Attenzione, Jailbreakers and Unlockers prima di upgradare iOS 4.3!
Posted March 9, 2011 at 4:44pm by iClarified
Come al solito, coloro che vogliono fare un jailbreak o un unlock dei loro apparati devono aspettare prima di fare l'update a iOS 4.3.
Questo avvertimento è di particolare rilievo per coloro che vogliono fare l'unlock della baseband 01.59 in iOS 4.3, perché l'unlock per le nuove basebands prenderà più tempo di quanto era previsto.
Gli users di Ultrasn0w possono capirmi! Non permettere a iTunes di installare iOS 4.3. Semplicemente cliccate su NO!
Non vi sono purtroppo novità sull'unlonck per coloro che perdono la baseband 01.59 (o non l'hanno mai avuta). Ci vorrà molto tempo :(
MuscleNerd fa notare che vi sono già alcune possibilità di un jailbreak untethered dell'iOS 4.3. Lo stanno studiando i0n1c, Comex, Charlie Miller, e probabilmente anche altri.
BigBoss ha anche messo in guardia coloro che vorrebbero tentare un "unofficial" jailbreak, a causa dei problemi derivanti dall'implementazione, da parte di Apple, di una ASLR (address space layout randomization), che rovina il MobileSubstrate.
Vi daremo ulteriori informazioni sul jailbreak e l'unlock non appena questi si renderanno disponibili.
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I have taken iphone 4...version 4.3(87190)..i dont have cydia on my phone..and i have install itunes 10...and i am not able to install any crack application...i am really confused what should i do.....please explain in detail....
So let's see about a wk ago or so they said they have found unlock for newer baseband and will release as soon 4.3 came out and now they are saying no word on unlock for newer baseband..... Just like I thought bunch of bull devteam!!!! Guess apple won this one!
If there's no unlock out, the dev team would disappeared forever. People will change different direction for the phone. They will not use the iphone anymore because they know there wouldn't any unlock. Basically, the apple lock the iphone forever. For example, we could unlock for 3.13 and through 4.02 for past day. I think apple tries to make dev team use all the effort of unlock the iphone. Then the apple realize they had the mistake that led the iphone imperfect. Thanks for the jailbreaking and unlock from dev-team, the apple is more successfull and stabibility. Which means it, it makes the apple learn more about the software they have and what the mistake they have. So I think, the apple iphone now has no hole at all and in the future, no one can unlocks the iphone. So dev team jailbreak would shut down. Apple is winning. I think if apple creates new version of firmware, there would be absolutely no unlock.
At least hey could release the unlock for 4.2.1 ( there is an untethered jailbreak for this, too) -
but I devteam will come up with some excuses not to release it ....
Hey ... since Iclarified was accepted in the appstore they control it secretly ... so it's in there interest to keep this on with announcing people that a jailbreak and unlock is going to come out even if it's not. And the dev-team works with apple ... how come no other hacker tried to unlock an iphone before. This is clearly a marketing strategy for them to make even more money and to sell phones that will have final destination in other countries than US .
It's like I said before, the history repeats , they did exactly the same thing they did in the past , telling before a major release that they have an unlock and jailbreak and they will release it right after , but never happened.
And now they are doing it again (the same scenario) :)
The Dev Team fu**ed you all again :)
It's like I said before, the jailbreak and unlock is not easy to have anymore maybe it's time to slap apple on the face and move all to Android ;)
Well, if you think it doesn't worth then do it yourself. If you know how to unlock go for it. DT and MN is doing the unlock for free to everyone globally.
as soon as you switch blackberry, the unlock will come out. go ahead, switch to blackberry.
I ahve 2 factory unlock, sooooo, I do not need any unlock, and I can use any company I want...and for all the unlockers and the dev team lovers.. jajajajaja
Where is your information come from? I didn't see anything about the bb got unlocked yet. But all MN and Dev-team saying is that they found the holes for the baseband of 02.xx.xx and 03.xx.xx on 4.2.1, they are still working on how to inject the codes into the pack to make sure the iphone will work probably after unlock. Let's wait. should be out sooner what they had said, no more then 2 weeks.
Devteam found the holes of the baseband but still is in a beta version. They are uncertain about work 100% on every iphone 4 with new baseband. MN latest update said, the unlock will be out no more than 2 weeks from now. So far, it seems like MN has a clue how to inject the codes into the unlock pack.
lastest update from @comex01 and MN, both saying the holes for inputting unlock code is working on the iphone they tested, but still there is issue of thether/unthether.
I think all we can do is just waiting, what is the matter being waiting for another 2 weeks.
Where is your information come from? I didn't see anything about the bb got unlocked yet. But all MN and Dev-team saying is that they found the holes for the baseband of 02.xx.xx and 03.xx.xx on 4.2.1, they are still working on how to inject the codes into the pack to make sure the iphone will work probably after unlock.
Let's wait. should be out sooner what they had said, no more then 2 weeks.
I have no sympathy for those that update to the new firmware. If you're a n00b, you need to research before you update your iDevice. If you're a vet, you should have learned back when 3.1.3 was out. NEVER update until you get a full confirmation a JB/unlock it out. Me, I'm still running on 4.0 out of the box because I want to retain my unlock.
You shouldn't fault the Devs. Fault yourself for updating. If there were an unwritten bible for jailbreakers, number 1 rule should be to not update your firmware until a full jailbreak is released
I bought a locked i4 almost 3 months ago hoping an unlock was coming in a month or two, they even repeatedly said that they had a crash found on i4 latests basebands and I remember they stated on november that an unlock for 02.10 BB was working correctly but they where waiting for next iOS update, and now this, great.
I know they do this stuff for free and yes, they deserve all hail possible in the world, but c'mon guys, if you knew you wouldn't be able to release an unlock, why tell people you where gonna do it soon? (and as soon I mean for 4.3 release, Musclenerd stated that). I'm really disappointed now and thinking of selling my i4, I don't live on USA so I'm pretty effed up now, cheers.
iPhone 4 is jailbroken and unlocked, iPad is not, both are iOS 4.2. I don't care about jailbreaking my iPad, but need to keep my iPhone jailbroken. If I update iPad to 4.3, will that update my phone as well or are they separate downloads?
Sheriff and MN had found the hole in the ios4.3, but still couldn't have a method to inject the code into the it to make sure iphone runs probably.
one word. "waiting"..that is all we can do now.
from comex01, the ios has holes, but it is much more complicated then they expected. so the unlock can't be out in a week or two. they said they work very hard on it to release on cydia ASAP
I work in Apple store, my self has iphone 4 with IOS 4.2.1 bb 03.10.01. No way to unlcok so far. heard some news from inside the department of Apple, saying that they fix the "holes" that was found by the Dev-Team. somehow, the unlock is not available even though ios 4.3 is out.
the "iniftneon" manufacuture has update the chip baseband on ios 4 since 4.1. There is no AT holes that can be unlock in this period. Believe me or not. the unlock won't be out until the IOS 4.4 is out from APPLE.