January 22, 2025
Tweak "LiveClock" faz com que ícone do app Clock mostre a hora real [Video]

Tweak "LiveClock" faz com que ícone do app Clock mostre a hora real [Video]

Posted July 25, 2012 at 3:04pm by iClarified
EnglishPortuguese (Brazil)
LiveClock, um "tweak" feito por Ryan Petrich que modifica o ícone do aplicativo nativo do iOS para fazê-lo mostrar a hora atual, foi atualizado e, agora, funciona na versão 5.x.

Gastei uma hora mexendo no LiveClock para fazê-lo funcionar no iOS5.1 -- ele se encontra no mesmo repositório de sempre.

Você pode baixar o LiveClock de graça através deste repositório do Cydia: http://rpetri.ch/repo. Contudo, veja-o em ação no vídeo do JailbreakNation postado abaixo...

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Comments (5)
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asaadsaleh - July 26, 2012 at 2:53pm
it is a very old one, i used to have it on my first iPone before the 3G. it used to be a very good tweak and with no effect on the battery (not to be mentioned.) why bribing it up now? because of the 5.0 support?
King - July 26, 2012 at 5:06am
I always thought of this, but this doesn't even work on my iPhone 4 (keeps crashing) then tried it on my iPad, I figured out there was no point of it cuz iPad's don't have a clock app LoL
Captain Randy
Captain Randy - July 25, 2012 at 6:42pm
If Live Clock is crashing springboard then you downloaded the old app from Cydia. You must get this beta app from the repository per the instructions. Real value? maybe not. Fun to show your jailed friends? Absolutely!
Moulay - July 25, 2012 at 5:50pm
fu**cking stupid tweak, it made my iphone cringe and go to safe mode, I had to remove it to re-establish normal mode. Plus like Ben said, moving hands will consume battery, no doubt about it. Toss it. Wo cares about animated hands?
Ben - July 25, 2012 at 3:12pm
I wonder how this effects your battery on the iPhone?
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