February 12, 2025
Telemóveis: Antes e após o iPhone [imagem]

Telemóveis: Antes e após o iPhone [imagem]

Posted February 8, 2012 at 5:23pm by iClarified
Uma imagem de como era o aspecto dos telemóveis antes e depois do iPhone.

[via @Digeratii] [via AppAdvice]

Telemóveis: Antes e após o iPhone [imagem]

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Comments (15)
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Some Guy
Some Guy - September 19, 2012 at 1:48am
Who ever made this image might be just a LITTLE bit biased.
smate333 - February 10, 2012 at 1:34am
The industry was ready for a turn, Apple pinched in and ended up with a chunk. Respect. Regarding the Prada and GA by Armani, how many have you seen, gimme a break...
Quicknight - February 9, 2012 at 5:10pm
I believe all (or most) of the "touch" screen phones that came out before the iPhone required the use of a stylus. Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken.
Fernando - February 9, 2012 at 6:19am
Not to mention all the Windows smart phones which they were all touch color screen also, and they have been around since 2003 as far I know. Brands like Htc, O2, Motorola, Qtek, Samsung, imate, Pantech, or even Palm. They being around 4 years before the first iPhone in 2007.................THIS iClarified POST IS A BS AND NEEDS TO BE ETHER REMOVED OR CORRECTED....
Jack - February 8, 2012 at 10:25pm
There was touch screen b4 the iPhone.. But apple had just polished all the other phones and used all other people's idea and came out with iPhone which the name was also taken from Cisco.. Haha
Mahmoud - February 8, 2012 at 6:25pm
Excuse me did someone forget the sidekick! someone needs to correct that pic because their were advanced smartphones before the iphone from HTC and sharp who created the sidekick.
McSteve McJobs
McSteve McJobs - February 8, 2012 at 6:38pm
There may have been other 'smartphones' before the iphone but since the iphone set foot on the mobile phone stage, the spotlight has been on it and has never left it. The iphone is arguably the chief actor on the smartphone stage today. Nearly every phone follows the iphone's lead. The iphone is the only A list, smartphone in today's mobile world. The iphone oozes with originality each time it steps on the stage. I could go on singing the iphone's praises for days but need I say more?!
Mo - February 8, 2012 at 9:15pm
What about the Prada? That phone looked like the iphone also and came out before the iphone. iPhone may have had impact based on cell phone usability or whatnot, but all the technologies other than muli touch existed long before iphone.
Praduh - February 8, 2012 at 9:23pm
Did Prada phone do anything? Yeah, it may have come out, yet didn't shift the entire mobile industry. Not even sure if had email and/or internet browser? Let's face it, haters gonna hate... before or after iPhone.
Really!!! - February 8, 2012 at 10:37pm
Yea where is the PPC-6600 by Audiovox. I loved that phone and yea it wasn't a trendy phone like the iPhone but that doesn't matter because this article is about what phones looked like before the iPhone not what impact the iPhone had on the mobile market.
fernandorinto - February 9, 2012 at 6:00am
Not to mention all the Windows smart phones which they were all touch color screen also, and they have been around since 2003 as far I know. Brands like Htc, O2, Motorola, Qtek, Samsung, imate, Pantech, or even Palm. They being around 4 years before the first iPhone in 2007.................THIS iClarified POST IS A BS AND NEEDS TO BE ETHER REMOVED OR CORRECTED....
Steve Jubs the Messiah
Steve Jubs the Messiah - February 8, 2012 at 5:34pm
Man that's soo true
Steve No Jobs
Steve No Jobs - February 8, 2012 at 6:00pm
I dont believe it. Even before iPhone i used to use a phone with touch screen by HTC.
iOS5 - February 8, 2012 at 6:17pm
They left one windows touch screen out that i used to have on sprint. It came with a stylus too though the touch screen wasn't as responsive as it is now.
McSteve McJobs
McSteve McJobs - February 8, 2012 at 6:18pm
The iphone revolutionised the mobile phone industry, in form, look, functionality e.t.c. You cannot deny this Steve NoJobs
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