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Microsoft zatwierdza narzędzie do jailbreaka Windows Phone 7

Microsoft zatwierdza narzędzie do jailbreaka Windows Phone 7

Posted June 18, 2011 at 4:16pm by iClarified
Tworzone przez ChevronWP7 Labs narzędzie do złamania Windows Phone 7, zyskało aprobatę Microsoftu.

Zgodnie z tym, co mówiliśmy w Windows Phone Dev Podcast, wkrótce udostępnimy zatwierdzone przez Microsoft narzędzie do jailbreaka. Będzie ono dostępne dla wszystkich deweloperów, niezależnie od ich umiejętności czy zakątka Świata, w którym się znajdują.

Usługa ta będzie dostępna za drobną opłatą (poprzez system PayPal). Kwota ta będzie pokrywała naszą bieżącą działalność ale obiecujemy, że nie zaboli kieszeni użytkowników. Jeżeli ktoś jest jednak zainteresowany natychmiastowym publikowaniem napisanych przez siebie aplikacji, powinien skorzystać z droższego App Hub.

W przeciwieństwie do Microsoftu, Apple zdecydowanie potępia jailbreak swojego oprogramowania. Nawet pomimo tego, że coraz więcej funkcji dostępnych pierwotnie dopiero po złamaniu, jest 'przemycanych' do oficjalnego oprogramowania. W czerwcu ubiegłego roku, Kongres ostatecznie uznał, że proces jailbreaku nie jest niezgodny z prawem.

Read More [via Engadget]

Microsoft zatwierdza narzędzie do jailbreaka Windows Phone 7
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Comments (13)
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Is it really a Jailbreak?
Is it really a Jailbreak? - June 20, 2011 at 1:50am
If Microsoft is allowing the phone to be jailbroken then why don't they make it "jailbroken" from the factory or just allow people to make the tweaks and add the apps that they want. Seems like a marketing ploy to me. They are thinking, "if apple isn't allowing it then we will." The pieces just don't seem to be fitting together.
DacksMac - June 20, 2011 at 9:25am
Your right, I am mean technically "jailbreaking" is for implementing the installation of software that the manufacture doesn't want on the phone. So if Microsoft is ALLOWING a "jailbreak", then technically it is not jailbroken at all. Microsoft is just trying to capitalize off of Apple/Sony, etc.
Solution - June 20, 2011 at 2:16pm
Why? So others could make some money on it. Wrong direction, Microsoft.................................
chris - June 23, 2011 at 5:33am
Well, this jailbreak tool will make the phone less stable and perhaps open the OS environment for intrusion so Microsoft is allowing experienced people to tamper with what they bought whilst protecting those who do not want to do this
Naz - June 19, 2011 at 6:37am
Really? So if your WP7 phone start acting up are you going to call MS or call th carrier/manufacturer of the hardware? His point was that MS doesn't provide warranties because they only make software (except for the xbox and few other accessories). This is why MS don't mind you jail breaking your WP7. No matter what happens to your windows phone you are not expected nor entitled to ask MS for support. You WP7 phone support is goes through your carrier or handset maker.
jon - June 19, 2011 at 12:33pm
Soooo? then you have 2 more option than apple....manufacture, dealer, MS...not just apple badddddd costumer care.....charging you for repair twice the price of the phone....jerks
DacksMac - June 19, 2011 at 6:50pm
so when you have a problem with your Microsoft office or Windows computer do you call Microsoft to fix it??? NO because THEY HELP NO ONE. EVER. EVER. I am sure your home button was busted cause you sat on it
DacksMac - June 19, 2011 at 6:55pm
Perfect said Naz. Exactly what I was meaning. As for Jon, I have NO CLUE what number you are calling for Apple but for my MacBook and Time Capsule I have had nothing but good outcomes and positive experiences with Apple. Much the same as Dell. Try calling Apple, you might have been calling Microsoft when you needed help with your Apple product.
Noman - June 19, 2011 at 2:43am
Very clever move from MS! They knew that there will be JB-scene whatever they end up doing so this way they can have better control with it all. Nokia Windows looks mote promising by day, getting fed up with IOS and its glossy, candy copycats. Probably good time for something different. I just hope Win phones will go as well with mac as they do with Windows OS.
MRBILL - June 18, 2011 at 9:37pm
Derp - June 18, 2011 at 8:36pm
Windows 7 phone sucks. Who cares about Microsoft.
jon - June 19, 2011 at 12:30pm
Maybe you dont....iphone-preak.....talk for yourself
DacksMac - June 19, 2011 at 6:57pm
Anything made by Microsoft is bound to blow, they have a history of horrible, bug infested software... And I guess they aren't good enough to make hardware.
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