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Låser alle iPhones permanent op, Alle udbydere, Fjernsupport for 169.9$

Låser alle iPhones permanent op, Alle udbydere, Fjernsupport for 169.9$

Posted April 11, 2011 at 9:01pm by iClarified
CutYourSim tilbyder et permanent og "lovligt" fjernstyret unlock af alle iPhone på alle udbydere for 169.99.$

Vi er nu i stand til at tilbyde det første permanente løsning til fjernstyret unlock af iPhones.
Det er nemt, og kan udføres med tre enkle trin.

Vores unlock tager typisk mellem 2-5 dage for iPhone, og muligvis hurtigere, men forvent venligst med indenfor de overstående dage.

Denne løsning er en permanent løsning.
Jailbreaking, og uautoriserede hacks er IKKE nødvendigt. Denne opløsning vil låse udbyderen op permanent, du kan opdatere din telefon til den nyeste opdatering uden at bekymre Dem om et uautoriseret unlock at blive udgivet.

Unlock vil virke på alle iPhone versioner, og baseband version, ingen grund til bekymringer om at opdatere til den nyeste version mere, din iPhone vil være forevigt unlocked.

Vi tilbyder fantastisk support, vi vil være behjælpelige under unlocking processen med vores fremragende support respons tid. Køb med tillid!

Virker med 100% garanti! Denne metode er 100% garanteret, og den eneste tidspunkt vi vil refundere pengene er ved en videodokumentation af at telefonen ikke permanent er blevet unlocked, med vores metode.

Dette vil IKKE frafalde garantien på telefonen, da dette er et officielt iPhone unlock.
Chronic tweets, "it's actually legit, they are somehow whitelisting the IMEIs, not totally sure how it works... iPhone is being repaired now so can't test, but I know @CutYourSim is legit thru past dealings. I'm positive his unlock offerings are legit."

MuscleNerd notes, "The well-established online unlockers for other cellphone brands are suddenly today selling iPhone unlocks..obviously something opened up. This "grey market" access into Apple's database has been around (in the UK for instance) for a while, but typically only brick&mortar stores"

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Låser alle iPhones permanent op, Alle udbydere, Fjernsupport for 169.9$
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Comments (82)
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jockerssss - July 15, 2013 at 12:02pm
169 is 2 much for 3 subscriber i hv done unlock in 50 pound only... in india
Sharp - May 23, 2011 at 1:53pm
What is the difference between Turbo SIM unlock and PRO sim unlock from Gevey ?
Laminos - April 21, 2011 at 4:43am
Already apple shut down this system ,so guy don't waist ur time and money .do u know why this happing?? Because iclarified announced .....and made big advertising.....so this why we got.....and dev team still in deep sleep just time to time show off here....
Ecua4ever - April 17, 2011 at 9:21pm
BEWARE replacement iPhones it will not be unlocked. by IMEI. PLEASE DON'T WASTE YOUR $$$$$
ron2k_1 - April 18, 2011 at 1:31pm
Does this apply to refurbished phones? You know those with the "k" in their serial numbers?
Cyber Mafia
Cyber Mafia - April 15, 2011 at 12:02pm
Yessss Finally Unlocked !!!! paid 169.99 and now all my 3 iPhone 4 unlocked !!!
Sandouka - April 16, 2011 at 3:03am
How come you pay 169$ and unlock 3 iPhones?
really - April 16, 2011 at 8:53am
hi i pay for them 170$ but my iphone still not working please how i can know if they unluck my iphone 4
Cyber Mafia
Cyber Mafia - April 16, 2011 at 9:55am
I paid 169 x 3 and from there I already sold my 2 iPhone phone company unlocked :)
Cyber Mafia
Cyber Mafia - April 16, 2011 at 9:57am
@really: wat exactly not working ?? Leave your email here
china - April 14, 2011 at 11:42am
Chinese guys publish in 2 weeks the new unlock. It do not need chips, or no $ 170
joker2206 - April 14, 2011 at 12:17pm
and how do we know that and where is it going to be available ?
Tiga - April 14, 2011 at 7:14am
I wonder if I can do that for an ATT US phone. Has anyone tried that? I tried at Rogers - they said they can not do that.
Web-Posrednik.com - April 14, 2011 at 2:01am
There are some speculations from a pretty reliable source that Apple has created this "hole" in order to boost their iPhone 4 sales. They need to be able to sell as many as they can, before the new iPhone comes out. Apple isn't really allowed to sell the unlock directly to consumers so they found a few resellers that do it for them. They may close the hole right after they announce the new iPhone. People that purchased this unlock will get to keep it though.
Andy - April 13, 2011 at 6:10pm
are you serious!!!!! you mean you can permanent unlock my iphone 4 ATT for only 49$
dancj - April 13, 2011 at 6:36pm
I think that was sarcasm
celo - April 13, 2011 at 6:46pm
I think he was being sarcastic too :)
Andy - April 13, 2011 at 7:11pm
i emailed him that email that he provided above. guess what i turned out the address is invalid. I should of known that. Anyway, i dont wanna pay 169 bucks for that permanent unlock. Hopefully i find another deal as long as its less than 100 dollars i'll take it
alarifi - April 13, 2011 at 4:36pm
I just bought it and waiting for the unlock.
Scar - April 13, 2011 at 11:46pm
i'm about to order, PKSQD told they are legit. Let's prey for that!!
Joker2206 - April 13, 2011 at 11:31am
And what about this ? It's cheaper... http://www.ipmart.com/main/product/Gevey,Professional,SIM,Producer,For,Unlocking,iPhone,4,299143.php?prod=299143&ref=newsletter
Apple Corp
Apple Corp - April 13, 2011 at 7:10am
Well i have 2 iPhone 4 so i paid 169.99 and they already shipped my cutter and recieved email from that its takes 24Hr so waiting and they told methey will send special steps to follow once done i will update you guys.
john - April 12, 2011 at 7:36pm
Who in their right mind would send their money to some person on the Internet? This screams fraud!!!
Someone in his right mind
Someone in his right mind - April 12, 2011 at 8:26pm
I totally agree with you John. We live in times where too many people out there are just up on internet to try to rip off others and make their living out of doing such things. Not a single hair on my head thinking to send any money to a total stranger on internet making these promises. I would rather say :" You unlock the iPhone first and then I sent you the payment...what about that ?".... Give the service and then we pay ! My best guess would be that they will not agree to this ..;-)
The truth
The truth - April 13, 2011 at 1:48am
Most of these guys work for orange n some other companies that carry iPhone and have access to unlock iPhones after contract expires. That's how these guys are able to unlock iPhones by submitting your imei numbers via the company they work for to white list the iPhones. It's probably a matter of time till they get busted and fired. And read what shakeel the iPhone guy wrote below completely makes sense. I'm good I rather wait for the dev team muscle nerd or ih8sn0w or other iPhone dev teams then this. Figure this way. U Need warranty u give up the old phone to get back locked one. If you jailbreak or unlock it it's free. If warranty issues plenty of independent shops you can gonto seek help first Without wasting your money.
Georges - April 12, 2011 at 3:49pm
Just had mine unlocked by Rogers for $50 As long as contracts are expired After restoring to original 4.31 get message Congratulations your phone is unlocked
nick - April 12, 2011 at 5:31pm
who's rogers??
Mathai - April 12, 2011 at 1:02pm
If anyone here paid n got the stuff working please let me know. I live in India n I bought from America iPhone 4 locked to AT&T on 03.10.01 Its a iPod to me at present, though the money they are asking is too huge 4 a student like me... Don't want to get cheated... let us know if you paid and its working for genuine as they claimed...
Mathai - April 12, 2011 at 1:14pm
I will, Thanks Ashok!
San - April 12, 2011 at 3:21pm
The service is legit, i do the same unlock for $155 if you want.
Annjawn - April 12, 2011 at 9:49pm
Yes it works perfectly. and I can say that its very much genuine. I got mine unlocked today (paid yesterday night) , it happnd in less than 24 hrs. I am returning back to India next month and I don't see that we will face any issue back there at india in terms of warranty as these guys in US are worried about. You know how these things work there..right? ;) So I say, u can go ahead without any hesitations.... ;)
Annjawn - April 12, 2011 at 9:55pm
and yes @subhashdasyam and myself (@radio_junkie) ordered it at the same time. You can refer to our discussions in Twitter with @CutYourSim. And yes, it worked for both of us. Just an FYI Subhash has an iPhone 4 and I have 3GS new bootrom and it worked like a charm on both of our phones.
preet - April 12, 2011 at 11:43pm
Hi we also doing the same think in Punjab @7500/- RS. contact is u need.
Matt - April 12, 2011 at 10:20am
That's wat happen when the dev-team takes too n still haven't come out with an unlock so these guys get the chance to make some money off from people.
rbs2000 - April 12, 2011 at 10:43am
I agree with you Matt... I dont trust any body else besides Dev team One thing I dont understand if you live in the USA why doesnt any body get an Iphone from ATT it is not any higher than T-mobile ? I am paying $51 less a month that I was paying with tmobile cuz att gives me a discount for my corporate where I work...T-mobile didnt have that kind of discount. And my network with t-moibile when I was using an iphone was horrible I have to set up MMS facetime I had to pay for the software was $10 I had to pay a premium for an Iphone 4 $500 .. Just sold my unlocked Iphone on ebay for $777..now I dont have to worry about an unlock my iphone is jailbroken on firmware 4.3.1 .. I know guys I used to wait patiently for an Unlock...
Matt - April 12, 2011 at 7:03pm
Ppl use tmobile it's not becuz of their price it's because of their service n also becuz their family n friend r on the same carrier.
TheStraightMusic - April 12, 2011 at 8:08am
they whiltlist imei codes by using the private key that was found when somebody reverse engineered an air print adapter which would let itunes sync any device using that code...they managed to use it to let itunes officially whilte list an imei
farpthor - April 12, 2011 at 8:27am
If this is true, then Dev-Team will probably easily going to provide a way to do it for free...
TheStraightMusic - April 12, 2011 at 9:38am
they will just wait or give them a couple of weeks to do so
PKSQD - April 12, 2011 at 8:03am
Just ordered... let's see what happens.
Ben - April 12, 2011 at 8:41am
Please let me know by sending me an email, if this works Thanks
Rango - April 12, 2011 at 9:11am
Plz inform us.
Mathai - April 12, 2011 at 12:53pm
Anxiously waiting... Let me know if it works... Though the cost is way 2 high, its a relief...
PKSQD - April 12, 2011 at 10:52pm
wow they're fast!! I guess I'm lucky. best of luck to the rest of you guys!
PKSQD - April 13, 2011 at 3:16am
That wasn't me but yeah... it works... my buddy got his unlocked already... i'm just waiting on mine. =)
Scar - April 13, 2011 at 12:46pm
I'm about to order... is it a good call?
PKSQD - April 13, 2011 at 2:02pm
Go for it bro... they're legit.
farpthor - April 12, 2011 at 7:31am
Their site aint got a link nomore to this unlock magic. Maybe the breach was closed by Apple?
Sean - April 12, 2011 at 6:42am
It's the one thing i love about the UK networks. O2 only offered to unlock iPhones when there monopoly was lost with the 3GS/4. Which they do with all of there phones once your contract is over (Ask them when it is they will do it for free). What helps the UK is the fact that there 5+ carriers with the iPhone now which helps competition. Personally IMO the Three network is way better then all the others for carrying the iPhone, free unlock, also you do not have to buy expensive bundles to get data tethering it's included and unlocked from the start no matter what tarrif your on (contract and sim only). As for apple selling unlocked phones even i'm surprised they decided to do that but it's an excellent idea and my next phone will be from them.
John - April 12, 2011 at 6:58am
On Three it cost you £15 to get your phone unlocked!
iDammit - April 13, 2011 at 2:41am
On O2 you don't have to wait until you're contract is over, all IP4 purchasers can be unlocked for free after the IP4 had been released 3 months. Got mine unlocked using their online request form last year.
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