Novo MacBook Pro de 17" com Bateria Não Removível?
Posted January 4, 2009 at 12:54am by iClarified
É esperado que a Apple revele na MacWorld um novo MacBook Pro de 17" com uma bateria ultra fina embutida, segundo o site 9to5mac.
Fontes Asiáticas dizem que a bateria ultra fina do novo MacBook Pro de 17" durará muito mais do que as atuais e não será removível. Ainda é desconhecida a forma com a qual a Apple lidará com as baterias que se desgastarem com o tempo.
9to5mac ainda diz que o MacBook plástico de 13" sairá de linha com um corte no preço do novo MacBook (com um corpo único de aluminio, chamado de "unibody") para algo em torno de $1000.
What does it matter if the battery is replaceable? I've used laptops for more than 10 years, and I have never ever replaced the battery. If the battery dies then chances are that the computer is so old it's useless anyway. If not, it should be covered by the warranty.
Hey, imagine if you were in the middle of nowhere, are going to present and your MBP just ran out of juice. Bummer if the battery is irreplaceable. We're talking about modularity function over form.
In this day & age, you've either got a car charger or if your that far out, you should have a solar charger (which i have) & if there's no sun, no other power then i guess your done lol.
I'm also the same as most people, same battery through out the life of the notebook.
I'd prefer a fraction of added weight and size to non-removable batteries. But if they have a 50% improvement or so compared to their ancestors, then it's a different story