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UltraSn0w Update für iOS 4.3.1 vorgesehene Herausgabe: Heute

UltraSn0w Update für iOS 4.3.1 vorgesehene Herausgabe: Heute

Posted April 9, 2011 at 10:47am by iClarified
Das iPhone-Dev-Team hat externe Tests für eine iOS 4.3.1 kompatible Version durchgeführt.
vorgesehene Herausgabe: Heute Nacht

4.3.1 ultasn0w ist für Entwickler schon verfügbar, der offizielle 'Realese' soll heute nacht stattfinden

Diese Herausgabe von ultrasn0w ist hauptsächlich dafür da um Probleme mit der Signal-Bar zu beheben.

MuscleNerd hat auch Kommentare zu einem potentialen Unlock weg für 3gs Benutzer erwähnt.

für die, die 05.14, 05.15 oder 05.16 haben, denke ich nicht, dass ein Unlock stattfinden wird.
eher würde man ein update zu 06.15, und dann ein downgrade zu 05.13 beforzugen

Wir werden ihnen bescheid geben sobald das Update für ultrasn0w zu haben ist
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UltraSn0w Update für iOS 4.3.1 vorgesehene Herausgabe: Heute

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Comments (18)
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newkid - April 15, 2011 at 6:59am
Hi, is it true that with upgrading to ipad baseband (know my iphone hast 4.3.1 with 05.16.02) will kill the gps-function and that there is NO WAY to unlock my phone besides that ? thanx for your help!
Dani - April 10, 2011 at 12:17am
Don\t you think I can unlock my 4G BaseBand 3.10.1 and 4.3.1 ? What can I do? Could I done something else before I upgraded? Thanks
syed - April 10, 2011 at 5:43am
I am waiting since 6 months for unlock 03.10, now I am shifting to Android which i find much better the Iphone.
Sillydrew - April 9, 2011 at 10:01pm
If you downgrade your baseband can you update back to the current baseband? I have AT&T but when I am in south Korea I want to be able to unlock my phone. So when I return I want to undo the unlock if I have a problem with my phone so I can take it to apple. Is this possible?
JZ - April 9, 2011 at 11:48pm
no. and you cannot downgrade your modem baseband currently.
Sillydrew - April 10, 2011 at 12:44am
I know I can't currently. I was referring to once the new ultrasnow is released. So basically once you unlock your phone you are stuck with that baseband?
Nic - April 9, 2011 at 9:50pm
Honestly?!?! I need an unlock and I had my 3GS for a while waiting back when they patched up 3.1.3 (I just got my 3GS). Had to wait, its free right? Since when do you get anything for free, so unless you donated 100+ bucks! Don't ask for it!!!! Now I just want to update it from 4.0 till 4.3.1
Josh - April 9, 2011 at 2:08pm
You realize he is saying that they are working and going to make it so you can upgrade to the newest, or just about newest baseband correct? this is great news for everyone that wants an unlock.
darryl - April 9, 2011 at 9:41pm
read it again bro... "This release will only be for basebands previously unlockable; however, it will bring important fixes including a fix for the signal bar issue." Upgrade to the newest OS... not baseband.
nbhide - April 9, 2011 at 2:08pm
I would like to know which basebands for iPhone 4 will be supported by this ultrasnow release. Thanks!
Naman - April 9, 2011 at 2:20pm
Atleast read the post before commenting ? Read wts written ^^ u'll get to know wt basebands for i4 !
maheeinfy - April 9, 2011 at 1:42pm
When will the unlock for the higher basebands(4.10.01) be available. Its been a long wait......
HowieG - April 9, 2011 at 5:17pm
I hope it will not be never...I'm going to Hongkong in 2 weeks, that's my deadline for either s0now or dumpping this one getting an unlocked there -;)
darryl - April 9, 2011 at 11:35am
>.< guess those of us who bought our ip4 already on the 03.10 bb are still out of luck... well... thanks for working on the other phones. glad i held on to my 3g.
Tom - April 9, 2011 at 10:57am
Can you clarify what do you mean by I dont see an unlock coming for new basebands?
Naman - April 9, 2011 at 2:21pm
The unlock for higher baseband's is not comming out soon !
MG - April 9, 2011 at 2:48pm
If you are already on a baseband that is unlockable, this will work for you. They do not see an unlock coming for any basebands that are newer than those ones that can already unlock.
britalian - April 9, 2011 at 10:57am
Meanwhile, almost a year on, we still have no GPS...........
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