Actualización para Corona Untethered Jailbreak Ha Sido Liberada
Posted January 31, 2012 at 6:56pm by iClarified
Una actualización para Corona Untethered Jailbreak para iOS 5.0.1 ha sido liberada en Cydia.
Saurik ha indicado que todos los usuarios del iOS 5.0.1 deben instalar la actualización.
@planetbeing hizo mucho trabajo para resolver el error de carga de imágenes en iBooks. Todos los usuarios (incluso los que tengan jailbreak) con 5.0.1 deben instalarlo.
Así que, muchos comentarios que he recibido de " todos los usuarios ", (incluso los que tienen jailbreak) en iOS 5.0.1" dicen ¿incluso yo? Les digo: "sí, incluso, tú." ;P
Pueden encontrar el paquete Corona en la sección Sistema de Cydia.
Nueva información: Esto no aplica al "old bootrom" de los usuarios de iPhone 3GS.
I just applied the 1.0-7 update of Corona in Cydia and rebooted. Now my Iphone 4 is stuck at the Apple logo and won't boot up. Anyone encountered the same issue?
i encountered this issue on every corona update. it's very annoying and time consuming 'cause i always have to do a restore and rejailbreak after it cause my iphone won't boot(even with ibooty/redsn0w). after a custom snowbreeze firmware restore (already jailbroken), i update cydia(along with corona) and everything is fine again(except the process of adding all apps and such again :/ ) ... has anyone found a fix to this?
Ok 6italia0, you seem rather informed, so I will ask you this question:
Should I install this, if I jailbroke my iPhone 4S and it is only at v5.0, NOT v5.0.1.
Re-reading does not seem to answer this particular question...
Um ok last I used corona was for my iPhone 4 when I still had it, my question was whether or not the 4S needs this or if it's meant to just fix issues with non A5 devices and/or whether it actually does anything for A5 devices. It's amazing how butthurt people get over simple questions, made me laugh though lol
@italia0... It does not apply to ur jailbroken 4S and Ipad2 as it does not used Corona to jailbreak. Wait if there are any patches for Absinthe for this fix. rgds
There is absolutely no need for this kind of verbal abuse. If you can't be pleasant or helpful, keep your disdain for others to yourself... Yes, whatever you think of them.