Излезе Spirit Jailbreak за iPad, iPhone и iPod touch!
Posted May 3, 2010 at 3:03am by iClarified
Излезе Spirit Jailbreak за iPad, iPhone и iPod touch!
Ще публикуваме ръководствата своевременно. Можете да свалите файла за jailbreak от http://www.spiritjb.com
Какво е Spirit? ● Spirit e untethered jailbreak за устройства iPad, iPhone, и iPod touch с последния фърмуер. ● Spirit не отключва модема. ● Ако в момента използвате tethered jailbreak ще трябва да направите ристор, за да можете да използвате Spirit. Не ъпгрейдвайте, ако използвате отключване на iPhone 3G или 3GS. (Можете обаче да направите ристор до 3.1.2, ако сте запазили SHSH файловете за тази версия)
Изисквания ● Устройство iPad, iPhone или iPod touch с фърмуер 3.1.2, 3.1.3 или 3.2. ● Активирано устройство: такова, което няма на екрана the Connect to iTunes or Emergency Call. ● Която и да е версия на iTunes 9 (включително 9.1.1). ● Силно препоръчително е синхронизиране с iTunes преди да предприемете каквотпо и да било.
Поздравления за comex и всички останали, които направиха този jailbreak възможен.
Baseband: 05.12.01 Bootloader : 6.4 Model: MC134 Iphone (Firmware : 3.1.3 ) Retry Failed to jailbreak (error code: 1) spirit encountered an error while jailbreaking you device dow wnt to send a log of what happened? i chose windows 95 NFO: Now listening for devices...INFO: read igor/map.plist INFO: Connected to the AppleMobileDevice. INFO: Version iPhone2,1_3.1.3 INFO: Connecting to mobilebackup... INFO: Sending files via AFC. FATAL(__LINE__): Assertion failed (dl.c:198): 0 == (AMDeviceStartService (dev, service, &it, NULL)) (but it was -402653091)198
Just jailbroke 3GS. Only problem is iphone browser or iphone explorer will not let me access themes, etc. to drag and drop onto phone. Any suggestions?
After jailbreaking with Spririt, I've lost all my main icons: email, notes, calendar, GPS, messages.. I even can't make the calls.. Is there any way to get them back, Please!!!
Sync with iTunes. If you've done it recently it will have backed up your phone sns you can restore from the most recent backup. It keeps your jailbreak.
I have a 3G S 32GB, was unlocked with Blackrain but every time I turned off the phone it was going to the recovery mode (USB to iTunes picture) decided to use Spirit to fix the problem, it went all the way to the end but frozen again, keeps going to the recovery mode, tried Blackrain after but no luck, keeps rebooting with George Hotz picture on it. Can't try Spirit again because its not in the standard spring board anymore. PLEASE HELP, I can't restore because I will lose the UNLOCK.
Thank you! I have learned my lesson! Never again will I update through iTunes without checking iClarified first. It was a sad couple of months on 3.1.3 without my jailbreak....
I saw someone mentioned it earlier: **If you are STUCK on REBOOT.... restore with iTunes, do the jailbreak process all over again, and then STOP at step 5. DON'T press "Quit". Just disconnect. Works perfectly. Yay!
Thanks again. xo
I've got a little problem.. After Jailbreaking with Spirit my 3GS 3.1.2 I lost some of the main icons like: compass, mail, notes, calculator, maps, calendar... Is there anyway to get them back?
I also forgot to mention that the iPod icon is missing as well.. I also tried to restore the 3.1.2 software after reading a lot on the net, but didn't found a reliable solution.. Can someone please help? Thank you!
How did you manage to restote? I tryed to re-install the 3.1.2 software again, after reading a little on the internet, but I was getting an error from iTunes, and couldn't complete the install. Do you have any sugestions in what can I do? Thanks!
Works perfect on 3gs with the latest base band.
Where is your details so we can donate.........? Also since this works so well, anychance if you can look into add some patches to make it CARRIER UNLOCK as well? Offcourse we'll donate again.
Also i've been keeping the old Itune for awhile now but with Spirit Jail-Break i had to update my Itune to the current one, is this bad as i've got an old 3G iphone Jailbreak n Unlock with BlackRain?
Baseband: 05.12.01
Bootloader : 6.4
Model: MC134
Iphone (Firmware : 3.1.3 )
Failed to jailbreak (error code: 1)
spirit encountered an error while
jailbreaking you device dow wnt to send
a log of what happened?
i chose windows 95
NFO: Now listening for devices...INFO:
read igor/map.plist
INFO: Connected to the
INFO: Version iPhone2,1_3.1.3
INFO: Connecting to mobilebackup...
INFO: Sending files via AFC.
FATAL(__LINE__): Assertion failed
(dl.c:198): 0 == (AMDeviceStartService
(dev, service, &it, NULL)) (but it was
hey i was wondering if your app icons are white? or is that just on mine??? they work fine but there is no artwork lol. anyways someone with cracked apps please advise............thanks
What method can I use to unlock my iPhone 3G with firmware 3.1.3 after jailbreak with Spirit ? Is it possible to Jailbreak with Spirit and then unlock with BlackRa1n afterward ?
3.1.3 with BB 5.12.1 only able to jailbreak at the moment with spirit. You have to wait until new unlocked software release for 4.0. Read further for more information.
Hi, I have iPhone 3GS, original FW 3.1.2 and baseband 05.11.07 with new bootrom. I used blackra1n to tethered jailbreak and unlock .
Can anyone tell me what steps I need to follow to use spirit so it can be untethered jb and unlocked for use with any carrier.
Is it possible to have some kind of list of what does work and what doesn't after the JB with Spirit?, I've been reading lots of stuff about Cydia applications not working.
This is what I like message when I opened Spirit:
"spirit requires itunes 9 to function.Please install a correct version of itunes then run spirit again"
I installed iTunes 9.1.1 please help me
Awesome!!! I was using a 3.1.2 3GS w/Blackra1n....All of a sudden last week it froze and i was FORCED to restore to 3.1.3 as i didnt have my SHSH files for 3.1.2 on Cydia...I was pissed thinking i would not be able to jailbreak for awhile..Then i saw this and tried spirit...it worked great!!! Now i have a 3.1.3 3GS full jailbroken wooo hooo! Thank god i spent the extra money and got a FACTORY unlocked Iphone 3gs so i dont need to worry about the unlock!
Hi all. I have iPhone 3GS, 3.1.2 / 05.11.07. Tethered jailbreak and unlock with blackra1n. Do I need to erase blackra1n or restore firmware before using Spirit. I would like to get rid of tethered jailbreak.