Sauvegarde de votre trace SHSH iOS 5.A.A [Important]
Posted September 19, 2012 at 2:54pm by iClarified
Apple set sur le point de dévoiler iOS 6 il est donc très important pour ceux faisant un jailbreak de faire une sauvegarde du SHSH trace d'iOS 5.1.1 avant que la firme cesse de signer cette version.
Afin de sauvegarde vos traces SHSH vous pouvez vous servir de TinyUmbrella ou sinon RedSn0w. Les tutoriels sont disponibles ci-dessous...
Can someone please email me the blobs for 5.1.1 im on the 7.0.4 trying to downgrade to the 5.1.1 bt keeps asking me for the blobs which i dont have? can some one help Thanks ......
email is
i followed the procedure and it failed error code -1 but i restored it with redsnow and i got the 5.1.1 ok adn then i have jailbraked my iphone 4 and it works like a charm thank you for posting this info
This wont work for my iphone 4S with 5.1.1 and jailbreaked, cant save any blobs for this iphone, so how can i do that? without loosing the jailbreak, anyone with a good answer please feel free to comment, thank you..
FrozenYogurtInTheMorning - September 26, 2012 at 1:50pm
I download the 5.1.1 blobs from my 3GS and iPod 3rd gen 26 September 6:45am Pacific Time (N.America) so it's not too late...yet.
I used TinyUmbrella and enabled 'fetch from Cydia'
i just tried today moving from 4.3.3 to 5.1.1 but apparently apple has stopped signing 5.1.1 , i tried everything , with editing hosts file and adding with original 5.1.1 on desctop and laptop both 1600 error , tried with tiny umbrella again 1600 error .
Tried cleaning hosts file i get 3194 cos appla stopped signing 5.1.1 .
I tried stiching and restoring , everytime i restore i restore in DFU , and i got stuck in a restore loop which was only able to be fixed by using the clean restore from itunes ( clean hosts ) to 6.0
Is there any way to restore to 5.1.1 because i need cydia !
Yes if you need any help regarding going to ios 6.0 or 6.0.1 or even latest 6.1 and then going to ios 5.1.1 in iPhone 4, iPhone 4S or iPhone 3GS, then I can help.
In Cydia you can download/install "iSHSHit" and save your SHSH Blobs (and send you an e-mail to save them also outside your Mobile Phone).
Works great! :)
All the best,
I saved my 5.1.1 shsh blog using cydia ishsit so if i update ios 6 and want to come back on ios 5.1.1 . Which one is better Redan0w or Timy Umberlla to downgrage because i save my shsh blog using cydia ishsit ?