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Phil Schiller descreve a sua reação ao ver o Smartphone e o Tablet Galaxy

Phil Schiller descreve a sua reação ao ver o Smartphone e o Tablet Galaxy

Posted August 3, 2012 at 7:23pm by iClarified
Tomando posição no julgamento da Apple e da Samsung, o SVP da Apple relacionado com o Marketing a nível mundial descreve a sua reação ao ver o Smartphone e Tablet Galaxy pela primeira vez.

"Fiquei chocado com a aparência do telefone Galaxy S e com a forma de como ele se assemelha aos produtos da Apple. Fomos para o mercado com algo fácil de vender - os nossos produtos eram tão distintos e famosos que não poderiam nunca ser difíceis de vender. Além disso, se os nossos produtos não fossem distintos, poderiam tornar-se confusos para os nossos clientes."

Quando foi questionado sobre a concorrência entre empresas, Schiller disse, "A concorrência entre empresas é importante... Todos os dias, várias empresas tentam criar produtos para competir connosco."

Quando foi questionado sobre a justiça da cópia, Schiller disse que não, "Porque quando se copia ou rouba uma ideia de uma empresa, está-se a copiar ou a roubar todo o investimento, marketing e boa vontade para com os clientes... quando se copia ou rouba a todo o momento, está-se apenas a pensar no benefício próprio. "

Schiller disse que ficou ainda mais chocado quando viu o Galaxy Tab original - "Eu pensei que, depois disto, a Samsung iria copiar toda a nossa linha de produtos"

"Tudo isto confundiu os clientes sobre quem é o verdadeiro criador dos produtos. Também diminuiu o valor a Apple dava aos produtos, como verdadeira criadora dos maravilhosos produtos... No fundo, tudo isto diluiu a forma como os clientes vêem a Apple."

"Um dos trabalhos desempenhados pela minha equipa é o processo de previsão... Cremos que alguns dos nossos clientes escolhem comprar produtos da Samsung porque eles se assemelham ao iPhone ou ao iPad. Tudo isto afeta também o cliente após a compra, porque são os clientes que alimentam o ecossistema dos dispositivos que possuem."

The Verge tem a cobertura completa do depoimento de Phil Schiller. Para saber mais, clique na hiperligação abaixo.

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Phil Schiller descreve a sua reação ao ver o Smartphone e o Tablet Galaxy
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Big Kok
Big Kok - August 5, 2012 at 6:56pm
My Audi TT has Bosch parts... Thats make it a Bosch TT instead?
Jason - August 5, 2012 at 12:04pm
I think everyone has right to be where they wana be at any time, must u guys cause someone and make the person feel irrelevant? U guys can't even finish a sentence without a cause am amaze, shocked beyond words of the world you guys hail from is not about kids or no kids is about having respect for each other this page is for everyone and no one has the right to tell anyone either to go or stay !! This page is an educative page is not court who wins who loose they are both after our pocket take it or leave it both companies the only advice is that who ever is right can not be determine by the court because court is not going to buy Iphone or s3 for me am going to go to the store like every one and buy a product that serves my need at that time when they declare profit do they include my name among those that will share it after collecting my money then why should I die for either of them. other
... - August 5, 2012 at 11:03am
No he's not
Lov3 - August 5, 2012 at 5:04am
No apple = No android , please understand it because android is copy cat. If this world do have iOS then it will don have android also. Easy simple understand. I have galaxy s3 so lag and struck at screen compare with my 4s :(
Nitro Junkie
Nitro Junkie - August 4, 2012 at 9:08am
"ever wonder why android phones have more activations than apple products?" hmm? Maybe it's because there's 200+ android phones too 1 iPhone. Every company and their mother makes an android phone these days. It's just like comparing PCs to Macs. It has nothing to do with specs Everytime. I used to think the same thing. The bigger and faster the better. Not always so I've learned. It basically comes down to preference, reliability or what you can afford at the time. I personally prefer apple products now. I'm far from a crazy apple fanboy like some people out their. I've personally owned many PCs and a few android phones. Their were alot of things about them that I loved and miss. And I'm not saying all are bad,but I had nothing but problems with them. I Switched to an iPhone after going through 4-5 different android phones in less than a year. Still havnt had one problem with the iPhone. And the same things happend with my PCs. Went through one after another. More crashes and viruses than I can count. So I Figured I'd take the plunge, spend the money and give a Mac a try. Just like the iPhone. Still haven't had one problem. I swore for years id never buy an apple product besides and iPod but With my experiences so far I don't think I'll buy anything but an iPhone or Mac from now on. Even though I do like some things Microsoft is doing with The new windows 8 and some things theyre doing with android . It would take Alot for me to even think about switching back to either one.
Lov3 - August 4, 2012 at 4:57am
No steal, one question for you all if Apple no release the iOS then it won't have android at this market. Everyone just using a phone not a smartphone at that time. This two company just want protect their market only, no care customer. :) , Samsung win or apple win. Monopoly the market then sure release high price phone at the market , good luck for US :)
Nitro Junkie
Nitro Junkie - August 4, 2012 at 5:17am
Huh? Is that Pig Latin? What the hell are you talking about?
JEWISH LADY - August 5, 2012 at 12:44am
@Kr00 If you don't mind watch ur language because children log on here and also everyone has a right to submit what they believe so its not in ur wisdom to belittle them and if you can't behave here LEAVE!!!
Jared - August 4, 2012 at 3:43am
This really is rediculous. I'm sorry, but has anyone been in a store recently? If you were to cover over the names of every brand of TV, how would you know which was which... YOU WOULDN'T - THEY'RE ALL RECTANGLES!!! So how is this any different? Apple made a rectangular phone (and they weren't the first), but because the technology (and user preference) made it easier to make more like this, Apple thinks they can pattent the RECTANGLE?!?!? Seriously?!?
Jared - August 5, 2012 at 1:16am
For the record, I have an iPhone and have not seen any other phones that make me want to change. But my opinions remain the same regarding the patent-ability of a rectangle. The swipe to unlock, sure, that's software, but patenting the same shape that every TV, monitor, and keyboard is just silly.
Angel Avila
Angel Avila - August 3, 2012 at 8:43pm
What Happens with the steve jobs lemma . Good artists copy, Great artists steal . But is always goos thing to come with something from scratch. instead of copy someone else idea.
Exactly - August 3, 2012 at 11:21pm
Exactly Angel. Ehat a hypocrat. And to add to that, remember that this Jobs used this statement referring Mac OS. Which he stole from Xerox years ago. I'm not saying copying is good nor do i agrre with Jobs but Apple should look her self on the mirror first. Sue samsung but dont a hypocrat liar to you consumers. This is as bad as copying a product.
Nitro Junkie
Nitro Junkie - August 4, 2012 at 4:43am
Actually neither apple or jobs stole anything from xerox. Read this and get your facts straight. http://obamapacman.com/2010/03/myth-copyright-theft-apple-stole-gui-from-xerox-parc-alto/
NoGoodNick - August 3, 2012 at 8:39pm
With as much money as Phil makes you'd think he'd be more concerned about that thing on his face.
Lollll - August 3, 2012 at 8:17pm
Samsung makes iphone, apple just the designing it. Look at the main cores inside the iphone it contains most of samsung hardware. But I favor apple more bc Im impress with the products quality and their service. Break up with samsung
justabrake - August 3, 2012 at 8:01pm
He sounds sincere
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