Prototipo de iPhone con iPhone OS 4.0 instalado? [Mas Fotos]
Posted May 13, 2010 at 1:12pm by iClarified
Al parecer el Vietnamese, dueno del prototipo de iPhone, ha logrado instalar el iPhone OS 4.0 en dicho aparato, como se puede ver en esta foto obtenida por Engadget.
Todavia hay mas fotos del sistema operativo por ser vistas; sin embargo, si es cierto, el prototipo podría revelar mucha información de acuerdo a como las versiones betas del OS 4.0 sean dadas a los developers.
Muchas fotos han sido tomadas del prototipo. Las puedes ver mas abajo...
From my close observation, the phone was set up in Vietnamese language. I wonder it was either jailbroken so it could be used Vietnamese Language Pack or the new iPhone OS 4.0 add Vietnamese one? Anyone can clarify this?
Don't you ever wonder why all the rest of the pictures have the same screen background as all the rest floating around these threads.
I could put together an image and claim it to be another prototype....You know what, i might just do it to prove a point!
Looks nice, I mean, the same profile and all, real or fake, this shape is a much better one (handling and all)
Some say that there may be an investigation... probably this time will be Vietnam War II or the beginning or WWIII LMFAO.
Look closely at the pictures.There are two pictures of it next to an iphone 3GS.One of the pictures the prototype says 32gb, the other it says 16gb....hmmmmmmm
It really does look great though. Very happy to see they didn't do anything wacky to it. I like the square edge, less likely to slip out of my hand like the bar of soap shape.