Apple kuulemma valmistelee iOS 4.3.2 julkaisemista kahden viikon sisällä, BGR mukaan.
Yksi meidän Apple ninjoista on ilmoittanut, että yhtiö työskentee uuden iOS 4.3.x version parissa: IOS 4.3.2. Se pitäisi sisältää muutamia parannuksia, kohdistuen turvallisuusongelmiin ja se myös pitäisi korjata useita virheitä, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet käyttäjiin. Meille on kerrottu, että päivityksen pitäisi tulla noin kahden viikon kuluessa.
Chill man. I Jailbreak to unlock sweet tweaks like 'LockInfo' and 'NotifiedPro' things that Apple should implemented, but hasn't. I have never used Jailbreaking to install Cracked apps. The Developers deserve support after making amazing apps. Yes, the Dev Team is looking the battle at times, but that's because they do this for free in their free time. They aren't getting paid to look for the exploits to fix everyday.
Agreed. I do not understand why people get upset. Just don't update or take the few SECONDS it takes to do so. Really is not that big of a deal. Besides the hate should go towards APPLE for releasing a version that needs to be fixed in the first place
Well... its not the problem of updating per say... but the problem of getting the device with the new unjailbroken firmware... for example, i had the first iphone 4's that came out... firmware 4.0 and baseband 01.59.00... So i jailbreak when it had available ( at the time) but couple months after that i had to go to apple store to get a replace because it was defective... they gave me the iPhone 4 with the 4.1 and the 02 baseband... had to way a lifetime for them to release a jailbreak... =( so the problem is when you get the device with a crappy firmware... Now mine is jailbroken and shsh saved since 4.1, so if i update to 4.3.2 to test it... i can always go back... thats the beauty... if people had jailbroken devices and they upgrade and they are stuck... well, its their own damn fault, and no pity on these people... Cydia does the shsh backup for you... so... yeah...
IOW those of us with JB devices have not real need to update and the Dev-Team has no real reason to come up with another JB as this update provides nothing new.
Dev-Team just needs to wait for iOS 4.4 or iOS 5.0
apples too creative, yet 1 month launched a 4.3.1,next os will appear again.This indicates that apple want challenge the dev-team.I believe dev-team have been anticipate this......
GO DEV-TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why? For providing other features that Apple does not provide? For giving us access to other features and APPs that other Mobile OS devices provide that Apple does not? For doing work for free in order for us to use if we CHOOSE? What is the reason for the hate?
Well the firmware keep going out. But i don't see any unlock at all. What's going on? I'm on baseband 2-10-04. Is there no way to unlock that baseband.
and the dev team will wait until the os 4.3.3 is released, because we do not want to burn the exploit we found... or they were already aware of this, that is why is not being delivered???