Como hacer Jailbreak a tu iPad usando Absinthe 2.0 (Windows) [5.1.1]
Posted May 25, 2012 at 1:54pm by iClarified
Estas son las instrucciones de como realizar jailbreak a tu iPad con iOS 5.1.1 usando Absinthe 2.0 para Windows.
Advertencia***: Antes de continuar asegúrate de realizar un respaldo de tu dispositivo en iTunes ya que podrías perder tu información (fotos, música, aplicaciones) durante este proceso.
Paso Uno Descarga la ultima versión de Absinthe desde aquí.
Paso Dos Extrae el archivo descargado.
Paso Tres Haz doble clíc en el archivo absinthe-win-2.0.exe de la carpeta que acabas de extraer.
Esto creará una nueva carpeta llamada absinthe-win-2.0.
Abre la nueva carpeta creada y ejecuta absinthe.exe.
Paso Cuatro Según como indica la ventana, conecta tu iPad al computador por USB. Asegúrate de quitar cualquier contraseña o ajustes de VPN que hayas grabado previamente..
Paso Cinco Haz clíc en el botón que dice Jailbreak para empezar.
Paso Seis La aplicación te llevará por varios pasos para obtener el jailbreak incluyendo los siguientes en inglés: beginning jailbreak, sending initial jailbreak data, sending final jailbreak data, waiting for reboot, y finalmente waiting for process to complete.
Paso Siete El programa te informará cuando el jailbreak esté listo con la palabra 'Done'.
Paso Ocho En pocos momentos notarás que Cydia aparecerá en el Springboard!
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when i am trying to jail break , Absinthe application start and then after some time gets the windows pop that Absinthe stopped responding and jail break stops... do we have any solution for this problem
Hello! I have a problem with my ipad , jailbreak works but when i install apps to device then it isnt work " the install was unsuccessful " i dont know what happened:( please help me!! what can i do??
Hello, i got the Ipad 3 jailbroken with Absinthe. Two Days ago noticed that FaceTime and Message icons disappeared. They are not listed in settings and when I search with spotlight nothing's found. Any suggestions as I cannot do a restore cause apple stoped signing 5.1.1 and don't have blobs saved as I bought it 10 days ago?
After going through the complete jdibrake procedure as instructed Cydia has appeared on my iPad 2 wifi but when you press Cydia nothing happens? I repeated the process
it's succesfully done jailbreaking with ipad 1, but when i try to install ipa, it always said "invalid ipa" using both ifunbox and installous. The cydia always unable to load (couldn't connect to the server). Any solution?
does anybody has problems with sudden shutdowns after jailbrake? from normal operation, ipad 2 wi-fi, when wi fi is turned on suddenly shutsdown....any help????'
I have an iPad 3 (GSM)...although Cydia appears and works fine using absinthe-win-2.0.4...i am unable to install Installous 5...i keep getting error has mismatch. Has anyone else had this or knows how to resolve this?
Tested with absinthe 2.0.4 on iPad 2,2 running IOS 5.1.1 ended every time with Hmm something went wron, trying to recover. I found the solution here:
If you force the iPad into DFU mode, do a Shift+Restore in itunes, and load IOS 5.1.1 from nothing then it works
First, backup your device with iTunes.
Then on the iPad, go to settings, reset, erase all data and settings
Try jailbreak again
I had an equivalent issue with my 12 out of 13,8 gb iPad wifi (very long first step ! Then error during the second)
After resetting, JB in less than a minute, flawless.
Then you restore from backup.
Worked flawlessly with my iPad 3 (WiFi).
- Downloaded the 5.1.1 firmware for iPad 3 WiFi
- Restored with iTunes (Shift + Click on Restore)
- Executed Absinthe 2.0.1
- Jailbreaked successfully
Does not work for my iPad 2 (GSM), when I press jailbreak after launching absintheit stops responding after a while on the pc. Tried it 3-4 times with the same message. Any help?
Jailbreak ongoing on iPad 2,1 iOS 5.1.1
First try after backup - error on step 5,2
Second try after cleaning precedent jailbreak files - error on step 5,2
Third try after erasing data and config on iPad - SUCCESS
starting Cydia (while starting iTunes then force closing it BIGFAIL)
ending with only four apps, youtube, video, todo, ... but not settings !
Restoring iPad
Do not be too eager, be patient !
Well, after a few other mistakes, not being patient enough, I've got a full functionning iPad 2,1 running iOS 5.1.1 jailbroken. Thx to the whole Jailbreak scene !
Please do not crack apps !