February 14, 2025
Apple lança o iOS 4.2 Beta 1 para Developers

Apple lança o iOS 4.2 Beta 1 para Developers

Posted September 15, 2010 at 1:11pm by iClarified
A Apple lançou o iOS 4.2 Beta 1 para Developers, trazendo finalmente o iOS 4 ao iPad

O SDK é feito de 10M2404 e o firmware é com 8C5091e.

Digam-nos se encontrarem algum interessante fazendo um comentário.

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Apple lança o iOS 4.2 Beta 1 para Developers
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Comments (2)
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Vakas - September 16, 2010 at 2:59am
Ok will we have a Jailbreak for the previous versions like 4.1 and 4.0.2 ??? anyone any idea???
Erik - September 15, 2010 at 5:11pm
Looks very good after playing around a little bit. Fore some reason everything just looks a little bit prettier. Multitasking is sweet and you have the brightness controller right next to the iPod controls. They have added lots of new keyboards (I have been waiting for a norwegian one myself!). You can now change the font in the notes.app (The default font is now Chalkboard). Safari now shows how many tabs you have open right from the browser. I'll continue to play around and let you know if I find something else..
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