Voici pourquoi l'iPhone possède un écran de 3,5 pouces
Posted October 10, 2011 at 5:57pm by iClarified
Dustin Curtis nous donne la raison pourquoi l'iPhone possède un écran de 3,5 pouces.
Quand vous voyez pour la première fois un téléphone avec un écran de 4 pouces, cela semble offrir une meilleure ergonomie. Je pensais que c'était un choix technique, et c'est probable, mais lorsque j'ai basculé vers un téléphone Android - un Samsung Galaxy S II, le "meilleur téléphone Android qui soit" - il y a 15 jours, j'ai trouvé un autre inconvénient important aux écrans larges : quand je tiens le téléphone d'une main, je ne peux pas atteindre l'autre partie de l'écran avec mon pouce.
C'est ce genre de choix qui fait qu'Apple est différent de ses concurrents.
friend has a galaxy s2 and I can do anything as on my iPhone with one hand using thumb, and my hand is an average size (L) for man, I'm not a giant, so this is the stupidest explanation I've ever seen... I personally don't need a huge screen but 4" would be perfect for me if they can keep the same body size.
Haha who needs swipe? I can type just as fast with less errors than swipe with my iPhone and it takes absolutely no time to proofread because the iPhone does it on the fly.
apple provided iPad for those who needs bigger screen, it's something funny cus when the first iPhone came out, all ppl said it's big and now they needs it bigger
What ppl need apple to do ?
You know, if you think about it, it probably isn't just an arbitrary decision on Apple's part, based on some justification like this.
You've gotta imagine Apple has actually made different sized screen prototypes, and still found a majority of test users had a better experience with the smaller screen. Otherwise they would have changed it.
Yup. Apple have always had a policy of giving us what they think will make our experience better rather than what we think will make our experience better.
And tbh they've done pretty well that way so far.
Yeah...this is kinda bullcrap.
I've just switched about 2 weeks ago from my old iphone 3gs to a Galaxy S2 and my left thumb stretches way past the border of the 4,21" screen.
And the phone as a whole feels much more comfortable in my hand than the iPhone 4 (but that is of course just personal preferance).
this is totally BS. I dont have a big hand, and my thumb go way more than the alleged threshold. and what about the idea of having the screen covering all the space between the sides?
I actually agree with this guy. I hate it sometimes when I have difficulty reaching the other side of even the iPhone. I know what your thinking and no, I don't have small hands. I just feel the way I'm comfortable/secure holding the phone leaves little length to reach. This should not be misconstrued as an excuse for apple. Keep the phone the same size and extend the screen. Even if the phone was just a little bit wider, I would be ok with that. This would be a poor excuse for not adding a bigger screen. I had heard it was due to limitations set by the apple for the application screen size. If you were to make the screen any larger the. It would have I be done evenly in all directions to avoid cutting off some of the screen. N
Yea ryte ...the worst explanAtion ever seen in ma life ...just too prove iphone is beterr than samsung ..apple has to still work a lil bit harder on itsz. Iphone ..
A 4" Retina is the only thing missing on the iPhone.. I can easily reach the other side of my brothers SGS2 in a comfortable way.. I vote for a 4" Retina any day!
Yeah, I agree that 4" would be perfect! Yup, this is a stupid post. I would consider myself having smallest hands among other men of my age but my thump can still reach the other side of a 4" screen phone. I've owned the giant 5" Dell Streak 5, Infuse 4.5" and 4.3" LG Thrill and even though my thump can't reach the other side of the Dell Streak, I don't find that annoying. I can still reach for 4.3" half of the time so 4" for retina display is just perfect. Again, the screen size is not an issue here for me and I have the smallest hands among my friends and I've onwed Dell Streak 5