Osservate l'immagine dell' iPhone creato dall'Apple nel 1983 di Hartmut Esslinger
Esslinger e lo stesso designer dei computer della Apple llc secondo Wikipedia lui era un lavoratore per la Apple con un contratto di $1,000,000/anno.
Nel 1982 entrò nella apple con un contratto di $1,000,000 all'anno nella Apple Computer creando un design strategico che ha trasformato la Apple da una azienda alle prime armi a un marchio mondiale.
It is great !! Although I am not sure it can be named as iPhone. If my memory is correct the "i" stands for internet? So perhaps it was an aPhone for Apple phone?
Who's to say Apple couldn't re-release such a touchscreen handset for landline service? It would be right up my alley, and I'm sure it would be so easy to put into production.
I was referring to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YY3MSaUqMg and the stylus in the 1983 picture (which was 24 years before the "new" iPhone, which I of course know). Obviously Steve didn't like styli several years later any more.
I was referring to a well known meme of Steve's presentation of the "real" iPhone in 2007. But obviously YOUR knowledge (and spelling) about computers/technology is lacking so much that you didn't know that.
And even more: you did not see the analogy I made between the two and really thought I somehow was confused or something.
Well, your name is well chosen...
I had an Apple lllc that was purchased out of Burdines department store in Florida. Great computer. Pure pleasure to use. Even saved all summer for an ImageWriter ll for it. Ole dot matrix printer.