February 17, 2025
عمل جيل بريك للايفون ٣.١.٣ موجو اصلا للبعض المستخدمين

عمل جيل بريك للايفون ٣.١.٣ موجو اصلا للبعض المستخدمين

Posted February 2, 2010 at 5:13pm by iClarified

اعلنت مجموعه ايفون ديف انه عمل جيلبريك الايفون الجيل الثاني والثالث والايبود تتش الجيل الاول موجود اصلا

شكرا للمغمرين من خلال تجاربهم وخبرتهم على هذا التعليق نستطيع ان نؤاكد انه بالامس مجموعخ رد سنو عملت على التحديث رقم ٣.١.٣ للايفون الجل الثاني من التحديث السابق ٣.١.٢ بعد التحديث واعادته للتحديث ٣.١.٣

نستطيع ان نؤاكد ان الطريقه تعمل على الايفون الجيل الثال والايبود الجيل الاول ايضا.لاكن لا تعمل بها للايفون الجيل الثالث اذا اذا ارت الغاء التشفير للموبايل (لا تستعملها فعلا)للايبود تتش القديم الجيل الثاني تحتاج لتغير بسيط في الحروف في مصدر الرد سنو

ملاحظه - تحذير لا تقترب من هذه الطريقه اذا كنت تملك الجيل الثالث اس او ايبود تتش من الجيل الثاني او الثالث

لذا بختصار التحديث امن للاشخاص اللذين يملكون ايفون من الجيل الثاني والايبود تتش من الجيل الاول واللذين يملكون الجيل الثالث اللذين لايهمهم فك تشفير للشركه الاتصالات ويستطيعون التحديث

عمل جيل بريك للايفون ٣.١.٣ موجو اصلا للبعض المستخدمين
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Comments (15)
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S.G - April 20, 2010 at 7:58pm
want redsn0w 0.94 dl
;kljn - April 16, 2010 at 7:55pm
Nodnarb - February 11, 2010 at 1:20pm
I tried to use both redsn0w .0.9.4 and 0.9.3 to jailbreak my already unlocked iphone 2g. It looks like it worked but then my phone just gets stuck with a blank screen at the end. Help please! PS, I'm doing this on a Vista machine. Thanks.
sarvary70 - February 4, 2010 at 7:43pm
Hi everyone!! I was trying to jailbreak the iphone 3G with firemwear 3.1.3 was update with itunes but it was jailbreak before. When I tried everything goes well but when the redsn0w says please wait for reboot the iphone never reboot, Any idea will be appreciated.
whyrlez - February 3, 2010 at 7:10pm
I also was able to jailbreak to 3.1.3. First I used the 3.1.3 ipsw during restore, then after launching redsnow, I used the 3.1.2 ipsw. At first I thought it wil be 3.1.2 that will reflect but after the jailbreak process has finished, i check my iphone 2g and it showed it was updated in 3.1.3 version.
Unicity7 - February 3, 2010 at 6:37pm
OK. I figured it out and It worked for me.iPhone 2g unlocked on 3.1.3. Yay.
Unicity7 - February 3, 2010 at 6:21pm
on iphone 2g
Unicity7 - February 3, 2010 at 6:20pm
i I tried to restore with 3.1.3 and now redsnow doesn't recognize ispw. It wouldn't open 3.1.2. Can anyone help me??????
cruisin - February 3, 2010 at 9:37pm
hey during jailbreak process, just select firmware 3.1.2 and it jailbreak your iphone 2g even if it has a 3.1.3 firmware
PARAS - February 3, 2010 at 7:32am
Successfully upgraded, unlocked and jailbreaked my 2g to 3.1.3
Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson - February 2, 2010 at 6:09pm
stavros jailbroke the 3gs on 3.1.3 already but cannot release because other hackers just take.credit
dt - February 2, 2010 at 11:46pm
PROOF or it is just talk.
Christopher Amrhein
Christopher Amrhein - February 3, 2010 at 2:02pm
I need to unlock an iphone 3g because of an accidental upgrade of the modem firmware, now its 5.12 but its still jilbroken help
alloutdoor - February 3, 2010 at 2:10pm
Hey I by accident upgraded my 3g to the new software and my unlocked iphone got locked do you know how to get the old software on it I tried and it keeps saying error 1500 on the restore
WestCoastWCC - February 2, 2010 at 6:06pm
Thanks for info
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