February 14, 2025
Le Push Hotmail disponible lundi sur l'Iphone

Le Push Hotmail disponible lundi sur l'Iphone

Posted August 26, 2010 at 8:59pm by iClarified
Microsoft va rendre possible Exchange ActiveSync pour les utilisateurs d' Hotmail lundi leur donnant ainsi la possiblilité de recevoir des notifications push mail sur leur terminal de type Iphone.

Microsoft's Dharmesh Mehta a dit à CNET qu'ActiveSync offre de meilleurs options que le protocole IMAP et que combiné avec un serveurPOP , il donnera aux utilisateurs d'Hotmail
les fonctionnalités qu'ils sont en droit d'attendre.

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Le Push Hotmail disponible lundi sur l'Iphone
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Comments (4)
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hip - August 27, 2010 at 1:16am
this is confusing, i always use hotmail on my iphone and the push is always work with my hotmail account ( iphone 3g,3gs and now iphone4 ) . weird...
Nacho - August 26, 2010 at 9:45pm
The real news here is that Hotmail still exists.
ifixsmartphone - August 27, 2010 at 12:42am
lol agreed.
Leonick - August 27, 2010 at 9:55am
And I thought it was common knowledge that Google, Yahoo and Hotmail are the 3 biggest email providers, and it's not like yahoos and hotmails market share is marginal to googles, they are big all three of them
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