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Winocm демонстрира iOS 7.1.1 Jailbreak [Video]

Winocm демонстрира iOS 7.1.1 Jailbreak [Video]

Posted May 18, 2014 at 1:49am by iClarified
Малко след като ние съобщихме, че Стефан Есер (Stefan Esser) (i0n1c) джейлбрейкна iOS 7.1.1, Winocm публикува видео на джейлбрейкнат iPhone 4 с iOS 7.1.1

Winocm твърди, че джейлбрейка е постоянен (untethered) и ще работи на всички устройства.

Oh yeah, this is iOS 7.1.1 untethered if you didn't notice earlier. (iPhone 4 GSM though, don't want to mess with any other devices that I have. Would work elsewhere... if you put in the effort. ジ)

Все още не сме сигурни дали има планове за евентуалено пускане на джейлбрейк, но подозираме, че решението за това ще бъде направено след пускането на iOS 8 което ще стане след няколко седмици. Winocm вероятно използва експлойта (exploit) който i0n1c показа по-рано днес.

Winocm заедно с iH8sn0w разработиха p0sixspwn, джейлбрейк за устройства с iOS6.1.x малко след пускането на джейлбрейк за iOS 7. Winocm прие работа в Apple от началото на лятото.

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Comments (17)
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aziz sattt
aziz sattt - May 22, 2014 at 11:24am
Mon ami est possible d'envoyer le programme dans lequel ils opèrent juste à l'adresse suivante abouhafssa_11 @ hotmail. Com........ Merci
aziz sattt
aziz sattt - May 22, 2014 at 11:21am
Mon ami est possible d'envoyer le programme dans lequel ils opèrent juste à l'adresse suivante abouhafssa_11 @ hotmail. Com........ Merci
aziz sattt
aziz sattt - May 22, 2014 at 11:19am
Mon ami est possible d'envoyer le programme dans lequel ils opèrent juste à l'adresse suivante abouhafssa_11 @ hotmail. Com........ Merci
bob white
bob white - May 18, 2014 at 3:21pm
why does his total capacity say 4 GB on an iphone 4, those specs match an iphone 1
Manish - May 18, 2014 at 3:02pm
Can I jailbreak my iPhone 4s.my current iOS version is 7.1.1
gamerscul9870 - May 18, 2014 at 2:04pm
Who needs old school anyway.
matz - May 18, 2014 at 10:29am
Im fed up with apple and their restrictions I have gone to Samsung and been happier ever since. I always check on here to see how the jailbreak scene is going and all I can say is lucky I pulled out as I could not just sit around waiting for a jailbreak, Samsung way to go
gamerscul9870 - May 18, 2014 at 11:48am
You'll be even more fed up now. Besides why not just downgrade to older versions of 7? Apple is the way to go but I have used the s5 (and thank god I didn't buy it) because my friend owned one and in 2 weeks after owning it, it failed for him. But jailbreak or not, nothing can beat my 5s.
hedge - May 18, 2014 at 2:01pm
Well... the choice is yours.. :) in my experience with samsung it makes me bored with those capability that makes us can do whatever we want, with Apple it feels more challenge because of their restriction and it makes me stay hungry.. :)
& - May 19, 2014 at 3:18am
haha and is ur gf a dominatrix!?
hedge - May 18, 2014 at 5:55am
Yay! 7.1.1 can be untethered. So... they just tell us to stay relax with their video. The time is almost come.
6italia0 - May 18, 2014 at 5:06am
All this vid is is to show that 7.1.1 has an untether available for it. Releasing a jailbreak for it now would be terrible as it would make the exploit(s) used for it available for apple to patch and that will leave yet another exploit unusable for the next major ios release. I would personally be very disappointed if it was released for this reason. I would rather wait for the iPhone 6 and ios 8 even if I have to deal with stock ios again for a few months, it also makes me appreciate having a jailbroken ios device so much more because I know how much worse it could be (which is how it was for my iPhone 5 from my 4S and my 5S from the 5).
Amandeep Kaushal
Amandeep Kaushal - May 18, 2014 at 4:26am
How we jailbreak iphone 5 ios 7.1.1 through this technique.... pls suggest
Sahej - May 18, 2014 at 2:12am
If they are not going to release it, Then why are they making us thinking of jailbreak. Why he is releasing it? The point is this!
gamerscul9870 - May 18, 2014 at 2:14am
To show visualize it like it's happening just to laugh it.
Ibeasley - May 18, 2014 at 2:10am
I wish they would stop teasing people if ur not going to release it then whats the point just showing off
gamerscul9870 - May 18, 2014 at 2:05am
I like my iPhone jailbroken or not.
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