Come eseguire il jailbreak dell'iPhone utilizzando Spirit (Mac) [3.1.2, 3.1.3]
Posted May 2, 2010 at 10:16pm by iClarified
Questi sono i passi necessari per eseguire il jailbreak dell'iPhone utilizzando Spirit.
Queste istruzioni sono valide solo per gli iPhone già attivati (ovvero, non bloccati nella schermata "Connetti ad iTunes" o nella schermata "Chiamata d'emergenza".
È possibile utilizzare qualsiasi versione di iTunes (anche la 9.1.1).
Primo Step Scaricare Spirit Jailbreak da qui e salvare il file sul desktop.
Secondo Step Fare un doppio click sul file per estrarre il contenuto.
Terzo Step Fare un doppio click sull'icona Spirit per avviare l'applicazione.
Quarto Step Connettere l'iPhone al Mac tramite il cavo e premere il pulsante Jailbreak.
Quinto Step Spirit farà comparire un messaggio non appena l'operazione di jailbreak verrà completata.
L'iPhone si riavvierà in automatico e successivamente mostrerà una barra di completamento del processo di jailbreak. Una volta terminata l'operazione, apparirà l'icona di Cydia nell'iPhone!
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For those users that are planning to Jailbreak on OS 3.1.3, then I highly recommend adding this Cydia Source into Cydia after you jailbreak so you don't have to manually input all the Cydia Sources manually. This will automatically add all the best Cydia Sources and give you access to all the best Cydia Tweaks, Themes and Apps for FREE with just a push of a button. Follow the steps below.
1. Open Cydia
2. Tap Sources
3. Tap Edit
4. Tap Add
5. Type this url in the box (cydiasource,n e t) without the spaces and switch coma for a dot in the url.
6. Tap "Add Source"
7. Install the package labelled "All Sources".
This will give you all the best Cydia Sources to have access to all the best Tweaks, Apps and Themes for FREE.
I am far from a pro at this but I have managed to jailbreak my ipod touches (32G and 64G) 3.1.3 since spirit first launched months ago. I get WiFI everywhere except my home computer, a MAC that I set up with ad-hoc wifi. Non jailbroken devices work just fine but both of my devices can't seem to connect despite saying they are connected. I have gone through countless forums seeking a solution. I've tried most simple solutions as well as tinkering around with DHCP, Static entry and passcode resets. Nothing works.
Please provide a how to in easy to understand terms.
Hi to ALL :)
i have iPhone 3GS FW 3.1.3 Jailbroaken with SPIRIT (OSX) and Unlocked with Ultrasn0w 1.1-1 ( baceband 05.12.01 )
Now iphone 3GS is FREE from AT&T and i can use it in FRANCE :)!
Question : How to Upgrade to 4.0.1 and keep the Unlock?
what tutorial to follow? ( i have SHSH blobs saved with TinyUmrella and Cidya )
Is this possible at ALL or should i stay AWAY from 4.0.1 ?
Hi there,
I've been running 3.1.2 on a iPhone 3G with modem baseband 5.11.07 for a while.
i am thinking about attempting a JB and Unlock on it ASAP because the phone is running very slow at the moment(8 Pages of APPS).
Can anyone please recommend what in their opinion is the best method for Jailbreaking?
(which method is safe for preserving my older baseband - is preserving it necessary anymore?)
Also, after sucessfully JB'ing the 3G iPhone, what can i use to unlock it safely??
ANy info would be greatly appreciated,
Hi to ALL :)
i have iPhone 3GS FW 3.1.3 Jailbroaken with SPIRIT (OSX) and Unlocked with Ultrasn0w 1.1-1 ( baceband 05.12.01 )
Now iphone 3GS is FREE from AT&T and i can use it in FRANCE :)!
Question : How to Upgrade to 4.0.1 and keep the Unlock?
what tutorial to follow?
Is this possible or should i stay AWAY from 4.0.1 ?
I used Spirit for mac to jailbreak my friend's G2 3.1.3 phone and it worked like a charm. I can now use my ATT sim card to make calls. BUT, the phone doesnt let me access my voice mailbox. I set it up with password and greeting as asked, then save but it says "voicemail unavailable, unable to connect". The question: why is it doing that AND if I now "unlock" the phone, will it be 100% usable with my ATT sim? Any help appreciate : ) tx!
I have a 3GS new Bootrom on 3.1.3 with 05.12.01 firmware.
Can I use Spirit to Jailbreak, then upgrade to 4.0, and unlock using Ultrasn0w?
will this work?
thanks for help
Why not?
::::::Hi to ALL :)
i have iPhone 3GS FW 3.1.3 Jailbroaken with SPIRIT (OSX) and Unlocked with Ultrasn0w 1.1-1 ( baceband 05.12.01 )
Now iphone 3GS is FREE from AT&T and i can use it in FRANCE :)!
Question : How to Upgrade to 4.0.1 and keep the Unlock?
what tutorial to follow?
Is this possible or should i stay AWAY from 4.0.1 ?
ANY ideas?
the Spirit file is for mac not Windows !!
and it`s safe to use it with 3,1,2 \ 3,1,3 or i have
to connect the iPhone to the computer each time i wish to restart the device
did u have the official sim card?...if yes can u tell me if any official sim card the world over for iphone wrks orjus the one that the fone came with?/
go to and download WIndows version. I did it, and in a minute succesfully made JB on 3GS 3.1.3 with new bootroom. Than throught Cydia installed ultrasn0w and unlock the phone. Works great.
Great thanks to people who provided spirit. I am going to make a small donation and wait for 4.0 jailbreak.
Hi guys, I got a iPhone 3GS, firmware is 3.1.3, and it says "Emergancy calls only", I can not browse through its menu etc. Is there ANY way to jailbreak / unlock it? It was never jailbroken before.
When I plugged in my phone, I got the error "Device Iphone 2 (3.0) is not supported" ???
I have an unlocked iphone 2 and 3.0 and want to upgrade to 3.1.3 -- thought this is how to do it?
first I tried it got stuck on spirit reboot for 15 minutes so I gave up and had to restore. I read the comments and tried again. this time I disconnected the phone when it said "quit", and it worked!
Thanx y'all !
I have a 3GS with 3.1.3 and a mac mini with SL
It worked, also because I followed instructions from therm4teacher & Shelby GT500e. However, my apple app games are not revealing sound now. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Please let me know if this can be fixed. Thanks!
I'm using an iPhone 3GS running 3.1.3 and I can't get this to work somehow!!!! Whenever I open the Spirit program, the "Jailbreak" button has the little spinning line-wheel thing on it and when I click it, it says "Jailbreaking..." and the line-wheel starts spinning and my phone says "Restore in PRogress" and it never changes. I left it on this stage for 15 minutes before quitting the program, and then my phone turns back on un-jailbroken. I've downloaded the program from various sites and still no change, I'm gonna try to restore and try again. Please help me!!!!