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Steve Jobs confirma iPhone no se puede atar con el iPad

Steve Jobs confirma iPhone no se puede atar con el iPad

Posted March 6, 2010 at 12:04am by iClarified
En respuesta a un email de un fan de Apple sueco, Steve Jobs ha confirmado que el iPhone no se puede atar a la iPad.

Lo mantendré corto.

Soy Jezper de Suecia, un viejo admirador de Apple, en la actualidad a punto de reemplazar el equipo último en la casa con un nuevo i7 iMac. También estoy en espera de la liberación de los iPad. Sin embargo, tengo una pregunta:

¿El wifi versión de sólo el apoyo de alguna manera atado a través de mi iPhone?

Dos dispositivos, basados en el mismo sistema operativo, con el ya incorporado en la tecnología para compartir un plan de datos sugiere que un contrato de secundaria podría ser redundante.

Desde la mirada de su apertura, donde el iPad se sienta bien entre mi MacBook Pro y mi iPhone, que yo esperaba, los tres podrían interactuar tan inconsútil como sea posible.

All the best,
Jezper Söderlund



Enviado desde mi iPhone

Como era de esperar, Apple y AT & T que los clientes de adquirir acceso a la red y más caros versión 3G. Esperemos que el dispositivo se Jailbroken rápidamente!

* Actualización: algunos de nuestros comentaristas han mencionado que MyWi correctamente se puede utilizar para establecer un punto de conexión inalámbrica para la iPad conectarse, a pesar de que consumen la batería del iPhone con gran rapidez.
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Comments (9)
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Jay - March 6, 2010 at 1:49pm
Why would you think it could be? That means they would sell less of the 3G version! DUH!
rcall - March 9, 2010 at 9:05pm
Yeah, that would fall right in line with Apple's usual marketing strategy. Still though, as a Mac convert, one of my favorite things about my new MacBook is how everything works together so seamlessly.
Lael - March 6, 2010 at 12:36pm
MyWi is great I have it on my iPhone and there is no way it can't work. I've actually locked on the network on another iphone (iPhone to iPhone) so it should be great. Also its pure 3G network not dumbed down by the iPHone so you can hit some decent speed on my macbook using it. About the battery, I simply purchased the Richard solo battery pack which has 2 full charges and that puppy won't let your iPhone die under any circumstance so Im assuming that I will find a nice case I can stick the iPhone and Battery pack in and enjoy. Keep in mind there are still many wifi hubs so you won't be consistently running from your iPhone whenever you need to use the internet! :D
Joe Cole
Joe Cole - March 6, 2010 at 7:59am
The point I was trying to make was that, a man of his status should at least have the courtesy to write back in style instead of a one-syllable 'No'. People look up to this guy for inspiration but instead of inspiring, he's au contraire, in my opinion.
Jason - March 6, 2010 at 1:50am
If you have a jailbroken iPhone you can use MyWi to turn your iphone into a wifi hotspot, which you can then use your iPad to connect to that hotstop. And VOILA! you have tethered your iPad and iPhone successfully. It might not be blazing fast but it should work.
Matt - March 6, 2010 at 12:23am
The iPad doesn't need to be jailbroken (though it will, only matter of time) to make this happen... the iPhone is already able to create a wifi network from its 3G data connection with the help of a jailbroken app (forget the name, but it was talked about recently). There is nothing in the iPad to stop it from connecting to this (apparently normal) wifi hotspot.
mike - March 6, 2010 at 1:01am
It is called MyWi and it is great, i have it on my iphone 2g but it supports all models.
Marcel - March 6, 2010 at 3:22am
This is not oficial,just a bad rumor
bledu - March 6, 2010 at 6:18am
It is exactly whats' Jason was speaking about : MyWi on a jailbroken iPhone is a hotspot Wifi, so iPad could connect to it and use its modem without any jailbreak of the iPad.
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