iPhone Dev Team пуснаха софтуерен ънлок за iPhone 3G
Posted January 1, 2009 at 10:24am by iClarified
iPhone Dev Team пуснаха първия в света софтуерен ънлок за iPhone 3G.
Първото нещо, което трябва да направите е да ъпдейтнете до 2.2, бейзбенд (2.28.00), за да може да използвате ънлока. Приложението е малък daemon, който се зарежда при стартиране. Приложението е малко и дискретно и се инсталира през Cydia или Installer, като няма никакъв графичен интерфейс.
Има известни проблеми със SIM карти, които имат STK (допълнителни менюта) Понякога тези менюта объркват приложението. Изваждането и поставянето обратно на SIM картата решава този проблем.
За тези от вас, които използват SIM карти без STK менюта, приложението има опции, които ще ви позволят по-бързо отключване на телефона.
За да отключите телефона, трябва да инсталирате yellowsn0w пакета от един от следните източници: - Cydia source: http://apt9.yellowsn0w.com/ - Installer repo: http://i.yellowsn0w.com/
В момента пишеме ръководство за софтуерното отключване на iPhone 3G, което ще ви бъде предоставено скоро.
Останете на линия!
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THANKS Dev Team !!! i hv 3G IPHONE model MB499LL come from US with 2.1 Firmware unlock with gevey-3G with sigtel carrier...After carefully using the step by step guide,now my iphone total full unlock !!! i just put in my singtel SIM card works!!!!! and i try other SIM card like "starhub & M1" it works too yeah!!!! and i not need to use gevey-3G anymore!! i have to say big big thank you guys "Dev Team you guys did a very great jobs on this new software to unlock it!! thanks for the master piece!
i put a o2 pay as you go (uk) sim in my 3g iphoned unlocked as stated then put my contract sim back in a guess what yes drops calls signal crap so uninstalled yellowsn0w and yes still crap signal have to restore to solve problem
THANKS Dev Team !!! I'm using the iPhone 3G in Thailand with AIS carrier. After I install the 2.2 and unlock it, it works!!!!! Before i was using a super SIM as a add on card from Hong Kong, but it just work up to 2.1
Again many many Thanks from Thailand
Consegui 100% fazendo o seguinte:
(1) Restaurando no Itunes com Firmware 2.2 aki do site
(2) QuickPwn 2.2 aki do site com o Firmware 2.2 tbém daqui
(3) Instalando o Yellowsn0w com o cydia http://apt9.yellowsn0w.com
(4) Instalando o BR da BIGBOSS e não o do BRPhone
(5) Reiniciar
(6) Tirar o SIM na hora q aparecer a tela do Unlock
(7) Esperar alguns instantes (30-60 segundos) e inserir o chip
(8) Instalar o Mobile Terminal no Cydia
(9) Digitar no mobileterminal yellowsn0w -r yellowsn0w -c
(10) Ir em air port (on) depois (off)
(11) 100%
Fiz em 6 iphones
tudo ok
Got Jailbroken Iphone from Orange ( France), upated firmware to 2.28.00, installed yellowsn0w 0.91 from Cydia, tryed two different sim cards from UK, one virgin (pay as you go) and one 02 (monthly 3G), both worked. However I had to use the dev team method :" turn off your Iphone turn it back on , then pop the sim out and back in if the network is not recognized after 10 seconds." So I can confirm it worked for boh sims. However when you boot your Iphone, you'll have to redo that method until an update fix it.
Update : I just log in to cydia and found out that there is a newer version of yellosn0w. will try it later and see if there is a fix.
good work for devteam .. but is they are someone test this soft and work 100 %
bcauz i know friend test but with problem no network with anysim card .....
I've installed yelosn0w (0.91) from Cydia. I'm on Orange (from France) with a 02.28.00 firmware (2.2) Iphone. I tryed two different sim cards from UK. One from Virgin (pay as you go) and one from O2 (monthly 3G). Both worked after following Dev-team instruction." shut down the Iphone, restart it, then pop the sim out and back in if the network is not recognized after 10 seconds. The Iphone will be unlocked until you reboot it. Then you'll have to redo the sim pop out and in method."
By running Cydia today, I found out they have an update ( 0.94) for yellowsn0w. I will try it later today and see if there is a change. So for now it looks like it works 100% by following that method.
This has taken so long to release that I have considered giving up on unlocking. I appreciate the good work from DEV team but I think it is time for me to buy a SIM UNLOCK IPHONE and enjoy the ease of apples automatic updates without the need of new jailbreaks and unlocks.
mainly the big problem for most of the users is the fact, that we have been updating to 2.2 but kept the old baseband. now we need the new one...
i would really love to see a tutorial fpr just updating the baseband to 2.28 without the need to completely wipe the iphone by reflashing the whole FW.
Question- I restored my iphone with itunes to 2.2 and 02.28.00 and now I am trying to quickpwn it. I get to the final steps where I need to put it into DFU mode however I dont seem to be able to do it. itunes keeps popping up and telling me that my iPhone doesnt have a SIM card installed and then quickpwn says "quickpwn is about to run on your iPhone 3g" but nothing happens. Any suggestions? I dont have an att sim right now because I am not at home, but there has to be some way to make quickpwn work with out it, right?
Any help is appreciated. I have access to windows and mac. Thanks again.
Did you apply the patch for 10.5.6 that was posted in the last few weeks?
If not goto http://www.spaziocellulare.com/ispazio/en/2008/12/15/warning-the-new-mac-osx-1056-update-cant-recognize-your-iphone-in-dfu-mode/
Keep us informed
Ive read about that and the answer is no... I havent applied any patches. Honestly that sounds a little out of my league (it says in the instructions that if you dont understand it then you shouldnt try it). Is there anything else I can do?
I ran the script and it seemed to run properly. I have the backup files on my desktop, however, I still cant quickpwn the phone. Everything works fine until I get the DFU mode step... I do what the instructions say and itunes pops up saying that the device needs to be disconnected and then reconnected. Any other ideas?
Ok, you need to be running the latest baseband, which you now are as you said you restored thru iTunes.
Get the pwnage tool, not quickpwn, and make a package, with Cydia & Installer. Remember to make sure you have boot neuter etc disabled.
Once you've successfully done that you wont have any service on your phone but you will have WiFi, Use Cydia to the get yellowsnow & unlock your phone.
Does that all make sense?
Ok, I dont know whats going on now but I cant use my mouse or keyboard. I restarted my comp again to see if that would help and now I am stuck on the log in screen and nothing is responsive. This is very bad... what can i do ?
Are you using a notebook? Seems strange. Was just checking out a forum where someone installed an app called SideTrack and Keyboard/Mouse unresponsive & stuck at login screen.
They used an external keyboard to get logged in