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Possíveis imagens do verso do iPad Mini divulgadas online [Fotos]

Possíveis imagens do verso do iPad Mini divulgadas online [Fotos]

Posted August 4, 2012 at 8:00am by iClarified
Supostas fotos do verso do iPad Mini foram divulgadas online, declarou o site Apple.pro. Como é visível, a superfície não possuí o orifício associado à câmara e a sua autenticidade não pode ser verificada. No entanto, pusemos as fotos a serem discutidas.

Hoje, no parte inicial do dia, foi-se revelado que em Janeiro de 2011, Steve Jobs estava 'muito tentado' à criação de um tablet de 7 polegadas.

Com o jornal New York Times, Wall Street Journal e o canal Bloomberg a 'confirmar' que a Apple iria anunciar um iPad Mini este ano, devemos começar a ver algumas peças que farão parte deste dispositivo brevemente.

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Possíveis imagens do verso do iPad Mini divulgadas online [Fotos]

Possíveis imagens do verso do iPad Mini divulgadas online [Fotos]
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Comments (7)
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Jdshkj - August 6, 2012 at 1:59am
No you are not a fan!
Burningreviews - August 5, 2012 at 3:25pm
iPad mini leaked pics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bLj7XMpjoo&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Nascimento - August 14, 2012 at 9:25am
this thing really cant live up to its real pusorpe. If I put 5 or 6 movies on the full 3g = wifi 64g model its already full. PLus it only has a battery life of 7 hours meaning you cant watch more than 3. And it has no USB or SD slot on any of the models and that just complicates it. This thing is just a blown up itouch, I swear you can buy a motorcycle for 830$ bucks, what a waste
tdtran1025 - August 4, 2012 at 7:54pm
Not unless you still want to sell the barebone iPad 10'. Besides, to sell it at or below $300, you got take away something. It's called tier markinting. Auto industry does it all the time. Otherwise, a Lexus is merely a decked-out Toyota.
NoGoodNick - August 6, 2012 at 12:26am
Marketing. And not the same.
NoGoodNick - August 4, 2012 at 4:24pm
Regular iPad shell in a dark room. No news is good news. This is stupid
Elliott - August 4, 2012 at 5:57pm
Although I agree with igayified that no news is good news, I disagree that this an iPad cover in a dark room. The size is definitely significantly different from an iPad that is out now. I don't think Apple would comeout with and iPad without a camera. The cost is not significant enough to leave it out.
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