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Test Szybkosci: iPhone 3G S vs. Palm Pre vs. iPhone 3G [Video]

Test Szybkosci: iPhone 3G S vs. Palm Pre vs. iPhone 3G [Video]

Posted June 18, 2009 at 10:36pm by iClarified
CNet zrobił filmik "realistycznego" testu prędkości porównujący iPhone 3G S versus the Palm Pre versus the iPhone 3G.

Testowali czas jaki zajęło włączenie urządzenia, prędkości przeglądarek internetowych, i czas jaki zajmuje zrobienie zdjęcia.

Dosyć interesujący filmik. Nie powiem wam kto wygrał :)

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Comments (7)
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efr - June 20, 2009 at 9:37am
It´s obvious AT&T´s network stinks. They were testing the HARDWARES´speed, so they should have tested it over WiFi so all three had the same conditions.
Jon - June 21, 2009 at 1:57am
I tested both the 3GS and the Pre on Wifi. The Pre still kicks its ass by twofold! See my blog at maccritic.blogspot.com -jon
Tim Morrison
Tim Morrison - June 19, 2009 at 4:02pm
Yeah had the pre for 2 weeks it kicked the 3G's ass repeatedly and by a LOT
Awayze - June 19, 2009 at 12:02pm
Yeh and 3GS on T-Mobile would beat 3GS on O2. The best thing about that vid was the Mustang at the end!! NIce!!!!!
Anonymous - June 19, 2009 at 12:24am
Well it wasn't quite matched as the 3G S was crippled without the upgraded 3G service. The palm pre, had full functionality. The guy himself said AT&T had yet to upgrade 3G to 7.2Mb/s so both phones would work at full potential. Come back when 3G upgraded, a whole new story with a new outcome.
Rob - June 19, 2009 at 4:46am
Well on the last test I would say the main problem is the size of the picture. If the Pre sends only half the size of the picture of what the 3GS sends then of course it will finish faster. I would say it was a tie. The other problem in USA is the bad networks and unfortunately for USA the wrong network standard. The whole word adopted GSM about 15 years ago except USA. Bad move and you are getting to pay the price for it now. I doubt there is anyone except for USA where you have to pay even if you get an incoming phone call! //Rob
vix - June 19, 2009 at 9:12am
isn't tmobile/usa gsm? the same standard?
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