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P0sixninja nuevo utencilio para jailbreak tu iphone

P0sixninja nuevo utencilio para jailbreak tu iphone

Posted June 6, 2010 at 1:28pm by iClarified
P0sixninj de Chronic Dev Team ha anunciado la liberacion del nuevo utencilio de greenpois0n.

: La nueva erramienta con la capacidad de restaurar los archivos IPSWs sin la necesidad de usar itunes. tambien con la capacidad de actualizar los firmware sin la necesidad de flashar para preservar el desbloqueo o el jailbreak de tu iphone.

ideviceactivate: Esta nueva utilidad esta disenada para activar los iphones sin la ayuda de itunes,

spirit-linux: El codigo abierto de la version Spirit jailbreak para la plataforma de Linux y posible otros.

libirecovery una libreria para ayuda a los desarolladores de sitemas y comunicaciones con iBoot, iBSS, iBEC y DFU, como tambien un nuevo y completamente reescrito y mejorado el irecovery.

Estamos empezando a publicar algunos datos de nuestros codigos (fuentes) de los componentes greenpois0n para ayudar a los desarrolladores para que aprendan y lo puedan mejorar y disenar nuevos programas para jailbreak, Cada de estos componentes es diferentes y con la licencia de GNU Publicde nuesto Chronic-Dev Github .

GreenPois0n Cyanide:Es una plataforma Iboot payload y kit de herramientas para ayudar a desarrolladores de programas a descubrir nuevas vunerabilidades y disenarlo super rapido, con un nivel bajo de iboot jailbreak muy similar a como trabaja el blackra1n/purplera1n.

GreenPois0n Anthrax:Es una plataforma para el iphone ramdisk, este kit ayuda a desarroyadores a disenarlas muy estable y portable el ramdisk jailbreak, muy similar a como trabaja el quickpwn/redsn0w.

GreenPois0n Dioxin:Esta plataforma de MobileDivice es un kit que esta disenado para ayudar a todos los desarolladores para disenar asombroso a niveles de usuario el jailbreaj, muy similar como trabaja el spirit jailbreak.

GreenPois0n Arsenic: Esta plataforma es un kit para modificar el firmware, para ayudar a los desarolladores, a disenar el jailbreak conservando el mismo baseband y conservando el unlock, muy similar como funciona el PwnageTool/Sn0wBreeze.

P0sixninja tambien incluye la posibilidad de un nuevo unlock, descubierto por Sherif Hashim, un nuevo untethered iBoot vunerable que fue descubierto por geohot y Chronic-Dev Team, y un nuevo codigo de execucion bootrom descubierto por geohot too.

Si quieren contribuir pueden hacer donaciones a p0sixninja's nuevo iPhone4g donaciones. tambien donar sus aparatos viejos o rotos es importante.

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P0sixninja nuevo utencilio para jailbreak tu iphone
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Comments (17)
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Jon - June 7, 2010 at 11:51am
I dont see anything here for a consumer, sounds like a bunch of hacker development tools. I prefer to wait for an unlock that is ready and working, then donate. I dont think donating for something that has not yet been released makes any sense. That is why I wait for geohot or devteam to release an unlock for FW 3.1.3 or higher greenpoison continues to be vaporware. No greenpoison unlock has EVER been released, though donations have been requested for it, in advance, for a long time.
Zeljko - June 7, 2010 at 7:37am
I agree with you Gustavo. Without unlock a lot of us are just messed up...I dont need hunderd method to jailbreak ...
famleon - June 6, 2010 at 8:03pm
No unlock......?????? I do not want to sound ungrateful but, still I have an Ipod 3GS because before this I used spirit, sooooo, no big deal to me....
Antonio - June 6, 2010 at 2:00pm
"idevicerestore" FTW!!!! that has to be one of the greatest inventions for an apple device (ipod touch, iphone) lol
toufic - June 6, 2010 at 2:22pm
how does it work???? plz help me
Antonio - June 6, 2010 at 2:57pm
It will let you restore IPSW's without the need of iTunes, which means that now we can restore without having to worrying about updating our baseband (thus losing our unlock) & we don't have to worry about apple signing off on old firmware.... I think I'm right lol
toufic - June 6, 2010 at 3:21pm
it is for windows or Mac
Antonio - June 6, 2010 at 4:02pm
I think it's for both but I'm not sure.
David J
David J - June 6, 2010 at 5:46pm
I think that its a C source code, have anyone tried to run it?
MuscleNerd - June 6, 2010 at 9:07pm
That's not what it means (that would be great though!) Remember, the iPhone is in charge of the restore, and iTunes just services the requests made by the device. iTunes doesn't have a say in what the iPhone requests or verifies, and nether can any PC-side client. No PC-side client is able to bypass the iPhone's integrity checks of the files sent over during a restore. This isn't a new form of a jailbreak.
iName - June 6, 2010 at 9:10pm
how do you install it? i dont speak code so their site is kind of confusing to me lol
Antonio - June 7, 2010 at 12:30am
well yeah what MuscleNerd said lol
Vakas - June 7, 2010 at 5:58am
What is the difference between iTunes restore and iDevicerestore ???
limited733 - June 7, 2010 at 8:23am
Are these already availiable for download?
Vakas - June 7, 2010 at 8:53am
Yes they are available for download but i think they are useless currently.
Vakas - June 7, 2010 at 8:56am
I mean the team is working on them and will release the full and final thing soon. That is what is understand.
bonez - June 8, 2010 at 9:24pm
soo does anyone know what all you need to install into osx to build these tools?
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