El Chronic Dev-Team lanza el Jailbreak Untethered para I.O.S. 4.2.1 [Actualizado
Posted February 3, 2011 at 10:47pm by iClarified
El Chronic Dev-Team acaba de lanzar la última versión de Greenpois0n, que incluye un untethered jailbreak para el iOS 4.2.1 sin la necesidad de tener las claves SHSH. El exploit que usan ya ha sido parcheado en el iOS 4.3.
De momento es solo para Mac y es versión beta. Una versión para windows será lanzada en breve. Puedes descargar jailbreak de here o de here
Puedes encontrar tutoriales de cómo hacer el jailbreak con Greenpois0n aquí: ● iPhone (Mac)
Actualización: No hemos podido hacer el jailbreaking usando Greenpois0n a los siguientes errores que se han presentado en el iPhone. Os lo haremos saber cuando seamos capaces de hacer el jailbreak con éxito. No olvidéis mirar esta url iClarified app mientras esperáis :) Unable to find gBdevList Unable to find fs_mount Unable to find fs_unmount Unable to find fs_load_file
Posixninja manifiesta que estos errores son normales. Presuntamente el proceso no debería colgarse en este punto.
Update 2: Éxito parcial... Aseguraos de hacer un restore completo y de manteneros apretando el botón home hasta que Greenpoison os diaga que ha terminado. Desafortunadamente, ahora Cydia no aparece en la aplicación Loader. Puede que sea debido a una sobracarga en los servidores.
Update 3: Éxito :) Después de numetrosos intentos de cargar el Loader. Cydia ha aparecido. Los Servidores seguramente están siendo machacados y la descarga dura una eternidad.
i meant after a day i did the jailbreak (did this yesterday) i suddenly got the rick astley wallpaper virus this evening. so don't forget to change your root and mobile passwords.
found some instructions on how to remove it with google's help.
Download the new greenpois0n rc5.2
follow the same steps, it'll still give you the "unable to find" lines and when that happens press and hold the sleep button (as you're already holding the home button still) and new command lines start to run and the JB WILL WORK
Thanks for the heads up on holding down the sleep button if the JB hangs up. It did the trick for me. But as for GP_2 i don't think it's any different.
So after trying this 20 times looking at dozens of different guides I finally found out what the problem was ( unable to... gp init) there is a update for greenposion rc5 as soon as i tried rc5-2 it worked first time. So if you are getting those same errors and downloaded the app GP last night grab a new copy. Found the info at iphonedownloadblog.co*
I'm using windows, I feel i'm missing someting, I did clean restore, the I use the greenpoison and the green poison says it was complete , but the iphone 4 restarts and then nothing, no loader. Also does this work on iphone 3Gs with 4.2.1, I tried but it said jailbreak failed on the windows "green posion " program, What Am I missing?
Thank you guys
please read the posting clearly!!!
it specificlly said Greenposi0n 4.2.1 JB is ONLY for MAC
there is no Windows version yet. the Windows JB you got is older version!! will not work!!
Success now on both my iPad and iPhone 4. The iPad I did just as instructed. It took forever of trying it over and over again every step of the way.
The iPhone 4 took a long time, and I eventually gave up on the Loader app, and instead used redsn0w_mac_0.9.7b6, but just to install Cydia. It's a bit misleading because you have to download the ipsw, but when you go through RedSn0w, it will allow you to just install Cydia. Doing this saves a ton of time by not having to deal with Loader.
You can't tell if it was successful by looking at your Mac, you need to see it say Complete on your Mac and then look at your iPhone and see a bunch of text being scrolled...wait...more text...wait...more text...and eventually it reboots. That's when it's successful, and you can either use the Loader app on the iPhone, or use RedSn0w to install Cydia.
easiest way, download greenpoison, run it and jailbreak your iphone 4. As for cydia, jailbreak again using redsnow, u'll get ur cydia. As for iPad, i did the other way round, it worked as well.
I had mine jailbroken through RedSnow so I tried jailbraking (like 10 times) with GreenPoison but no success. So i restored the iPad to a fresh iOS. Then GreenPoison went through the first time. After the jailbrake screen went into "plug into iTunes", so I used RecBoot to kick it out. It did and on the screen Loader showed up. I clicked loader and it looks as its downloading sources but then it just stops on a white screen. So I RedSnow it and got Cydia installed. Its now UNTHETHERED Jailbrake.
I hope it helps. GOOD LUCH GUYS
i installed loader by holding home bottom in the end of dfu mode then for several times trying finally cydia appears and it downloads after 30-40 % cydia crashed
I FINALLY HAVE IT WORKING! I was able to install the jailbreak without too much difficulty, but I could not get the Loader to install Cydia. After 20 or 30 attempts, I was finally able to get the Loader to install Cydia to 65%. However, at 65% the download stopped. Cydia was on my home screen, but when I tapped on it, it would not open. What I finally did was follow the instructions (here: http://www.technonix.com/2010/11/download-redsn0wredsnow-0-9-6b4-to-jailbreak-ios-4-2-1/) to download Redsn0w. I DID NOT wipe the phone, I simply installed the redsn0w jailbreak over the greenpois0n. Redsn0w successfully installed Cydia. The result is a UNTETHERED jailbreak!!!
Hope this helps!
I've done a clean restore...i've held onto the home button but the same error occurs. How long does it take for the scroll texts to appear on the iphone 4 after the jailbreak is complete? it does say greenpois0n initialized but it just sits there? am i just suppose to wait for it to start or do i just try again? i've honestly tried it for 2 hours...any advice?
IT FINALLY WORKED! ! ! ! after countless hours and tries....Here's my advice to everyone who has this problem like i did.
RESTART YOUR MAC....i tried to restart the phone so many times...and the one time i decided to restart my mac...it works on the first try. Good luck to the rest of you, now i attempt to install cydia.
But I want an unteethered jb, so why would I run that? Would't I want to run gp? Read elsewhere that if redsn0w jb, then run gp; all is good to go to unlock. Is that right? Did they fix the gps issues w/ redsn0w?