soTired...TiredOfWaiting... - December 30, 2010 at 12:18pm
pretty tired of this mac-only first bs with the dev team. check the market shares gentlemen. windows should be ur first target to reach the majority of iphone owners who want jailbreaks.
HEY, soTired...TiredOfWaiting...?.....
What Kind of Cheese do you like (or) goes with a Wine like that?....
Don't Want to Wait, Find a Friend with a Mac, and go over.. SORRY I HAD to make it that Simple...
soTired...TiredOfWaiting... - December 30, 2010 at 2:45pm
it's pure numbers. if you want the latest jailbreak to reach the most peeps, then wait til you have a multi-platform deal that will reach the most people. basically this is the 1st time i've had to go tethered jb and never realized how much it blows ass, especially around holidays when family is sucking the battery dry on 4-hour calls. I bet rubyra1n is released for windows from the start. c'mon geohot hook it up :P