Todavía faltan partes fundamentales para el lanzamiento del Jailbreak para iOS6
Posted November 15, 2012 at 7:32pm by iClarified
Planetbeing,miembro del iPhone Dev-Team, ha mostrado IntelliScreenX funcionando en el iPhone 5 pero revela que partes fundamentales para el lanzamiento público del iOS 6 jailbreak no se han encontrado a día de hoy. Por el momento sólamente el iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, y el iPod Touch 4G pueden ser desbloqueados en iOS 6.0 y únicamente los iPhone 3GS con bootrom antigua soportan el untethered Jailbreak.
No puedo decir demasiado, pero todavía nos paltan partes claves, por lo que no es factible en este momento.Creerme, nos encantaría publicarlo lo antes posible.
Lo único que puedo decir acerca de la fecha es que le he prometido a @alexeheath intentar no hacerlo público en Domingo. :P
Planetbeing tambien señaló que es probable que el Dev-Team solo publicara un Jailbreak si este es untethered.
I significa que que si se publicara un JB para el 4S, porbablemente sería al mismo tiempo que para los otros dispositivos, y no antes.
es poco probable que veamos un JB tethered para dispositivos posteriores. Porbablemente sera untethered o nada, a no ser que encontremos un bug en la bootrom.
@leauge_bum I couldn't agree more with your statement.. I have moved on and not expecting jailbreak anymore. We have to learn and find away for ourselves rather than rely on anyone to make us happy. I am force to learn new ways to appreciate what my current devices offer and I'm greatful for it. iPhone 5, iPad mini can still be as fun with or without Jailbreak, just find a way to appreciate it for what it is.
It seems like the iOS Jailbreak'ing community is slowly dying. These JB's are taking for ever, and there's a good chance there may never be a JB for iPhone 5, period.
Would also be great to see a Jailbreak released for the Apple TV 3.
These king hackers that once owned Jailbreaking iOS have moved on to new challenges. The iOS Jailbreaking hype is all over.
If the iPhone 5 was just a tarted up 4s it would already be jailbroken. It's easy for someone who hasn't yet had the opportunity to use the new device, to dismiss it.
Shit I have an ipad 4 sitting here in its sealed box waiting for a jailbreak. Needs to come soon or the thing is being sold, can't hang around being teased especially when I am one of few who ACTUALLY donates every time when I have jailbroken my idevice. Come on guys
jailbroken or not ..... i'm gonna buy iPhone 5 instead........ getting too tired with the crapDroid, too lagy, too slow, too mainstream and most of all ...... no supported hardware for music......... i hate this SGS3 and this frickin SLOW notes!!!
Just cancel, I'm to bored to wait any longer on a Jailbreak, takes WAY to long. Bad for Cydia developers. Anyhow not much new of interest in Cydia, mostly stuff that will make your ios device unstable.
This whole apple JB thing is just getting out of hand.
In Jan 13 I will be getting a Droid phone, easier rooting.
And apk files all over the place. I got a tablet and see
how easy I will be for a phone. I feel Apple missed with
delivering a great new phone, hince I'll be becoming a
This is a good news to all jailbreak community.
I agree with all the people,there is a hope.
This is also good for cydia.
I will always support our hackers donate whatever I could afford .
I have not bought an Iphone 5 either.
Might as well get it now .I have an Iphone 4s I fucked up my 5.1.1 .Now I dont have a jailbreak.
Man this a fucking boring iphone without a jailbreak.
Apple will loose lots of customers if there is no jailbreak.
I am sure saurik is loosing lots of money 2..Can't sell tweaks if you cant jailbreak.
Specially newer devices like an Iphone4S or Iphone5!
I hope we get it by thanks giving
That would be great
I will donate
Thank you for letting us know.
with that logic it's conceivable that when the jailbreak is released by the time you get your iphone 5 it won't come with the jailbreakable firmware. The jailbreak will come out eventually so you might think about getting the phone now rather than later to ensure it will be jailbreakable.