Apple lance finallement sa promotion de rentrée des classes
Posted June 16, 2011 at 10:05am by iClarified
Apple a finallement lancé sa promotion de rentrée des classes qui offre $100 en carte cadeau valable sur le Mac App Store, l'App store, l'iTunes Store, ou encore l'iBookstore aux étudiants qui achétent un Mac. Quand vous achetez un nouveau Mac avec la réduction Apple education à partir du 16 juin 2011 jusqu'au 20 septembre 2011, vous bénéficierez d'une carte Rentrée des Classes d'une valeur de $100 valable sur le Mac App Store, l'App store, l'iTunes Store et l'iBookstore.
Cette promotion est une déception pour beaucoup d'étudiants qui se sont retenus d'acheter leur Mac dans l'espoir qu'Apple offrirait un iPod touch comme cela avait été le cas les années précédentes.
Im not getting an Apple this year then. They are too expensive and I was only holding out for the free iPod touch. Has anybody seen the cool Sony laptops? There are some really nice ones out there.
Apple's getting a little bit too greedy, especially when they're doing so well. If something isn't broke, don't fix it, you're going to piss off a lot of people by changing your famous Back to School Promotion Apple.
Listen to you guys....really??you are still getting something. How can you demand your preference when it's free for your purchase. Be happy that you are getting a thank you for your purchase in some monetary form versus nothing at all....
The reason we care about this "promotion" is because the previous Back to School Promo included a free iPod touch with the purchase of a Macbook AS WELL as a $100 discount towards the Macbook purchase itself. Yep, you buy a Macbook, get $100 dollars off for being a student, and get a free iPod touch. Now all you get is a Macbook with a $100 gift card. You tell me why we're complaining.