El desbloqueo BlackSn0w para Iphone esta muy próximo.
Posted October 30, 2009 at 12:24pm by iClarified
Geohot ha anunciado que un desbloqueo llamado Blacksn0w para el iphone con el baseband 05.11.07 esta próximo a estar disponible.
Esto significa que todos los iphones van a poder ser desbloqueados, incluyendo tambien auqellos que han actualizado tanto accidentalmente como intencionalmente a la versión mas reciente del firmware.
Hey Hola, este es geohot esta es la injerencia mas complicada que haya hecho, y utiliza un comando publico ... preparense para blacksn0w, aunque aun tengo que descifrar este zamboni
Por supuesto que los vamos a mantener al tanto con los desarrollos que se vayan dando, pero lo mejor es que las cosas se miran muy prometedoras. Sigue haciendo las cosas bien Geohot!
honestly the unlock software not done yet. no one of who wrote his/her comments can give us a link where we can find it. then Geo will keep us up to date with further developments. so dont waste your time looking for nothing at this point of time!!!!
thank u shitty poop i went where u said and yes i found it and yes it is the easiest unlock as linda said she was right thank u shitty poop and thank u linda if not for u linda i would not have tried to get it beta
I found it but how do i start the unlock can anyone help me it says it is use at ur own risk cus it is till in beta but any of u use it yet please tell me if it is safe and if it works
Don't believe the hype - its all a big con. Iphoneunlockuk.com does not even have the fix even though it is advertising this on the website. I called them earlier today and they couldn't even commit to when this would be made available. Dont sign up until someone actually says that they have this working!!
i want to donate to ur site Geo how do i do it ur a clever guy my iphone is now unlocked and ur software was so easy even for me as i know nothing about computers thanks agin Geo ur great
ok the unlock is now out it took me 5 minutes to change the base back and now i unlocked it in 3 min thanks Geo ur my idol i will definately be first in line to donate thanks again it is unlocked and i made my first test phonecall and it workssssss
Geo u said its coming soon Can u be more specific? can u give an aproximate time ball park date ETA ?? 1 day 2 days 3 days ??? just tell us so we can feel a bit better ok Geo