCal on my macbook. wotta crock.between bricking my iPhone for half a day friday and having no contacts all of monday, i believe apple or at&t or [i][u]somebody[/u][/i] owes me one full day of standard cell phone charges. word.it has been a release marred by a lack of thinking ahead of time. but that seems to be the american way these days. i gladly would have waited 2 more weeks for both the software update and the 3G iPhone if a bit more QA had been done on the 2.0 firmware, the apps, and the apple mobileme site to make the damn things mostly work from the get-go. they are already into their 3rd quarter on this release, so waiting 2 more weeks would not have mattered for their numbers this quarter that much. and i'd much rather have a far more stable release than this horse-puckey i've been put through.plus, it mars the fact that there are a lot of things to love about the new 2.0 firmware and yes, the 3G iPhone. i [u]love[/u] the AP News app., including it geo-locating me to give me local news stories. there is last.fm for it, but also pandora squeaks ahead with connectivity as it will load and stream play songs on 3G, not just Wifi (last.fm doesn't do well on 3G, it seems). there are so many apps to play with, i almost lose site of the fact that the device also has a bevy of extra storage podcasts, vids & music for me to listen to. oh, and it's my phone too! i keep forgetting that the more i play with the apps and browser. just wish these basic functionalities would get resolved soon!my grumbly 2 cents review on a friday morn. i'm waiting for mobileme support chat to start working so i can give those fine fellows a piece of my mind grumble rumble grumble
Aigerim - March 13, 2012 at 4:21am
By Dan Woods February 15, 2009 - 8:52 amI'm an Apple Apologist, but yes Battery Life is a concern.WRT Dimensions; it is a bit big, but crpoamed to other Smartphones, it is actually quite small. Compared to other Media Players and Portable Game Consoles it is minute.WRT The burglar system, it won't take long for someone to create an App or WebApp for the iPhone to solve that little problem… elegantly.Many people extol the virtues of the Blackberrys Unified Messaging, but like Mark (above) I prefer keeping my accounts separate.Ironically, before I got an iPhone, I never received MMS. Then suddenly, everyone tried to start sending them to me. Optus drops MMS messages sent to an iPhone account (rather than forward them to an email address, which would make more sense than Web Interfaces), and don't even notify via SMS any more.Overall, being an Apologist, I just make sure I have a charger wherever I go and remind friends to send MMSs to my email account (yes you can do that with most MMS clients). I'm happy with it.
Giulio - January 5, 2013 at 7:33am
Updating calendars is a bitch thuogh you have to admit and if your using it for work, you might have deadlines, meetings, interviews, work e.t.c. If you dont have much free time, why spend it organising yourself? I really love the fact you could update i-cal with your i-phone, I would be able to organise when theres nothing better to do, like sitting on the tube home.I have a macbook pro, but cant afford an i-phone lol and im not really sociable enough to need one.
BRIKZ - July 7, 2009 at 11:34pm
Anyone know when the developer is updating this? Also, anyone know what repo i need to get Little Waynes' "I'm ME" text message tone? i used to have it and now i don't where i got it from and want it back. thanks,
yipinglim - June 27, 2009 at 10:14am
At Step Nine, when I bring up the notes application, I do not see the Globe button next to the keyboard. I'm using OS 3.0 on an iPhone 3G. Can anyone provide any suggestions as to what might be wrong? Thanks.
spludge - July 7, 2009 at 11:15pm
It's developer says it doesn't work with 3.0 yet.
Yiping - July 7, 2009 at 11:19pm
Ah ok. Thanks!
Jumper - June 23, 2009 at 8:43am
Have downloaded the application (0.1-10) as per the instructions and on the surface everything looks good. I am using OS 3.0. However, when i select notes n press the globe all i get is the option to change languages not the 5th row. I have uninstalled and reinstalled but to no avail. Any suggestions pse. Many thanks
Voodoo - August 17, 2009 at 4:16pm
Hey same problem here. im on 3gs 3.0
Stone - March 5, 2009 at 1:31pm
Very nice ... working as it should. Thanks.
jeff z
jeff z - March 8, 2012 at 6:31pm
i need directions adding this 5th row keyboard. when i go to mix and match, how do you save that entry?? I downloaded the right keyboard but cant set it up properly in ikeyex
BRIKZ - March 4, 2009 at 12:49pm
I like the program in itself, but i still don't have the options to customize my 5th row. And i even downloaded the emoticons feature and there is a tab for that on the preferences ikeyex page but nothing there when it opens.
BRIKZ - March 5, 2009 at 1:49pm
Ok, works great now. Thanks Dev.
Constanze - March 11, 2012 at 12:51am
Greetings! Quick question that's cpomletely off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly? My weblog looks weird when viewing from my apple iphone. I'm trying to find a template or plugin that might be able to correct this issue. If you have any recommendations, please share. Cheers!
hardan - March 3, 2009 at 3:23pm
When I tried to change the caracters on the fifth row they just reseted to normal and the language i've selected resets to. someone got the same problem or someone that solved it? thank you
joerii - March 3, 2009 at 5:56pm
There's an update out now in cydia (0.1-8) So maybe that solves your problem?
Hardan - March 4, 2009 at 8:56am
Thats the one i had installed
joerii - March 2, 2009 at 10:49am
thanks coc! now it works, with your help ;)
joerii - March 1, 2009 at 6:26am
it's a really great thing for the iphone/ipod touch! but i want to change some buttons, i know that you need 0.1-7 to do that. and i have that 0.1-7 on my mac (i downloaded it from here: http://code.google.com/p/networkpx/downloads/list), but how do i get that on my iphone? thanks in advance!!
coc - March 1, 2009 at 3:09pm
You have to install hk.kennytm.iKeyEx-0.1-8.deb first To install both .deb files follow these instructions in http://redwolfberry.com/rupertgee/cydia/info/install_deb/
BRIKZ - February 27, 2009 at 4:04pm
I love this little tweak to the keyboard. It is so great not having to flip screens to put in digits, and other symbols. This ranks right up there with clippy and other great timesaver, ease of use fixes. BIG UPS TO THE DEV
CrossFireX - February 27, 2009 at 10:21am
For those of you who have problems, please read the tutorial properly. It says: CUSTOMIZE YOUR FIFTH ROW To customize the fifth row of your keyboard you must have 5-row QWERTY version 0.1-7 installed. At the time of writing this version hasn't made it in on Cydia; however, it should be up in a few hours :)
Mike L
Mike L - February 27, 2009 at 6:13am
When I go into iKeyEx settings, there are no options for me to customize the 5th row. It just shows International Keyboard (4) and then two trouble shooting options underneath. Any ideas?
CrossFireX - February 27, 2009 at 8:13am
In the tutorial you will see this text: CUSTOMIZE YOUR FIFTH ROW To customize the fifth row of your keyboard you must have 5-row QWERTY version 0.1-7 installed. At the time of writing this version hasn't made it in on Cydia; however, it should be up in a few hours :) Please read it and you will have an answer to your question :)
Syed - February 27, 2009 at 10:16am
I have the same issue
Max - March 3, 2009 at 4:26am
Can't see the fifth row Keyboard Settings, too. I do see the settings for hClipboard an some arabic (?) Keyboard I've never installed. Please help. :)
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