February 11, 2025
iOS 4.3 Untethered Jailbreak Sera Problamente Lanzado Esta Semana

iOS 4.3 Untethered Jailbreak Sera Problamente Lanzado Esta Semana

Posted March 13, 2011 at 7:35pm by iClarified
i0n1c ha anunciado que él probablemente lanzara su Jailbreak Untethered para iOS 4.3 antes del proximo fin de semana

Por varios cambios en iOS 4.3 en comparación con iOS 4.2.1 el jailbreak NO ESTA DISPONIBLE por los momentos. Eso es lo que *ALPHA* quiere decir. Necesito un poco de tiempo para revisar que patches para el kernel son necesarios para que el jailbreak funcione al 100%

Por otro lado, yo recomiendo que dev-team o chronic-dev primero lancen un iOS 4.3 tethered para que todos puedan probar si sus buenas características realmente funcionan. Yo creo que la mayoría de la gente requiere Mobile Substrate para que trabaje y AFAIK no funciona debido a ASLR. Seria un desperdicio si Apple elimina un untethered jailbreak antes de que Mobile Substrate funcione.

Dicho esto, yo voy a lanzar el jailbreak cuando a) no hay ningún otro untethered jailbreak en el momento cuando lo termine b) si Mobile Substrate funcione.

Cualquier reporte que yo espero por iOS 4.3.1 is solamente un mal entendido de mis palabras. Yo simplemente pienso que Apple debería de lanzar iOS 4.3.1 pronto, porque es en su interes en no esperar varios meses cuando todo el mundo sabe que hay un exploit remoto en MobileSafari que pudo haberse filtrado durante el concurso #PWN2OWN.
Estoy casi seguro que el untethered jailbreak sera lanzado antes del proximo fin de semana. Yo estaba usando viejos patches del kernel que causan lag/lentitud en el dispositivo que haya sido jailbroken/jailbreakeado. Yo voy a cambiar eso y luego probarlos en otros dispositivos y lanzarlo.

i0n1c ha dicho que su untethered jailbreak sera probablemente con RedSn0w. Como de costumbre yo los mantendré actualizados con las ultimas noticias.

Pueden ver el del untethered jailbreak acá abajo...

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Comments (14)
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Emad - April 9, 2012 at 9:35am
helooo.... where is the unlock. and if its not available, can i update the phone even the bb to unlock it at the end?
Where - March 21, 2011 at 4:52pm
Where's the untethered jailbreak? It's been a week.
skj - March 15, 2011 at 7:56am
‎4.3 is officially out.... but no trace of the unlock for 4.2.1 is to be found....... damn!!! i have 2 iphones 4 bb3.10.01 with me for the last 4 months or so...... don't know what to do with them now... please help!!!
Cute4 - March 14, 2011 at 3:31pm
Will the unlock for IOS 4.2.1 even be released ?????
skj - March 15, 2011 at 7:56am
‎4.3 is officially out.... but no trace of the unlock for 4.2.1 is to be found....... damn!!! i have 2 iphone 4 bb3.10.01 with me for the last 4 months or so...... don't know what to do with them now... please help!!!
jiikoo - March 14, 2011 at 10:50am
nyt vittu sitä unlockia jo pikkuhiljaa saatanan nilkit.
iceblu121 - March 13, 2011 at 8:03pm
what a good reason to update from 4.2.1 to 4.3 on iphone 4 ? anything really good
Jon - March 13, 2011 at 10:44pm
I need iMovie working.
FadetoBlack - March 14, 2011 at 1:12pm
The "hotspot" feature and quicker safari browser are more than enough reasons to update to 4.3, but I need the jailbreak so I can FaceTime over 3G..
famleon - March 13, 2011 at 8:02pm
and I do not believe it... same as the unlock... PROBABLY WHEN THE 4.5 IS RELEASE IT.... I don't trust those asking for money "hackers"..... Probably the dev team is being paid to do not do it, or selling their product to one of this sites for unlocking.... NAWWWW do not trust them, just buy a factory unlock... pay your apps and thank you for calling...
Erik Sojdelius
Erik Sojdelius - March 14, 2011 at 5:47am
Nobody called you
B19 - March 14, 2011 at 10:35am
If you're not into jailbreaking why do you come to this site? It's way more than just using pirated apps.. Jailbreaking is the only way to make an iOS device truly yours and unique to you.
FadetoBlack - March 14, 2011 at 1:17pm
B19 has it right. Not everybody uses the jailbreak to illegaly download apps. I jailbreak just so I can get "facebreak" and facetime over 3G, a feature Apple should have included in the first place.
iDammit - March 15, 2011 at 5:21am
SPEED! .... 4.2.1 is terrible, my IP4 is noticeably slower since upgrading and the speed comparisons posted recently on this site show just how much. 4.3 gives that speed back, Apple needs to concentrate on the big picture instead of rushing out badly written software just to battle the JB scene.
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