O Evasi0n 1.4 será lançado ainda hoje e suportará o Jailbreak do iOS 6.1.2
Posted February 19, 2013 at 8:44pm by iClarified
A Evad3rs anunciou que o Evasi0n 1.4 será lançado ainda hoje, possibilitando fazer o Jailbreak do iOS 6.1.2.
O tweet divulgado foi:
We will release evasi0n 1.4 later today that marks iOS 6.1.2 as supported. (Lançaremos o evasi0n 1.4 ainda hoje, que suportará o jaibreak ao iOS 6.1.2.
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That sounds really promising like how I got the job, lol if you are normal person you will go through that boring hiring process un like me.. Lol I just got into some higher education place by connections and of course there were no interviews whatsover, I just got the job not even one struggling with stupid interview process.. ah.. Life is so good for me..