February 7, 2025
Geohot libera el desbloqueo BlackSn0w!

Geohot libera el desbloqueo BlackSn0w!

Posted November 3, 2009 at 12:51pm by iClarified

Geohot ha lanzado su desbloqueo BlackSn0w para el iPhone 3G y 3GS.

"blacksn0w es el desbloqueo para el baseband mas reciente 05.11.07, y tambien habilitara el tethering oficial. blackra1n, un jailbreak para 3.1.2, ha sido actualizado a RC3, con soporte de hacktivacion, mejora de 15 segundos de velocidad, soporte Tiger+PPC, y la installación de blackra1n.app mas actual."

Usted puede encontrar las instrucciones de como usar blacksn0w para desbloquear su iPhone aqui:
Windows, Mac.

Si usted ya ha realizado jailbreak usando blackra1n, vuelva a ejecutar la aplicación. Usted verá reemplazado Icy con la opcion "ra1n". Instale este para actualizar su aplicación blackra1n. Ejecute la aplicación blackra1n nuevamente. Esta vez usted verá "sn0w". Instale sn0w para desbloquear su dispositivo.

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Geohot libera el desbloqueo BlackSn0w!
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Comments (14)
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Liviu Mica
Liviu Mica - November 5, 2009 at 11:05am
Thanks GeoHotz - - worked like a charm, simple, fast and extremely easy ... :)) keep it up
Susan - November 4, 2009 at 1:37am
Wow! Super fast, super easy.. Amazing work.. Now if only iphoneunlock.com would refund my money then I'd be able to donate.. Will soon though. Thanks sooo much!
vjasonn - November 4, 2009 at 12:57am
everything went smoothly after the unlock. yet my iphone kept restarting after i tried to reset by pressing "Erase All Content and Settings" due to troubles connecting to wifi. any help is greatly appreciated!!
GP - November 5, 2009 at 7:20am
U only reset YOUR Network, not every Setting.. NETWOK only!
qutecpye - November 3, 2009 at 4:59pm
Thanks bunch Geohot, i just jb and unlocked my phone and everything went smoothly. Process is so quick i couldn't believe my eyes. Props to you Geo, i will be donating for sure. Please don't pay for the unlock its free thanks to Geohot and his unlock software BlackSn0w!!!
napsy - November 3, 2009 at 7:26pm
this is junk icouldn't make iphone to iphone phone calls
SirLuciousLeftFoot - November 3, 2009 at 3:03pm
YEZZZIR!....Works Flawlessly and took less that 2 minutes since phone was already broken by Blackra1n!!
chris - November 3, 2009 at 3:05pm
mine is already jailbroken using blackra1n and i deleted the icon blackrain, how do i get it back....plzzz help[pppp thanks..
Kiniu - November 3, 2009 at 3:06pm
are you sure ? i need real answer man , because if i block my only one and beloved phone i will cry for long time .... and might hurt somebody :)
Kiniu - November 3, 2009 at 2:52pm
does this jealbreak supports iphone 2g?
DNA64 - November 3, 2009 at 3:04pm
Jailbreak for 2G is supported. For unlock use Yellowsn0w from Cydia.
Kiniu - November 3, 2009 at 3:13pm
if you could give me some more details hoe to do this and where i can find yellowsnow (repo name)
simon Iphone 3g 16g
simon Iphone 3g 16g - November 3, 2009 at 2:25pm
Geohot --- You are the man this is so easy and worked first time as expected, i am now using a very popular network in the UK " not o2 " Once again that was awesome, i will drop you a donation for your efforts.. Highly recomended Thanks..
Herman - November 5, 2009 at 9:59pm
why after I jailbrake my 3g will not play youtube videos ? I flashed it back to original state and it worked again any advice
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