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Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Posted September 3, 2008 at 11:43am by iClarified
Ovo su upute kako staviti (organizirati) iPhone aplikacije na Springboard-u u mape (foldere) koristeći Categories.

Da bi ste mogli pratiti ovaj tutorial, morate na iPhone-u imati 2.0 verziju firmware-a ili noviju. Također, iPhone mora biti jailbreakan. Upute kako napraviti jailbreak iPhone možete naći ovdje: 2G Windows, 3G Windows, 2G Mac, 3G Mac.

Prvi korak
Pokrenite Cydia na Springboard-u.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Drugi korak
Stisnite Sections tab na dnu ekrana.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Treći korak
Izaberite System sekciju.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Četvrti korak
Izaberite Categories iz liste Packages koja se pojavi.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Peti korak
Stisnite Install tipku u gornjem desnom kutu ekrana.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Šesti korak
Stisnite Confirm tipku u gornjem desnom kutu ekrana.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Sedmi korak
Kada Cydia završi instalaciju Categories aplikacije, stisnite Return to Cydia gumb na dnu ekrana.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Osmi korak
Stisnite Home tipku da se vratite na Springboard. Vidjet će te novu Categories aplikaciju. Stisnite na nju da se pokrene!
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Deveti korak
Pročitajte upozorenje koje se pojavi i stisnite veliki OK gumb.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Deseti korak
Doći će te na praznu listu kategorija. Tu će te kreirati mape (foldere) za vaš Springboard. Stisnite Add tipku u gornjem desnom kutu ekrana.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Jedanaesti korak
Unesite ime kategorije/mape (foldere) koji želite kreirati i stisnite Add tipku. ja sam napravio mapu naziva Games.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Dvanaesti korak
Program će vas tražiti da izaberete ikonu za mapu (folder)/kategoriju koju ste kreirali.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Trinaesti korak
Primjetit će te da se novo kreirana mapa (folder) pojavljuje na listi. Stisnite na nju.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Četrnaesti korak
Sad vas program vodi u Edit izbornik gdje možete editirati aplikacije koje se pojavljuju u Category. Budući da nismo još dadali aplikacije u mapu, prazno je. Stisnite Add tipku u gornjem desnom kutu ekrana.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Petnaesti korak
Sad će vam se prikazati lista aplikacija na vašem iPhone-u. Stisnite i izaberite one koje želite dodati u kategoriju (mapu) pa stisnite Edit tipku u gornjem lijevom kutu ekrana.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Šesnaesti korak
Vratit će te se u Edit izbornik gdje možete poredati i maketi aplikacije iz kategorije. Stisnite gumb u gornjem lijevom kutu ekrana da se vratite na listu kategorija (mapa).
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Sedamnaesti korak
Primjetit će te da sad pokazuje koliko aplikacija imate u mapi (folderu).
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Osamnaesti korak
Stisnite Home hitpku. Primjetit će te da sad imate novu ikonu za novu napravljenu kategoriju. također primjetite da aplikacije koje ste dodali u tu kategoriju nisu vidljive na Springboardu. Stisnite ikonu novo napravljene kategorije (mape).
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Devetnaesti korak
Sad će vam se prikazati lista aplikacija koje se nalaze u odabranoj mapi. Pokrenite jednu.
Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Dvadeseti korak
Ako stisnete mali i na dnu mape, vidjet će te neke osnovne opcije.

Folder Title: Prikazuje ime mape na osnovnom ekranu

Save Image On Exit: Sprema trenutnu sliku pozadine kada se aplikacija pokreće. To ostavite uključeno osim ako su jako duge "pauze" svaki put kada pokrenete svaku aplikaciju.

Icon Labels: S ovim možete onemogućiti (isključiti) tekst, pa onda samo vidite ikonu.

Black Background: Ako ne želite gledati sliku sa winterboard-a, sa ovim možete postaviti crnu pozadinu.

Kako staviti iPhone aplikacije u mape (foldere)

Sada možete organizirati svoj Springboard na poboljšani način.
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Comments (17)
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logan - April 7, 2012 at 5:30pm
cydia is not on iphone screen like others. It is in a folder called reference. How do i take it out of the folder and put it back where it was? I need response quickly. thnk you.
Perry - April 28, 2010 at 5:43pm
cant you buy this one on itunes ? Because my jailbreak is gone. and i hate it when my springbaord is full ! Wanna put them all in folders ! Searching for days for a apps like this one.. Somebody knows a app like this one for a not jailbreak iphone ? Thanks a lot !
Hsb - November 24, 2010 at 4:46pm
U can put folders with iOS 4.1
Cathy Jennings
Cathy Jennings - February 2, 2010 at 2:53pm
So far so good for me. My only problem is that when I made the folder I was not given an icon selection for each folder. How can you get an icon on each folder if everything else is working right? I have folders but they are grey. :o/ Thanks in advance. CJ
Rj - July 3, 2009 at 3:43am
Can someone please help.. I had the CATEGORIES applicatoin installed in the previous 2.2 version but after upgrading to the 3.0 version all applications that were inside a folder are all gone now.. I tried to redownload the programs that was inside the folder but it says its already installed. Itried to delete the program and reinstalling but same thing. All applications are hidden and its icon is not showing on the screen. I installed cydia in version 3.0 and installed the categories program but its now showing all the programs that were initially in there as well. Is there any way to somehow show the programs that were initially stored inside one of the folders created in CATEGORIES. Can someone please help or provide some advice! Thanks!!
HJB - July 3, 2009 at 7:42am
The apps are still on the phone they are simply hidden, go into SB settings or boss prefs and you can go to ide icons and the full list of apps will appear. All of the apps that were in folders will be off, simply switch them to on and they will reappear on your spring board. then you can recategorize them.
Gabe - November 15, 2008 at 9:25am
tijana go to settings:general:restrictions:enable then disable it will put all your 3rd apps back up
hard2kill - September 23, 2008 at 12:24pm
great app but I need help. I created some folders, moved cydia etc inside a folder, then few days later, I upgraded to 2.1. Now I can't find cydia as I assume, it's still inside a folder, but with out the catagories app, I can't access the folder. Because I can't access cydia, I can't reinstall catagories. Is there a way to reinstall catagories without cydia, or ssh in and move something somewhere to make it available ?? Thanks for ant help - when if it's how to do a full format / restore - pwn'ed 5 times before thinking it may have something to do with catagories app... Thanks
fahad - September 7, 2008 at 9:42am
i need software iphone
tijana - September 5, 2008 at 5:38am
I've installed this Categories application, and among other things have created a folder Settings&Tweaks where I've put all system changing apps like Settings, Cydia, Winterboard, BossPrefs,Categories but when I've restarted the springboard all folders I've created were there except this Settings folder I've created so now I'm stuck - I cannot change anything in my iPhone, cannot access this Categories app, cannot access Settings, cannot access Cydia... PLEASE HELP!
kalwynah - February 26, 2009 at 7:34pm
I have done the same thing - but can not get to Settings since it was in my Utilities folder, which is now lost. Also, I can't see/change my IP to SSH into the phone since I can't get to Settings. Cant reinstall since Cydia is hidden as well. The developer gave this solution, but again, I can't SSH: If anything goes wrong and your phone has no icons, you can just restore the display order file in the /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app folder. M68AP.plist for iphone 1.1.1/1.1.2, N45AP.plist for touch, DisplayOrder.plist for 1.0.2 or older. The back up of this file is in /var/root/Library/Categories folder. Just copy it with scp or ssh. Help?
george - September 5, 2008 at 5:29am
this create a problem with ipod
Awayze - September 3, 2008 at 2:43pm
Btw, after you have installed something from Cydia, how do you get to the homescreen so quick seeing as "home" button will not respond until the circle in the bar at top stops finishing, which can take upto half an hour? All I can do is browse Cydia
Awayze - September 3, 2008 at 2:39pm
Aww I just saw Netshare on iClarified's iPhone, I want Netshare aswell, is it cracked yet???
iClarified - September 3, 2008 at 2:31pm
@Steve, go into the Categories application. Select the Category, then remove the application from the Edit list! Works ok for me.
Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson - September 3, 2008 at 1:54pm
restarted phone so now if i delete apps out of the game folder they are removed off phone a bit thick how do you put them back onto springboard so i can remove this app
Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson - September 3, 2008 at 1:52pm
http://www.hackint0sh.org/forum/showthread.php?t=49782 the above is what happened to me using this app
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