February 17, 2025

Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Posted April 29, 2008 at 1:11am by iClarified
Voici la façon de procéder pour connecter et partager un Disque Dur USB à l'aide de votre AirPort Extreme Base Station.

Connectez le disque dur au port USB à l'arrière de l'AirPort Extreme Base Station.
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Lancez AirPort Utility from the Applications:Utilities folder.
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Selectionnez votre Base dans la liste de gauche puis cliquez sur Paramètres Manuels .
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Cliquez sur Disques dans la barre d'outils.
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Cliquez pour sélectionner l'onglet Partage de Fichiers.
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Assurez-vous que Autorisez le Partage de Fichier est sélectionné.
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Choisissez Avec un mot de passe disque, ou Avec mot de passe station de base si vous voulez sécuriser disque partagé avec un mot de passe, ou choisissez Avec des comptes si vous voulez sécuriser le disque avec des comptes d'utilisateurs.
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Choisissez Interdit, Lecture Seule, ou Lecture et Ecriture pour assigner un accès invité au disque.
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Mettre l'encoche sur Partage des disques via le port Ethernet WAN si vous voulez donner un accès à distance au disque via le port WAN. Si vous voulez partager des disques via le port Ethernet WAN vous pouvez aussi sélectionner Utiliser Bonjour.

Finalement activez Partage de Fichier Workgroup et Serveur WINS pour Windows si vous avez choisi de le faire.

Cliquez sur Actualiser pour compléter vos modifications.
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

AirPort aura besoin de redémarrer la Station de Base pour continuer. Cliquer sur Continuer.
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme

Maintenant votre Disque Dur USB sera monté comme Point de Partage dans OS X!
Partage d'un Dique Dur USB à l'Aide de Votre AirPort Extreme
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Comments (15)
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Todd - November 5, 2012 at 6:31pm
My Airport is pleasantly sharing my usb drive. How can I get my mac to spotlight index this drive. I have found terminal commands to index but can't get the name right. Any Help?
Taslim - September 5, 2012 at 5:56pm
Can a hard disk shared with airport extreme accessed from apple tv on same network...?!
Tchinam - September 2, 2012 at 3:45pm
Si je pouvais utiliser cette station comme appel téléphonique ce serait bien.
Sebastian - February 9, 2011 at 4:47am
I can only get mine to work with fat32 formated hd. Not with the mac os format is it just me or does the exteeme only do fat32?
David - August 30, 2009 at 2:40am
Step Four: Click on Disks on the toolbar. Disks does not show up on my Airport Extreme utility.
Jay - March 12, 2009 at 10:54pm
Can you clarify on the "enter workgroup and WINS server information if you choose to do so"? I have an AEBS connected to an HFS+ WD My Book. I'm able to connect to it over a WAN with my macbook. However I'm having trouble connecting to it on the PC's at work. I was wondering what to enter for the workgroup and WINS server. After that what steps do i take on the PC to connect to it? Is it through the "My Computer --> Tools --> Map Network Drive" or something else? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Jenna Hughes
Jenna Hughes - June 27, 2009 at 2:11am
Jay, I've had an Airport Extreme for two weeks now and have never gotten the drive sharing feature to work with Windows--it just won't show up no matter what I do. The device and its instructions are obviously slanted toward Mac users--a page of detailed instructions for a Mac and a short paragraph for PC's. I'd like to meet someone who actually got this to work with a Windows PC, if there is any such person.
Jay - June 30, 2009 at 3:58pm
Jenna, Have you tried using the disk that comes with the AEBS? Supposedly if you install it on the PCs that are connected to your AEBS you should be able to share the drive with them (not sure if the formatting of the drive affects things), but my question relates to getting to my drive from the internet from a computer at work (i.e. can't install anything on the PC to get it to read the drive). Any help from anyone out there on how to access the airdisk from a PC that's not on the local network would be much appreicated.... J
Lars - July 29, 2009 at 4:56pm
Hey Jay I am desperately trying to get exactly what you are talking about here working! And no succes yet! Just wanted to hear, wether you have been succesfull in figuring this out!? Would be greatly appreciated if you could help me out here!
Jay - July 29, 2009 at 5:38pm
Hey Lars, I've been able to access my external harddrive from the internet, but on MACs ONLY. To do this you have to go through the settings and make the disk avaliable through the WAN and also go to dyndns.com and setup a hostname, you should then be able to run dyndns's tool to update your hostname to be linked to your router's ip address. After that from any Mac, make sure you're in finder and the top menu bar should have a "go" option, click on that and then click on connect to server and type in "afp://" followed by your hostname. It should then ask for your password (or not, depending on what setting you've selected in the airport extreme router's settings). After you enter your password, it should connect (it does for me and many of my friends are very grateful to have a "server" for them to use from anywhere at anytime). However, this only works from a mac, i have yet to figure out how to access this from PC... if you or anyone out there has any ideas on how to access my "server" on a PC i would be greatly appreciative... J
kincas - January 12, 2009 at 6:57am
"Step Eight Your USB Hard Drive will now be mounted as a Share Point in OS X!" It's not automatic. You have to "mount" that drives in "Go--> Network--> " and then sellect the drive.
kincas - January 9, 2009 at 6:53am
And with a powered USB HUB to connect also a printer ou more than one HD? I can "see" the printer but the External HD didn't appear.
El Barouf
El Barouf - April 30, 2008 at 10:06am
My mistake, I thought the share was in the shared list, which would have been in the LAN. I recon now. I don't understand why it doesn't work for me, unless there's port filtering on my provider side. Will investigate since I've done all as you guys did to no avail.
iClarified - April 30, 2008 at 12:30am
@El Barouf, actually this tutorial was performed over a WAN (Wide Area Network). If you notice the option is checked to Share over Ethernet WAN port.
El Barouf
El Barouf - April 29, 2008 at 4:55pm
That's clearly over a LAN. What about a WAN (Wide Area Network)? Anyone succesfully shared and accessed over the internet? I tried to no avail using both Windows and Mac machines, using samba and AFP as well. Any clue?
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