Foxconn Planea Comenzar Ensamblaje de iPad en Brasil A partir de Noviembre
Posted April 12, 2011 at 1:15pm by iClarified
Foxconn está planeando comenzar a ensamblar la tablet PC iPad de Apple's en sus plantas de Brasil para finales de Noviembre, según Aloizio Mercadente, ministro de ciencia y tecnología de Brasil.
Reuters reporta que Foxconn Technology Group está considerando también invertir 12 billones de dólares en Brasil para ensamblar monitores, según la Presidenta de Brasil, Dilma Rousseff.
"Han tenido un amplio rango de inversiones que van de entre los 300 a los 400 millones de dólares hasta 12 billones de dólares para 5 a 6 años en el caso de Foxconn", afirma Rousseff, hablando de las discusiones que el gobierno de Brasil está sosteniendo con varias compañías tecnológicas.
"Están proniendo una asociación. Ellos vinieron a nosotros y dijeron que quieren invertir en Brasil."
IMHO, this is a poor choice of direction for industrial automation. It sounds like a good idea as laptops are bulky and difficult to work with when you're 'on the go', but the iPad is not a rugged device nor is the Apple product's platforms designed to integrate to industrial automation platforms. Unless they are planning to RDP to a terminal server, they are going to have some real headaches trying to integrate this cleanly (not to mention that the dev of custom personal apps and software would be daunting for this application). They would be better off waiting for a month or so when the flood of tablets hits the market and choose one that better suits industrial automation. I work in industrial automation and we have looked at implementation of iPads and found that once we got past the appeal of the initial draw to it, we quickly pulled back and chose a different path.
NM, I thought that I read they are going to use them for their plant floor automation. Read it again and realized that I was mistaken :). Good for Brazil
It's not ironically, Apple products in Brazil are so expansive due to brazilian import regulation. If a plant is located in Brazil the costs can be reduced and products can be sold way cheaper.
That's exactally what they want to revert... Brazil incentive plan for local industries reduces overall costs up to 40%. This turns the iPad not only a reality to national market but also for export.
Paying the most, does not mean that the margin is better, as a big part of this goes to the government..
As other people said, Brazilian import regulation makes the products way too expensive.
But, to be out of a important emerging market, with a lot of potential, could mean less growth and leave the door open for the competition.
Better to produce here and grab this opportunity than loose the opportunity.