UltraSn0w Unlock se actualiza para funcionar en iOS 4.3.1
Posted April 10, 2011 at 12:57am by iClarified
El iPhone Dev-Team ha anunciado una actualización de UltraSn0w que lo hace compatible con dispositivos bajo iOS 4.3.1 que tengan basebands previamente liberados.
Hemos liberado una actualización de ultrasn0w con compatibilidad para 4.3.1 en Cydia la versión actual es la 1.2.1. Si todavía no estás usando la iOS 4.3.1 y necesitas liberar, por favor, asegúrate de que sabes cómo actualizar a 4.3.1 usando un IPW personalizado que no actualice tu baseband. Hay muchas guías para lograrlo (también aquí en iClarified.com).
¡Esta liberación no es nueva! Simplemente permite usar el FW 4.3.1 a los que ya han liberado previamente. También soluciona el fallo con las barras de señal en los que no han liberado pero usan un baseband anterior de forma intencionada.
Tras instalar UltraSn0w 1.2.1 deberías reiniciar tu dispositivo usando el botón de encendido y luego deslizar para "Apagar". Los usuarios de USA T-Mobile necesitan desactivar el modo 3G en Ajustes:General:Red.
Para actualizar a iOS 4.3.1 sin subir de baseband puedes usar uno de los siguientes tutoriales ● TinyUmbrella iPhone 4 (Windows, Mac) ● PwnageTool iPhone 4 (Mac) ● PwnageTool iPhone 3GS (Mac)
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I have a iPhone 3G (originally on Orange France) and wondered if I could unlock it. Jailbreaking is no problem but unlocking with UntraSn0w doesn't seem to work:
iOS version - 4.2.1
Baseband - 05.15.04
There don't seem to be any references to this baseband anyone got any ideas?
hey guys, im in serious need of help. i upgraded my iphone 3gs to ios 4.3.1 and the jailbroke it using a tutorial on the iclarified website. everything was running smoothly until i went to unlock it from the current provider but it wouldnt let me because it had baseband 5.16.2
i am absolutely lost and ive been reading up on blogs which say that now its useless and i cat do anythin with it...
if you upgrade 4.3.1 using the official ipsw then you baseband will be upgrade as well so until this point you can't unlock using ultrasn0w coz it does not support new baseband
dev team is not being paid by apple. - April 11, 2011 at 9:31pm
http://cutyoursim.com/.......hummmmm $170??? someone is making a profit from other people... AND... using what? a calculator??? made by??? c'mon... this is crack, I said the Dev team is being paid by apple, sorry, they are being paid by other people... because if they comes put with a solution... then this people will lose money, unless the devteam is behind this...
Depending on your UK network, you may be able to pay them to unlock it for you - talk to them. If not, then all you can do is save your SHSH for the current jailbreakable FW (4.3.1) with Tiny Umbrella and wait for the unlock. There is no current unlock available for 03.10.01, and no ETA.
I have iPhone 4 with 4.2.1 and baseband 2.10. I know I can't unlcok yet even I upgrade to 4.3.1. My questions is, if I use pwntool to upgrade to 4.3.1 and keep baseband on 2.10. If I still install Unltra sn0w, 1.2.1. Would that take the 1 signal bar issue away? Thanks if someone can help...
There is absolutely no point for you to install UltraSn0w if you're on that baseband. Unless you really, really need to go to 4.3.1 for some reason, I would just stay put on your current firmware and wait for the unlock. Save your SHSH for 4.3.1, though!
Ok, so there seems to be an issue with ultrasn0w 1.2.1 and baseband 1.59.00. The signal bars are working fine, but Visual VM and MMS no longer work.
More reports here: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1134161
I have disabled ultrasn0w and both Visual VM and MMS are working, but of course the signal bar issue is back.
Can anyone here confirm or have a fix?
Ok, after reinstalling and powering off and back on, both VVM and MMS are working....
Maybe something that happens over time or after further reboots, I'll keep an eye to see if it happens again
and as I said... The dev team is being plaid by apple, or you can purchase a factory unlock, Verizon or, AT&T, that is it that are the options, because the gevey does not work in all the countries and provide full support...what I can say is that....DEV TEAM IS SOLD TO THE BEST PAYER!!!
Will this upgrade to 4.3.1 and unlock help those with iPhone 3GS using iPad baseband (06.15.00) to fix the GPS problems?
My GPS works, but it does not locate me with enough precision to be useful.
Its is locating me with an error of hundreds of meters, what makes impossible to use from routes.
It has been working this way since I upgraded to 4.2.1 and iPad baseband for unlock (06.15.00).
Anyway thanks to the dev team for keeping up...
Your baseband is unfortunately not unlockable yet. This particular UltraSn0w is for current unlockers at 1.59 who wish to upgrade their FW to 4.3.1 while retaining their current unlock. You can't downgrade your baseband.
Are there many basebands between the one that is unlocked today and the one i have?
Do you think there will be an unlock for my baseband, and if so.. when do you think it will come?
You should go to the Dev-team blog at blog.iphone-dev.org/ - that's the best source for info on the jailbreak/unlock scene. Also, check out Musclenerd and Sherif Hashim on Twitter - those guys are the actual source of the latest unlock news. 1.59 BB came out with 4.0 and 4.0.1 FW. Since then, we've had 4.1 FW with 02.04.10 (from mid-September), 4.2.1 FW, and now 4.3 and 4.3.1. Hard to say, if or when an unlock will come. Dev Team never gives ETA's and you will only irritate the more experienced bloggers by asking for an ETA. This is apparently a tough one so far. I've been waiting since September, but because I know nobody owes me anything and if it comes, it will come for free - I'm patiently using my ip4 as a fancy ipod touch until an unlock hits.
Well, I have an old 3G, and 4.3.1 including ultrasn0w up and running (no multitasking, no custom user wallpaper)! It's a *little* slower than with iOS 3.x, but sadly i cannot go back because I only have these SH-files for 4.0 upward. I'm a o2 Germany customer, for what it's worth.
I have an iPhone 3G with Firmware version 4.1 and woks really great. So if you have the shsh for 4.0 and up I recommend you to go to this version, at least the speed is better than 4.3.1. And you cn use the cutom wallpaper.
just get gevey turbosim. I just bought it off at ebay and it worked like a charm. I'm done waiting for dev-team. I appreciate their hardwork. But, I can't wait any longer.