iPhone Dev-Team Onnistui tekemään Untether Jailbreakin iOS 4.2.1 versio [Video]
Posted December 8, 2010 at 11:16am by iClarified
The iPhone Dev-Team he ovat pystyneet tekemään Untether Jailbreakin iOS 4.2.1 versioon, heille, joilla on tallessa 4.2b3 SHSH Blobsit.
MuscleNerd Twiittasi , [Minä]Olen löytänyt "varasuunnitelman" untether 4.2.1 toimivaan JailBreakkiin (video tulossa). Se käyttää 4.2b3 SHSH Blobseja joita Cydia säilyttää sinulle.
(Se on "varasuunnitelma" koska comex on valmistelemassa laajempaa versiota , mutta tämä tapakin on hyvin yleinen)
Tulemme päivittämään tietoja kehittäjiltä.
Päivitys: MuscleNerd on kertonut että tämä toimii myös AppleTV 2G 4.2.1 kanssa.
Päivitys x2: Comex on kertonut juuri, että Jailbreak julkaistaan jouluksi.
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------This is tipical Cat and Mouse situation, look look 35000 hits in one day.
iclarified makes Money , they deserve it let it wait. It is same with girls you want them but as soon as you got them , you want another firmware update...
Off topic but need some help from you guys.
How about 3GS with 4.0.1 and 5.13.4.
Wt can I use to jb and UL?
I tried to post this earlier but got no replies.
If you need to know what jailbreak/Unlock you need you can check out iClarified's step by step guide here: https://iClarified.com/jailbreak Simply select your device, Firmware and OS....Easy!
There is a way.....But this is not the safest way and you will definitely invalidate your warranty. It involves installing a iPad baseband which is very detectable by apple. I would wait
I think it's risky because if I upgrade to a iPad bb then then wt happen if apple release a new version with old bb. I'm scared of not being able to go back.
So in conclusion with 3GS old bootrom 4.0.1 bb 5.13.4 if I need to UL, I either upgrade to the iPad bb or wait? And wait for wt specifically, redsn0w bundle? Comex? Pwnagetool bundle then redsn0w?
Don't even think about iPad BB upgrade, sooner or later you will brick your iPhone, the same thing has happened about two years ago with iPhone 2G "no imei, no wifi, no bt". Then, new iPhone version will come out and everyone will focus on that, you will remain with a nice, shiny and expensive paper weight. Seems like dev team don't care about all the problems they caused in the past.
At the moment, the only devices that aren't tethered are older NON MC models. This does not include the iPhone 4. If you want my advice, stay on 4.1 until there is a fully untethered version of the Jailbreak.
Thanks, I'll do that
Quick question, will I be able to unlock it on iOS 4.1?
I don't know what baseband it's running since I didn't receive it yet, but I think it's running the 4.1 one
I beleve you can still get your 4.2b3 shsh. try firmwareumbrella.
tried it on an newer before jailbroken iphone and got shsh for 4.2.1 and 4.2b3 just an hour ago.
What does this mean for people who need an unlock?
My iPhone 3GS is on iOS 4.1 with baseband 05.14.02 and I'm not interested in using the weird and risky iPad frankenphone method
At the moment, it doesn't really mean anything for us unlockers. It might mean something If (and only IF) they succeed at unlocking 4.2.1, although it seems they're really not putting that much effort into it. If they do unlock it, however, this unthether jailbreak will mean that we will be able to restart our devices without having to connect it to our computers to preserve the hack. Since the unlock is not out, though, this news doesn't really apply to us at the moment.
Correct my jargon please - isn't it a *jailbreak* for iOS 4.21 and an *unlock* for baseband 05.14.02 or 06.xx.xx? I'm comfortable with the jailbreak at iOS 4.1 and don't particularly feel like I need to upgrade to 4.2x. What I need is for 05.14.02 or later to be unlocked.
But anyway, I also got the impression that they're not focusing on 4.21. Does that mean I'm going to have to wait for iOS 4.3?
Is there some way to track what they're working on / expected arrival dates for future or current jailbreak/unlock projects, so I can estimate when I'll be able to unlock my iPhone?