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O Lugar Mais Barato para Comprar um iPhone 4 Desbloqueado [Gráfico]

O Lugar Mais Barato para Comprar um iPhone 4 Desbloqueado [Gráfico]

Posted August 1, 2010 at 2:38pm by iClarified
EnglishPortuguese (Brazil)
O leitor Filip Chudzinski publicou um gráfico que mostra os preços de iPhone 4 desbloqueado em 23 países.

Enquanto Hong Kong é o mais barato, é melhor para os americanos irem até o Canadá para comprar um iPhone 4 da Apple Store.

Você pode também esperar pelo lançamento do desbloqueio do iPhone Dev-Team .

Leia mais [via AppAdvice]

O Lugar Mais Barato para Comprar um iPhone 4 Desbloqueado [Gráfico]
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Hans Vikstrom
Hans Vikstrom - August 2, 2010 at 7:20am
Those canadian prices are not even close. The 32G Iphone here goes for $779 cdn + tax which comes to $839. Google apple.ca and you will see the real prices. The $549 price shown here is for the 3GS 8 Gig!!!
latech - August 1, 2010 at 6:44pm
other than locked or unlocked, will the quality of the iphone 4 be any difference between the cheapest countries (Sing and Hongkong) and the more expensive countries?
Ashish Ghate
Ashish Ghate - August 1, 2010 at 2:59pm
Flawed Analysis .... add taxes and this chart and it will have a different look. 13% Tax (Ontario) in Canada...
Ashish Ghate
Ashish Ghate - August 1, 2010 at 3:01pm
Flawed grammar as well apologies it should read Flawed Analysis .... add taxes and this chart will have a different look. 13% Tax (Ontario) in Canada...
Serg - August 1, 2010 at 4:46pm
Their money value is less then American Dollar, their 13% is about 10% in American Dollars.
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