Kako Prikazati Postotak Baterije na Vaem iPhone 3G S
Posted June 22, 2009 at 10:56am by iClarified
Ovo su insrukcije pomoću kojih ćete na početnom zaslonu imati prikaz preostalog postotka baterije vaeg iPhone-a
Korak Jedan Stisni Settings ikonu na početnom zaslonu.
Korak Dva Odaberi General iz menija Settings.
Korak Tri Odaberi Usage iz menija General.
Korak Četiri Pomakni Battery Percentage prekidač na ON poziciju . Preostali postotak vae baterije bit će prikazan u gornjem desnom uglu početnog zaslona
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I managed to enable it on my iphone 2G but it only shows up when my screen is locked. When I unlock it, it is hidden by my alarm icon! :( Anyone knows how I can fix this? The alarm icon is a bit further when the screen is lock but seems to overlap when it is unlocked.
Well, technically this is a 3GS feature only, but it's added to the firmwares for the other devices as well. To enable it, jailbreak your device, install sbsettings from Cydia, and then on sbsettings's pull down menu, click "More", then in the app that launches, click "extras" and turn on the "numeric battery" setting. sbsettings has had this option before 3.0, but in 3.0, since the firmware already supports it, this merely enables the numeric battery setting already on the device instead of installing support for it when you install sbsettings. If that makes sense.
you dont have to stay jailbroken either, if you jailbreak and enable with sb settings then restore back to unjailbroken and restore your most recent backup (taken whilst jailbroken) and it will still work.
i un jailbroke due to some performance issues and hanging after finishing a call, but it kept the percentage batery which i like, but in some ways its scary how fast the battery does go down when you view as a percentage lol