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El iPhone Dev-Team lanza RedSn0w 0.9 Beta para Windows, Mac

El iPhone Dev-Team lanza RedSn0w 0.9 Beta para Windows, Mac

Posted January 21, 2010 at 2:07pm by iClarified
El Iphone Dev-Team lanzó la version beta de RedSn0w 0.9 que libera ('jailbreak'), desbloquea ('unlock') y personaliza el último firmware del iPhone.

Las personalizaciones incluyen, logos de reinicio, logos de recuperacion e inicio "verbose".

La version beta soporta:
- Todos los iPhones y iPod touch, excepto el iPod touch 3G
- Windows y Mac OSX(X86)
- Firmwares de Apple 3.0 y 3.1.2

Cuando deje de ser version beta, soportará el iPod Touch 3G, PCC OSX y Linux.

En qué es diferente de PwnageTool?
redsn0w no necesita hacer una restauracion del sistema como PwnageTool (nisiquiera se necesita iTunes). Por otro lado, PwnageTool puede prevenir que la 'baseband' sea actualizada cuando se actualize su firmware, preservando asi su liberación. (redsn0w no toca el 'baseband' pero tampoco ayuda a preservarlo en una actualización). redsn0w trabaja modificando su sistema de archivos ('filesystem') actual, es decir que su 'baseband' actual, su informacion y aplicaicones deberían permanecer intactas.

En qué es diferente de blackra1n?
- Utiliza nuestro "Pwnage bootrom exploit" para el iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G y iPod 1G. (Porque es un error de hardware, y no puede ser reparado por Apple sin un nuevo hardware.) Tome en cuenta que redsn0w 0.9 utiliza un error de USB del iPhone 3GS y iPod 2G con firmware 3.1.2, pero ese error podra ser arreglado en el proximo firmware que lanze Apple.
- Ofrese logos personalizables y un inicio "verbose"
- Instala Cydia sin necesidad de descargarlo por separado
- No es tan rapido :) (pero redsn0w maneja mas variaciones :))

Si usted tiene el ultimo modelo de iPhone 3GS, o si tiene un iPod touch 2G con un 'serial number' que comienze con "MC", usted puede utilizar redsn0w para liberarlos ('jailbreak') pero esta restringido a uno "atado" ('tethered'). Eso significa que necesitara conectar su aparato a una computadora para completar el inicio despues de reiniciarlo. Estos dispositivos no pueden tener logos personalizados.

Estaremos posteando tutoriales detallados en como utilizar RedSn0w 0.9 cuando la version beta sea finalizada. Por favor mantenganse al tanto para mas información.

Puede descargar RedSn0w 0.9 Beta de aquí: Windows, Mac

El iPhone Dev-Team lanza RedSn0w 0.9 Beta para Windows, Mac
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Comments (22)
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tigertam - January 22, 2010 at 5:57pm
Hello! Can did new beta unlock Iphone 2G (3.1.2) modem Firmware 04.05.04_G , Thank you and have a nice weedend.
asaadsaleh - January 22, 2010 at 4:51am
Hi, this didn't solve the connect to itune once rest? i thought it will at least this guys :( too late to have it doing the same as the blackra1n.
james - January 22, 2010 at 3:56am
Hello,    I have an iPhone 3GS (3.1.2), model # start with 'MB'.  The phone was JailBroken & unlocked with BlackRa1n, but the phone lock down every time it turn off. So I was wondering if I JB n unlock it with Redsn0w 0.9 Beta, is that gonna help?     Thax in advance!!
John - January 22, 2010 at 1:15pm
no, it's still tethered for iPhone 3GS with new bootrom a.k.a. no it's not fixed!
FranK JR jr
FranK JR jr - January 21, 2010 at 8:39pm
This is just not working for me. it just stays on a black blank screen and never shows the pictures or anything. hopefully theres a fix soon
Jay - January 21, 2010 at 3:44pm
Well this is almost pointless.... Someone should tell the Dev Team about Apples iPhone 4.0 coming NEXT WED! A little late on this one guys. I also suggest BlackRa1n!
fenrry - January 21, 2010 at 3:52pm
Is not pointless, ur rt about the new OS if they really do release such thing but on the mean time is a good start.
Edgar - January 21, 2010 at 4:38pm
Not a 100% confimed that they'll announce it next week. On top of THAT, if they DO, they probably won't release it next week either.
battery lifeeeee
battery lifeeeee - January 21, 2010 at 3:03pm
do u think if we jailbreak using redsnow your battery life will improve? blackrain is a battery killer. but theres no other choice right now?? any suggestions on getting batt life? im using a 3gs 32gb purchased 1 month ago. jailbroken with blk rain --wifi always offfff :)
Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson - January 21, 2010 at 3:29pm
blackrain doesnt kill battery once yr phone is jailbroke you delete black rain its iphone batterys are crap anyway try a original iphone with no jailbreak battery life is the same as a jailbroke phone
Luis Felipe
Luis Felipe - January 21, 2010 at 8:49pm
heyyy!!!! wi-fi it´s always off on mine too!!!! sometimes I try rebooting with blackra1n and can get wi-fi working well... but now... it´s off and I can´t get it back on... do you know the reason why or at least a forum to go and check for answers.... thz!!!!!
Luis Felipe
Luis Felipe - January 21, 2010 at 9:06pm
how do I delete blackra1n....???? and... is this gonna affect my iphone performance....??
chriskat - January 22, 2010 at 5:37am
hi, just open the blackra1n app on your springboard and is a button to uninstall blackra1n, you will only be uninstalling the app not the unlock, the jailbreak or cydia/rock
cristian - January 22, 2010 at 10:03am
You are right. I installed blackra1n two days ago and I noticed the same thing. It drains the battery very quick. Is there any fix to this?
Dan - January 22, 2010 at 11:01am
blackra1n does NOT kill the battery. I've been jailbroken with blackra1n for a few months now and can easily go two days with a few calls and data usage. I leave all the radios on all the time. I'm guessing that you installed a bunch of crap from cydia/rock and something there is causing your battery drain. blackra1n by itself does nothing that I can see to kill battery.
chriskat - January 22, 2010 at 11:41am
i have had blackra1n installed from day one one both the 3G and the 3Gs and it is not the battery killer, it probably is something else you have installed, also the 3Gs is not the best for battery life. i usually get about two days with normal use which seems to be the norm.
Luis Felipe
Luis Felipe - January 22, 2010 at 3:19pm
how about the wi - fi thing...?? thanks for all your answers...
Dan - January 22, 2010 at 3:43pm
The only wi-fi issue I've had also occurs when not jailbroken. At work we use Cisco access points serving up multiple SSIDs. The only SSID the iPhone can connect to reliably is the SSID that is in the clear and is broadcast. The hidden SSID with WAP will not connect reliably (connects then disconnects, repeat). The other issue I have...again, both vanilla and jailbroken is with the VPN client. It connects, but only for a few minutes and then disconnects. I think the iPhone software still has plenty of bugs....especially when you get to things that the average user might not come accross (multipl SSID APs and VPN).
chriskat - January 22, 2010 at 6:34pm
have you tried a complete restore and re-jailbreak, i had a few issues with battery life and wifi when i upgraded to the 3Gs so what i did was (make sure to back up your iphone with itunes before doing anything) just restore your phone with itunes but set it up as a new phone NOT from a previous back up (you can sync all your contacts afterwards) when the phone is now stock apple firmware you can see if you still have the problem then jailbreak and unlock, if that doesnt work you can allways restore the phone again and set it up from your initial back up. it may not work but it might be worth trying
Jaidev - January 21, 2010 at 2:31pm
What is meant be "late model iphone." My one was purchased in September and is tetherbroken with blackra1n. Is this supported for my iphone 3gs?
DuB - January 21, 2010 at 2:54pm
Yes yours is supported but you will still have a tethered jailbreak. But if you are jailbroken on 3.1.2 with blackrain there really is no point to re jailbreak. Unless you have a need for verbose boot.
MegaTZ - January 22, 2010 at 8:38am
Does this actually unlock? It didn't say so, and ultrasnow still doesnt work with 5.11 bootrom. the JB went perfectly.
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