SHAtter Jailbreak's Tethered Status wurde noch NICHT bekanntgegeben
Posted September 14, 2010 at 12:22am by iClarified
Einige Webseiten melden, dass der SHAtter jailbreak ursprünglich von pod2g ein tethered jailbreak ist. Tatsächlich wurde der tethered status aber noch nicht bekannt gegeben.
Laut Chronic Dev Team's blog: "Alles was zu lesen ist, dass sagt, es wäre etwas wie oben detailliert geschrieben, ist reine Spekualation. Nochmal, wir haben noch keine offizielle Aussage bezüglich des tether status oder irgendwelche Details gemacht."
The team also reiterated this in a retweet yesterday, "SHAtter is not a tethered jailbreak nor it is untethered... @chronicdevteam have not yet announced anything about that. Stop speculations :)"
i read first two words in post shatter jailbreak and just hauled ass to get usb cable all excited about jailbreaking. bought iphone 3gs new boot rom with 4.0.2 and waiting for jailbreak desperately
People should be thankful over any new JailBreak but one has the option to not update, I have to reboot my touch way to often to use a tethered JailBreak, But then again I am still running 3.1.3 I am having a great user experience!
Does thetered jailbreak mean that everytine one has to reboot it the iPhone should be plugged to the computer to retain the jailbreak like happened with the 3GS with new botrom? If Shatter is like that it would kinda suck!
Spot on guys... we need to be thankful and happy to have such people whom are dedicating time and hard work to free us from Apple's "Big Brother Dos/Donts rules".